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Text 391 [Zheng Zhilong's Resignation]

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    Zheng Zhilong plans to buy wasteland on the outskirts of the city, build a luxurious mansion, and then invest in the construction of a school, and hire famous teachers from all over the world to teach.

    I have just selected the wasteland and plan to buy it with money and ask the government for approval to build a house.  As a result, the defendant was told that Zheng Zhilong's household registration was not in Fuzhou, and he had to change his household registration first before he could purchase the wasteland specially approved by the government.

    It's useless for Zheng Zhilong to put on his identity as Lord Marquis!

    After some anger, Zheng Zhilong had no choice but to be obedient.  The son has already hired the eldest princess (Zhao Zhenfang), and has even chosen an auspicious day to get married, so there is no need to make trouble at this juncture.

    Zheng Zhilong could only temporarily live in a small house in Fuzhou City. Today is Sunday, so he went to Sanshan Church to worship.

    Throughout China, Beijing is the headquarters of the Jesuits, Macau is the rear of the Jesuits, Jiading is the base of the Jesuits, and Fuzhou is the academic center of the Jesuits.  There used to be Nanjing. Since the Nanjing Missionary Case, the influence of the Jesuits in Nanjing has been uprooted.

    Zheng Zhilong came to Sanshan Hall in a sedan chair, and soon saw Father Ai Julian.

    Ai Julius is the vicar of the Southern China Diocese of the Society of Jesus, responsible for the management of educational affairs in Nanjing, Jiangxi, Hunan, Sichuan, Zhejiang, and Fujian.

    He is known as the "Confucius from the West", and he was a good friend of the late Chief Assistant Ye Xianggao. He knew several cabinet ministers from the Tianqi and Chongzhen dynasties, more than a dozen ministers and countless governors.

    Historically, after Chongzhen hanged himself, Ai Julius summoned missionaries from the south to Nanjing to help Shi Kefa resist the Manchus.  It's a pity that these missionaries have only gone halfway, and the small court in Nanjing is already finished.

    Across Fujian, Aurelius built more than 20 churches.

    The Sanshan Church in Fuzhou is not only used for preaching, but also publishes more than 80% of the books of the Jesuits in China.

    Of these books, only a few are related to the "Bible", and most of them belong to astronomy, calendar, geography, mathematics, philosophy, medicine, etc.  Especially astronomy, philosophy, and geography had a great influence among Fujian scholars, and Christianity was being highly integrated with Confucianism in Fujian.

    ? If it is allowed to develop, Christianity is very likely to be as sinicized as Buddhism, and become a Chinese Christianity.

    Even stand on their own like the Orthodox Church and become Jing Orthodox Church?

    The Nestorian monument in China was discovered by Julian Ai!

    Zheng Zhilong walked into the Sanshan Hall and found that Ai Julian was baptizing people. He stood by and watched with great interest.

    Not long after, there was noise outside the church.

    An official wearing an official uniform but carrying a long sword rushed to the door of the church and shouted: "Surround this place immediately!"

    Ai Julian continued to do the baptism in a calm manner.

    He has been used to it for a long time, and was even wanted by the court for the crime of "rong Confucianism slandering Buddha".

    Tang Tianlu entered the church with a sneer, and did not interrupt the other party's spellcasting, just stood there quietly watching.

    Many Datong scholars that Xu Ying developed are now officials at all levels of missionary offices.  Tang Tianlu, for example, is the director of the Propaganda and Education Bureau of Fuzhou Prefecture, responsible for the ideological education work in Fuzhou.

    This person is a fanatic of Datong thought, and is proud of being a swordsman, even if he is the chief of the bureau, he still carries a long sword all day long.

    Tang Tianlu was not used to Sanshantang for a long time!

    Finally, the baptism is over.

    Ai Julius paced up to Tang Tianlu, cupped his hands and said, "Excuse me, what is your purpose here?"

    Tang Tianlu took out the search warrant jointly issued by the Fujian Propaganda Department and the Fuzhou prefect, and said with a blank expression: "Your Majesty has ordered that Christian churches in various places must register with the government within one month. Those who fail to report within the time limit will be demolished immediately!  From now on, Christianity must obtain government approval to build churches anywhere. Christianity is not allowed to preach anywhere except churches!"

    Ai Julius breathed a sigh of relief immediately, as long as he doesn't directly impose a religious ban, it will be fine, and he will go to the government to report to the government tomorrow.  He was a little afraid of being banned by the church. Sanshan Hall was suppressed for 20 years, and it was not finally restored until a few years ago.

    "Since it is the emperor's order, I must obey it, and report to the government tomorrow." Ai Julius said.

    Tang Tianlu also said: "Your Majesty has ordered that Christian missionary books must not use God, Heaven, and God as external gods."

    "This" Ai Julian's face turned pale immediately.

    Arulius is more radical than Matteo Ricci. He has read the Four Books and Five Classics, and he has also studied Zhu Xi.  Therefore, he knows how to preach, that is, to localize Christianity in China just like Buddhism.

    The path he chose was to directly integrate Christianity with Confucianism!

    Zhao Han's order will cause Ai Julian's hard work to go to waste.

    Tang Tianlu ignored itIf you don't want to hand over your life, your descendants will not be allowed to be officials for three generations.

    As soon as this remark came out, the Ye family jumped up and down, and voluntarily handed in the books.

    Not long after, he handed over three "Bibles" and a bunch of Christian pamphlets.

    Compared with being an official for descendants, religious belief seems to be dispensable.

    In the next few days, Sanshan Hall successfully reported to the government, allowing missionaries to preach inside Sanshan Hall.  However, all other churches in Fuzhou were banned, and only one church was allowed to exist in a city.

    Seeing that the imperial court was really moving, Zheng Zhilong Ma Liu donated a thousand taels of silver to repair the Tianfei Temple in Fuzhou.

    Since then, Zheng Zhilong has been a devout Taoist believer, and he has completely drawn a line from Western Christianity.

    As for Ai Julian, this "Confucius from the West", honestly went to Nanjing to meet the emperor.

    After Zhao Han communicated with Ai Julian, he discovered that the other party's level of Confucianism actually beat many local Chinese scholars.  Moreover, astronomy, geography, mathematical geometry, and medical physics are all familiar, and he even dabbles in traditional Chinese medicine.

    Ai Julius was thrown to become a bachelor without any hassle, and assisted the Qintianyuan Planetarium in compiling the calendar.  The genius remembers the address of this site in a second.
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