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Chapter 28: Constructing earth veins and reclaiming wasteland

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    In He Fan's mind, these underground auras were like dough.  All he has to do now is to shape the dough into the shape he wants!

    ¡°Build a loop and form a cycle!¡±

    He Fan followed the steps step by step. The more he did it, the more it felt like the circuit he had learned in high school.

    "It's done!"

    After everything was completed, He Fan completely collapsed on the ground.

    However, the final result still satisfied him enough. Under the originally dark salt-alkali ground, there was now a circulating spiritual energy channel!

    Because of the existence of the spiritual energy channel, the spiritual energy deep in the earth will continue to flow up according to a certain route, washing the soil of the saline-alkali land and improving the soil quality.

    With He Fan¡¯s ability, he cannot directly construct a small spiritual vein.

    But this circulating spiritual energy channel is enough, at least it can definitely be used to improve the salt-alkali land.

    He Fan could already feel that the soil in the saline-alkali land had begun to slowly change. It was very different from before. From anyone's perspective, this would definitely not be a saline-alkali land, but a good fertile field.

    Sitting down on the ground, He Fan recovered his spiritual power. After his body was filled with spiritual energy again, he got up from the ground.

    Another cloud was summoned, and the spiritual rain fell. This time, after the spiritual rain penetrated into the soil, the spiritual energy it formed did not escape everywhere. Instead, it was attracted by the spiritual energy circulation channel and strengthened its body.

    He Fan felt relieved, and it was considered a success to use the earth vein technique for the first time.

    ??Continue the experiment, plant a green vegetable seed, and then water it with spiritual rain. Soon, a green and tender small green vegetable seedling will grow.

    The quality is even better than what you grow in your own garden.

    "This earth vein technique is really useful. In the future, won't I be able to open up as much wasteland as I want?"

    Thinking like this, He Fan hummed a little tune with satisfaction and went down the mountain:

    ¡°Now we¡¯re just waiting to reclaim the wasteland to grow vegetables.¡±

    After going down the mountain, He Fan was scolded by his father as soon as he returned to his yard:

    "I said, why are you running to the mountains? You haven't been home all morning, and you told me that everything can't be grown in saline-alkali soil. Why are you so stupid?"

    "Okay, okay, stop talking, come and eat." My mother also shouted.

    He Fan could only say helplessly: "Dad, if I say that I found a good piece of land in the back mountain, would you believe it?"

    He Weihai's eyes widened as soon as he heard this: "Good land? Where is it? I've visited all the kilometers around this back mountain, where can I find any extra good land?"

    "If you don't believe it, I'll show you."

    He Weihai didn¡¯t even eat lunch at this time. He followed He Fan up the mountain with suspicion. When he came to the wasteland that had been improved by the art of earth veins, he inspected it carefully and was confused.

    As soon as the hoe went down, the soil underneath was turned out with a fertile black color. There was a little bit of saline-alkali soil. Judging from the color and fertility of the soil, it was definitely a rare piece of good land!

    "This is really a good piece of land. Why haven't I discovered it before? Is it possible that people are getting old and no longer useful?"

    He Weihai previously thought about setting up an orchard to subsidize the economy. At that time, he spent a lot of effort and searched all over the area before he found the land where He Fan's orchard is now.

    It¡¯s just that the land in the orchard is much different than the one in front of you.

    He Weihai almost scratched his head and went down the mountain, wondering whether he was really useless all the way.  I have looked around this area so many times, how could such a fertile piece of land be missed?

    He Fan couldn't help but smile to himself when he saw his father like this, but he wouldn't tell him the reason.

    At home, my mother had already put the food on the table and was waiting for the two men to come back for dinner. When they saw them coming back, she distributed the dishes and chopsticks and asked, "How did you go up the mountain?"

    He Weihai said angrily: "Don't tell me, this kid found a good piece of land."

    When my mother heard this, she became angry:

    "You damn old man, when I asked you to find a piece of land to open up an orchard, you said you had searched everywhere. Now our orchard is just a small place, and we have to work very hard every year to make so little money.  "

    "I've really traveled all over. Is there anywhere within a few miles that I haven't been to?"

    "Then our son finds this land?Why not found?  Let me tell you, you are just lazy and perfunctory with me!  "

    Now He Weihai had nothing to say. He had already accepted the injustice. Who knew the facts were there?

    He Fan¡¯s vegetable planting plan has also received the support of his two elders, mainly his mother. As for He Weihai, he has no say at all because of local affairs.

    Since the land is good, the next step is to cultivate wasteland.

    After lunch, the three members of the He family went up the mountain together, each carrying a hoe, including Dahuang, who also held a large marching pot in their mouths.

    "Dahuang, you have to hold the kettle in your mouth. If I get thirsty and don't have water to drink later, just wait and see!"

    When they arrived at the place, they didn¡¯t rest for a moment. The three of them started digging enthusiastically with hoes in hand, thinking that they could simply level the wasteland in an afternoon.

    He Weihai and his wife are veterans of farm work. With a few swings of the hoe, the weeds on the ground were hoeed clean at a remarkable speed.

    But He Fan on the other side was not good enough. He was hoeing here and there, and there was no order at all.

    But fortunately, after being transformed by dragon scales, He Fan is extremely strong. He has endless strength and lacks skills, so he can only use brute force.

    Go down with a hoe and there will be a big hole!

    The speed was not slow at all, almost on the same level as his parents, which really surprised He Weihai.

    It is not enough for a piece of wasteland to be leveled. If you want to grow things, especially vegetables, you must also gather vegetable patches and reasonably allocate the living areas for various vegetables. Otherwise, you will not be able to grow well.

    Brute force is useless in this regard, what is needed is experience. He Fan could only stare at him with his hoe, and only his parents could do it.

    He Weihai and his wife used a hoe to dig out criss-crossing shallow trenches on the flat ground, and the rectangle formed in the middle of the shallow trenches protruded. This is the vegetable bed used for growing vegetables, and the shallow trenches next to it can be used for drainage.  Ditches are also used for people to walk.

    It was well past six o'clock in the evening when this large wasteland was almost fully cultivated, and all the water in the large marching pot that Dahuang carried in his mouth was drained.

    He Weihai straightened up with a hoe, looked at the large piece of land and said to He Fan: "The land has been cleared for you. You can do whatever you want. You are more educated than me. You can plant whatever you want."

    Mom on the side also seized the opportunity to scold He Weihai: "You just know that your son is more capable than you"

    The family of three laughed and laughed, and He Fan was deeply moved. His parents gave his son unconditional support for his nonsense.

    When He Fan was carrying the hoe and preparing to go home, He Fan found that the dog Dahuang had gone somewhere, so he shouted towards the mountain at the top of his lungs:

    "Dahuang, Dahuang has gone home, otherwise there will be no food to eat!"

    He Fan's call was immediately responded to. Two dog barks came from the dense forest on a hill not far away in response. It was Dahuang's voice.

    Soon, a yellow figure appeared in He Fan's eyes:

    "This guy's speed is getting more and more terrifying."

    The top of the mountain was several hundred meters away from him, and he was amazed at the speed at which Dahuang ran over.

    When Dahuang came closer, He Fan noticed that this guy also had a pheasant and a hare in his mouth.

    ¡°It seems like you¡¯re not idle either, so you can do your part and I¡¯ll give you extra food tonight!¡±

    He Weihai and his wife were also happy when they saw the harvest of rhubarb. This dog is really useful. Pure game is a good thing to improve the daily life of farmers. They can save a lot of money when buying meat.

    A family of three took rhubarb down the mountain.  (Remember the website address:
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