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Chapter 1193 Ruined Reputation

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    five minutes!

    It¡¯s over!

    Look, Black Widow¡¯s eyes are fixed on Liu Yi with determination. You say she is irritating or not.

    Liu Yi doesn¡¯t care, isn¡¯t it just a lock-in-the-eyes look?  It's not like the body is locked, what kind of tricks can the other party come up with?  It's just a matter of locking eyes for a moment, um, letting the other person lock eyes, it's such a simple thing.

    "Is it appropriate for me to be so angry and you to be so indifferent? You should give me some respect!"

    Black Widow shouted.

    "I respect you, but I don't respect you. What are you going to do? You have such a sense of manliness that I'm afraid you'll do something wild. Well, you can do it, but I can't do it.  It¡¯s all without questioning, that¡¯s what it¡¯s all about!¡±

    Liu Yi nodded.

    Black Widow clenched her hands tightly, insulting people, this person, speaking like this at this moment, is insulting herself.

    Damn it, the other party is so insulting, isn¡¯t it?  You just thought about it, right?

    "Being determined and not changing is such a virtue that will last forever, right?"

    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? OK

    Black Widow closed her eyes.

    "I feel better when I close my eyes. It's just a feeling that is purely a man's. Are you pretending to be a woman?"

    "I, I will kill you!"

    Black Widow opened her eyes.

    Liu Yi shrugged, just kill him. If you insist on saying it, he will be afraid of you as soon as you say it, and then he will be afraid of peeing his pants. He doesn't know what you are doing.  Where does the self-confidence come from? Day by day, it is simply that I can't do it anymore. It makes people feel a little speechless.

    Black Widow really wants to kill the other party. Why is the other party always so blindly confident?

    ??If we continue to be so blindly confident, when will this end?  Can it still get better or not?  Is such a shitty virtue appropriate?

    Liu Yi needs to be serious. He and the other party have been fooling around for a while. At this moment, he has to deal with this thing seriously.

    At this moment, Liu Yi's hands were so clenched, it felt like he would attack you regardless of whether you were a woman or not.

    Once this method is revealed, what do you think?


    ??Brush, brush!

    Come with strong wind.

    Black Widow's hands, Sun Jian, grabbed the edges of both sides of her clothes. With such a pull, the buttons collapsed instantly. Then, the detonators appeared one by one, and then, at the thumb of her right hand,  On top of the button, come on, if you're not afraid of death, come on. Anyway, if you catch her, she'll be a loser.

    At this moment, I might as well hold you as my support. This is what Black Widow thinks.

    Since it is impossible to live, then you must take one with you to die. It is such a simple thing, refreshing and clear.

    However, at this moment, Liu Yi didn't want to die. He felt that in such a situation, well, there was really no need to develop the situation to such an irreversible point. This was very bad.  , inappropriate, talk about it if you can. If you can¡¯t talk, create opportunities, um, talk about it!

    This problem must be solved through negotiation. In fact, it is all trivial. Why has it developed to such an irreversible point?  Not appropriate, right?

    As a result, Liu Yi's eyes were completely ignored.

    The thumb is still on this button. As long as Liu Yi wants to work in business management, it doesn't matter. Then I will hold you and we will die together. It is such a simple situation.

    "What do you want to do?"

    "What am I going to do? Why don't I do it? I keep threatening you like this. Well, it's pretty good. It's just such a situation!"

    "Okay, okay, you look very nice, really!"

    "I'm just doing very well, can't you see it?"

    Black Widow nodded.

    ¡°You haven¡¯t pressed the button yet?¡±

    Liu Yi asked curiously.

    Liu Yi can¡¯t ask this question.  At this moment, Black Widow was very angry. When the other party asked, it felt like she didn't dare to press the button. Of course she dared.Another kick, chasing Ah Chao.

    Liu Yi shook his head repeatedly and wanted to kick him. That was what the other party said. The other party was so brave and fierce, showing off his power, but what happened in the end?  In the end, it is a situation where you are being beaten. Since your enemy is very strong, you should keep a low profile. Why are you so arrogant?  right?  It¡¯s inappropriate, right?

    Look, how ordinary has this been?  Can it still be good?

    Bang, bang!

    Ah Chao¡¯s hands clenched silently, and he told himself that he must be calm, calm down, damn it.

    ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Then you may be overthinking some impossible things, and you may be on this childish path. In this way, you are going to go further and further away. It is such a simple thing.

    "I, I am blind Achao!"

    "Actually, you can see it!"

    Liu Yi nodded.

    Ah Chao's heart skipped a beat. He had been pretending to be blind for so many years and had never been discovered. However, this person just glanced at him and immediately discovered him. This person has ruined his reputation. The other party  It's really too much.  (Remember the website address:
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