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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Prose -> Wealth is hard to come by

Chapter 102 Valentine's Weekend

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    It's been another week since we haven't contacted Ouyang Yu. In our hearts, we may regard this as a chance encounter in modern urban society, and no one thinks about it.  It's Friday again, and I feel inexplicably restless, thinking of someone ¡ª¡ª Ouyang Yu!  But my girlfriend was by my side, so I figured out how to spend the night outside without being suspected by my girlfriend.  I found a good friend and explained how to cover for me, so I asked my girlfriend for leave, and she reluctantly agreed.  Thinking of Xiaoxin's gentle voice, I felt sad for a while. Once I went to find Xiaoxin, she went to the station to pick me up, and I waited for half an hour at the station because of the wrong direction.  So I scolded her head and face, she cried aggrievedly, but I was still yelling.  After many years, every time I think of this, I can't help crying, I feel that I owe Xiaoxin too much, and I can't repay it in this life, let's wait for the next life.  Men are always like this, always looking for excuses for themselves.  My thoughts immediately returned to Ouyang Yu, and I sent her a message, and the two agreed to call in the evening.

    This Friday is the day when my ex-boss left the company, and I made an appointment to have dinner together in the evening to see him off.  Because I am very good at work, and my style is very suitable for the boss, the relationship between me and my previous boss is "quite" good, and it is not an exaggeration to describe it as "like-minded".

    Because of the joint efforts of the two of us, the team of the whole branch office is brought to life¡ªalmost every weekend, collective "activities" are arranged, and the atmosphere in the office is also "quite" harmonious.  Given impossible tasks, you can get a drool-worthy bonus every month.  This made my colleagues in other branches envious, and my excellent performance at work and some quack aura made me famous.  It must be mentioned that my boss actually signed and reimbursed the room fee of the Grand Hyatt that night. The reason was: entertaining customers.  Also because of this, I invited my boss to entertain Happy once, and of course I was still reimbursed. I have to make people envy such a superior-subordinate relationship.  Everyone at the farewell banquet that night was lifeless. The new boss took the initiative to find topics to adjust the atmosphere, but no one paid any attention to him.  I sat next to the boss, and the two of them drank the stuffed wine one mouthful at a time without saying a word, until their necks were thick with jealousy.

    At this time, the appearance of a person finally brought some fresh air to the people who were about to suffocate. She is the only beauty in the company¡ªKatie!  name.  "I'm sorry, I'm late. I just rushed over when I heard that you were eating." Katie explained.

    Katie is indeed a beauty, and it can be said that she is a rare beauty among women. Her daughter is over 10 years old. You can never tell that she is a woman over 30 years old. There is no trace of wrinkle on her mature and charming face.  It is very well maintained, with bumps and convexities, round and plump. If you shoot an underwear advertisement, it will definitely make every man who sees the advertisement bleed to death. Such a beautiful woman is only in good condition with me and the boss  Don't think wrongly about the cooperative relationship, of course it is a good cooperative relationship at work, ha ha.

    After drinking three times, Katie gradually talked more, chatting about the past, the present, and the future. I put my hands on the boss's shoulders, and listened carefully with my head bowed.

    Don't think I've drunk too much at this time, in fact, my head is running fast, "When can I get out, there is a real beauty waiting for me over there", and he couldn't help scolding himself, "Human  Scum!" In such a sad and desolate atmosphere, facing the "confidant comrade" who was about to leave, I actually only thought about that beauty in my head!

    The boss got up and went to the bathroom. At this time, my mobile phone rang, thinking it was a beauty calling, but I opened the message and saw "Where are you going to be happy tonight?", it turned out to be from the boss. I was embarrassed and didn't know how to answer.  But because of Ouyang Yu's existence, I can only be an animal that thinks with the lower body, so I told the boss that I have something to do and can't accompany me at night.  As soon as I said this, I regretted it. Alas, the nature of emphasizing sex and despising friends was revealed again, but the temptation this woman gave me was too great.  At the end of the dinner, the boss, Katie and I hugged each other and wept. This scene was no less than parting from life and death, and only one of them had distracting thoughts.

    Finally out of the restaurant, I quickly ran to the opposite bank and took out 2000 oceans. The agility of my movements was even more brave than that of Jackie Chan in the movie, not at all like someone who had already drank one and a half bottles of red wine and 5 beers.  My drinking capacity used to be astonishing, and because of excessive drinking, I seriously damaged my liver. Now a bottle of beer can make my stomach churn.  I stopped a taxi and hurried to OCT.

    Ouyang Yu actually lived in such a high-end neighborhood, I wondered in my heart, when I sent her home for the first time, I didn't think much about why this woman lived in such a high-end place, but this time, I need to know more  .  Maybe it's because people are empty now, the richer they are, the more empty they are.Such a "deep" engagement with someone so much younger than himself.  In her heart, she has always resisted interacting with people younger than herself, let alone "going deep".  The kind of harmony, that kind of tenderness, that kind of passion, and that kind of tacit understanding that we have together made us fall in love with each other hopelessly in further exchanges.

    The days from Monday to Friday are ordinary, and I cook after work every day. Although my cooking skills are terrible, my girlfriend Xiaoxin always likes to eat. In her opinion, dishes that are not delicious are delicious.  Praise me while eating, eat more will make you fat, in turn blame me.

    "Can you not make the dishes so delicious, kid? Look how I'm eating." She blamed.

    "That's unreasonable! Is there such a saying? It's a crime to cook well-cooked food? Why don't you just eat less?"

    "How can I let go of such a delicious dish? The meat on my stomach has two tires." She pulled up her clothes to reveal the fat on her stomach.  Xiaoxin is always so cute. In my eyes, she is like a mischievous child who needs people's care and love.  But the extreme sensual enjoyment that Ouyang Yu brought to me has made me obviously neglect her, and she seems to have noticed something, she never doubted her boyfriend.  Of course, there are also happy and happy times for me. At 9 o'clock in the morning on Monday, Ouyang Yu's message came.  "Bad guy, wake up, I can't fall asleep thinking about you." I was in the office making a work plan for the week, and when I saw the message, my face was all smiles.

    "Miss me, baby?" I was already looking like a rascal.

    "Smug, I just miss you. Whenever I think about you" "Haha, bear with it. I'll serve you well during the weekend."  Pimples can fill Beibu Gulf, and even I can't help but shiver.  The company's office is just behind the Grand Hyatt, and you can see it from the window sill. Because of this, standing on the window sill and smirking has become a disease that I don't know when I got it.  We have constant messages every day. The most disgusting thing is that when I am on the bus, she always sends some extremely provocative messages to seduce me, often because of certain physiological reactions, I cannot get off at the bus stop, often  Make up tickets and sit until some parts die down.  I have scolded her countless times for being a complete jerk, but this jerk makes me more and more distraught.

    This weekend, we arrived at the four-star hotel early, entered the room at 6:30 pm, and did not leave the room until almost 7 pm on the second day to eat the first meal in 24 hours.

    "Are you still letting people live? It took a whole day to let them eat a meal. You are too cruel." Ouyang Yu marveled at my physical strength and blamed me.

    "I have paid much more than you, and I have given you hundreds of millions." I want to carry the rascal to the end.

    "Who wants your hundreds of millions? Whoever likes it will go."

    "Then you give it back to me, I'll give it to someone else."

    "It's in the sewer, find it yourself."

    "Cut. Remember, you owe me hundreds of millions and you have to pay it back."

    Another combined powder punch landed on me.  We always have endless dirty jokes, wonderful moments of laughing, and endless passionate experiences when we are together.  (Remember the site URL:
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