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Chapter 2467 There really is a dragon

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    But for Su Han, he was very keen to capture the details in the words of the Sky-Shaking Demonic Ape.

    That evil dragon?

    "So, is this place really related to the True Dragon Clan? From the words of the Sky-Shaking Demon Ape, it seems to be inferred that it was imprisoned here by a dragon."

    At the same time, Su Han couldn't help but be surprised. The eyesight of this heaven-shaking demon ape was really powerful. He could tell at a glance that he had two top ancient bloodlines.

    "Haha Hahaha, after three hundred years, I finally have a chance to make a difference. Once I eat this kid, I will be out of trouble. Damn that stinky dragon, you imprisoned me for three hundred years, and I will wait until I  As soon as we are out of trouble, we will peel off your dragon skin, pull out your dragon tendons, cut off your dragon horns, eat up all your flesh, blood and bones, and refine them!"

    The Heaven-Shaking Demonic Ape gritted its teeth. When it came to the last words, the ape's face was distorted and its eyes exuded substantial anger, almost burning the void. This shows that its hatred for the dragon in its mouth has already begun.  To what extent.

    But then, the hatred was put away and turned into ecstasy.  The Sky-Shaking Demon Ape stared at Su Han in front of him, almost drooling. He stretched out his huge furry palm and grabbed Su Han.


    At this moment, the whole palace suddenly started to shake.

    The face of the Heaven-Shaking Demonic Ape changed and he suddenly froze, and even the hand stretched out to Su Han couldn't help but stop.

    The face of the Shaking Demon Ape turned bitter, and he couldn't help but mutter: "Damn it, that stinky dragon, why did he wake up at this time?"

    The next moment, a brilliant voice resounded in the palace: "Heaven-Shaking Demonic Ape, it was you who said just now that you wanted to peel off my skin and stretch my muscles, right?"

    This sound only shook the surroundings of the palace, with echoes and overwhelming power.

    The sky-shaking demon ape was so frightened that he did not dare to speak. A majestic giant ape that was dozens of feet tall, in front of this overwhelming power, was like a frightened rabbit, and did not dare to express its anger.

    "Who gave you the courage to talk nonsense? I think you are impatient with life."

    This glorious voice added another sentence.  Then, Su Han saw the shadow of a giant claw emerging from the void above the Sky-Shaking Demonic Ape.

    The phantom of the giant claws grabbed at the Heaven-shaking Demon Ape, and with just one scratch, the throne where the Heaven-shaking Demon Ape was sitting was shattered into pieces.

    Then, the giant claws grabbed hold of the Heaven-shaking Demon Ape. Hearing only a dozen crisp "click" and "click" sounds in the void, Su Han saw that there were more spiritual shackles on the Heaven-shaking Demon Ape.  There are dozens of them densely packed.

    And the tyrannical aura of the Sky-Shaking Demon Ape was suppressed all of a sudden as the shackles increased.  The Sky-Shaking Demonic Ape rolled his eyes, and his heavy body suddenly fell to the ground, unconscious.

    Su Han secretly breathed a sigh of relief. To be honest, the situation just now was indeed very dangerous.  The moment the Sky-Shaking Demonic Ape grabbed him, Su Han was indeed ready to use the time and space talisman to pass into the Tianyi Palace.

    However, perhaps even the Heaven-Shaking Demonic Ape himself did not expect that at this critical moment, the existence in its mouth would actually wake up.

    Not only did he wake up, but he also suppressed the Sky-Shaking Demonic Ape forcefully.

    Su Han couldn't explain clearly why that being woke up so coincidentally. Perhaps it was his own luck, a kind of luck that could not be explained.

    There was silence in the palace.

    Su Han looked at the unconscious Heaven-shaking Demon Ape on the ground. He couldn't tell where the brilliant sound came from just now.  In the huge palace, apart from the Sky-Shaking Demon Ape, no other existence could be seen.

    After a moment of silence, the brilliant voice spoke up and said lightly: "Human? What's your name?"

    Su Han knew that this brilliant voice could clearly observe everything in the palace.

    At the moment, Su Han did not dare to neglect. After all, he knew from the mouth of the Sky-shaking Demon Ape that this brilliant voice might be a real dragon.

    "Senior, my junior's name is Su Han. I wonder, senior, if the Dharmakaya is in this palace now? Can I take the liberty of meeting you in person?"

    Su Han¡¯s tone was also very polite. He still wanted to see this true dragon clan in person.

    The brilliant voice was silent for a moment, and then said: "Come in."

    As these words fell, a teleportation array appeared out of thin air in the void in front of Su Han.

    Su Han walked into the teleportation array, and the scene in front of him immediately changed.  He found that heWe arrived at the other side of the palace.

    The reason why it is said to be the other side of the palace is because it is obviously still a palace built with energy and formations.

    ¡°However, it is not the hall just now, but a hall much larger than the hall just now.

    This hall was as empty as a small valley. Su Han had never seen such a big hall in his life.

    At the very front of the hall, there are thousands of long steps, and above the steps is a huge and broad platform.

    On top of that platform, there was a creature lying.

    This creature is completely black and is entrenched on the platform.  As soon as he saw this creature, Su Han's mind immediately flashed to the description of the true dragon clan in ancient books.

    "The true dragon clan has horns like a deer, a head like a cow, eyes like a shrimp, a mouth like a donkey, a belly like a snake, scales like a fish, feet like a phoenix, whiskers like a human, and ears like an elephant. Eighty-one pieces of black light shine on the back.  The scales are the number of ninety-nine yang. There is a beard beside the mouth, a pearl under the chin, and reverse scales under the throat. There is Boshan on the head, also known as Chimu. A dragon cannot ascend to the sky without Chimu"

    The true dragon clan can be big or small, ascend or hide.  When it is large, it rises in the clouds and spits out mist; when it is small, it hides its form; when it rises, it soars in the universe; when it is hidden, it lurks within the waves.

    In Su Han's view, the True Dragon Clan is undoubtedly the most powerful, carefree, and desirable race in the world.

    The true dragon bloodline is the king of beasts and the royal family among beasts.  When other beast creatures saw the real dragon, they all knelt down and knelt down.

    At this moment, although this real dragon was just sitting lazily on the platform, with its eyes half open and half closed, the aura of the emperor of the heavens all over his body was already fully revealed.

    This is obviously an adult dragon.

    Even Su Han never expected that there was a real dragon in this palace.

    In front of this real dragon, the Sky-Shaking Demonic Ape just now was like a child.  Su Han had no doubt that if he placed a hundred Heaven-shaking Demonic Apes in front of the real dragon, the real dragon would kill a hundred Heaven-shaking Demonic Apes with just one breath.

    However, Su Han also noticed that the body of the real dragon formed a vague connection with the formations in the surrounding palace. The formations formed an irresistible force that constantly restrained and suppressed the body of the real dragon.  .  (Remember the website address:
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