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Chapter 294 Taking action before the battle

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    The defensive camp carefully arranged by General Pengcheng was still bustling with people, horses neighing, and soldiers coming and going. It was even more lively than before.

    It¡¯s just that the colorful flags of the Jiangnan Province Guards that were originally erected and hung densely like a forest were torn down and replaced with the Ankang Mountain flag of Fanyang Province and a black and ferocious wolf head Chengqing flag.

    There was a large pit in the camp. There was a fire burning in the pit, with tents, flags and dead bodies burning.

    The camp was filled with a terrible smell, and the soldiers walking there did not feel any discomfort. Some were chewing meat, some were drinking wine from flasks, and more were rummaging through the scattered camp. From time to time, they dug out a box.  It caused a group of people to rob, fight, and push.

    More boxes were piled into Chengqing's tent. Just like Ande Zhong in Ankang Mountain, generals from Fan Yangdao were fond of gold, silver and jewelry.

    "They have hidden so much gold, silver and grain here." A deputy general laughed, "Is this a gift for us?"

    "These cowards, they first stock up on food and grass when fighting. It seems that with these, they will be victorious in every battle." Another lieutenant general was scornful and kicked his foot. A pile of big money poured out from a box, and there was also a sign in it that read  Jizhou, he stepped heavily on the sign, "Look, the general from Jizhou hasn't arrived yet, the money has arrived first, and now? The money is still there, but people don't dare to come."

    "They don't dare to come, so we will go." Chengqing said as he was sitting on the ground wiping his armor. He was not interested in verbally teasing his defeated generals. He only liked to use knives and guns to humiliate those who tried to fight against him.

    He grabbed a long ax lying nearby and stood up.

    Major generals of his level basically stopped fighting in person until the last minute, but Chengqing always went into battle in person, in large formations and small battles. As long as he was in the mood, he would ride his horse and charge with his sword, killing more than just his opponents.  If his soldiers were timid and ran too slowly, he would still kill them.

    Every time when he went into battle, not only the guards were frightened by the news, but also his soldiers and horses were frightened. They rushed forward to kill the enemy at the risk of their lives, fearing that those who fell behind would be killed by his axe.

    "Sir, Jiangnan Road is no big deal. Please go to the southeast to support the young governor. We will fight our way through here." The lieutenants said in unison.

    Chengqing paused for a moment with his long axe, but also felt that the stick was boring, so he just set fire to it and the soldiers and horses dispersed.

    "My lord, please take these seizures with you." A lieutenant general suggested, "The young governor has been very unhappy recently because of Qishan and Huainan Road."

    Ande Zhong went all the way from western Zhejiang to the southeast. Although there were generals inside to welcome him and strong troops outside, the southeast was always defended by Qishan. He also received support from Jiannan Road to stabilize the back road in central Guizhou.  Ande Zhong was very angry that he could not win Southeast.

    "And Mrs. Chu on the Huainan Road was also making a fuss.

    "What good is Ma Jiang, a loser, apart from being nice and obedient?" Cheng Qing said disdainfully, "The young governor should have his head chopped off. He couldn't even defeat a woman, but he supported him with three thousand troops."

    A deputy general said: "I heard that his men sent many rare treasures to the young governor."

    "Your Excellency, please also send some seizures to the young governor to make him happy." Another lieutenant general said, pointing at the map, "Now the only checkpoint here is Jiangling Prefecture. When Jiangling Prefecture is captured, Penghu will reach both sides of the Gan River.  The traffic is clear, and we will meet you in the southeast when the time comes."

    Chengqing used a long ax to split open a box, which contained a pile of gold.

    "You keep your share of the gold and silver." He said, "I helped the young governor kill Qi Shan. This is what makes the young governor and the great governor really happy."

    This also made Chengqing happy, and he laughed in the tent.

    Chengqing was happy, and the lieutenants were also happy. They exited with some relief. It was very pleasant to watch the noisy and chaotic fighting in the camp, until a group of soldiers and horses came galloping over.

    "Did Jiangling Mansion be captured?" a deputy general asked, recognizing the troops in charge of the vanguard.

    The leading general turned over, dismounted and knelt on the ground: "There is some trouble over there at Jiangling Mansion."

    The deputy general frowned: "What's the trouble with Jiangling Mansion? Use three thousand soldiers and horses to run around the city twice, and the city will be broken by itself."

    The general raised his head and said: "Not only did we escape, we also attacked the city twice."

    The results of it?  The lieutenants all looked at him, and their originally cheerful expressions gradually solidified. The general and the entourage behind him all bore traces of battle, but there was no joy of victory on their faces. Instead, they looked a little embarrassed  .

    The general lowered his head: "We didn't capture it"

    Before he could finish his words, he was kicked to the ground by the deputy general.


    "Is Jiangling Mansion an iron wall?"

    The city of Jiangling Prefecture is tall and thick, and since the rebellion is not in its infancy now, all the state capitals are preparing for war. They have built moats, dug deep trenches, buried horse stakes, and hoarded grain and grass

    But even so, it¡¯s not an ironclad wall.

    The outside of Jiangling Mansion is full of traces of the battle. According to the overturned horse piles, there are still corpses piled up in the ditch. Most of these corpses are refugees captured by the rebels and used as death soldiers and human shields. There is a broken ladder burning under the city wall.  , the crackling sound of burning, and along with the fireworks came the moans and cries of the people who were not dead

    "If you get close and clean it up, you will shoot arrows on the city wall." A general said.

    This is rare. Usually when the battle is over, everyone is happy when the rebels retreat. The defenders will not prevent the opponent from taking away the wounded, but this time it is clear that the wounded will die in front of the rebels as a shock.

    What a courage!  They have always done this kind of thing!  Who taught Jiangling Mansion to do this?  The deputy general looked up at the city wall. The high city wall was silent, but he could vaguely see soldiers standing densely on each crenellation under the scorching summer sun.

    The soldiers were wearing thick armor, holding crossbows in their hands, with thick sweat streaming down their faces. They were motionless, as if they were unaware.

    But if there are soldiers and horses within their shooting range, the crossbows in their hands will shoot out arrows like rain.

    There are still spears standing behind them, and I don¡¯t know how many soldiers are preparing for battle.

    "Aren't there not many troops and horses?" the deputy general asked, why does it seem endless?

    "Many soldiers and horses who fled from the Pengcheng camp came here." The general guessed.

    Maybe it¡¯s the public?  But if it were the people, let alone having the courage to defend the city, their momentum would not be as steady as that of real soldiers.

    The deputy general waved the long knife in his hand: "No matter how many soldiers and horses they have, if they can't be killed in one time, then kill them twice, kill them three times. If they are endless, we will kill them endlessly!"

    The general immediately shouted: "Kill!"

    ¡°The city of Jiangling is rich!¡±

    "The deserters from Pengcheng Camp brought countless money with them."

    ¡°There are beauties everywhere in Jiangnan Province.¡±

    "Once we capture this city, the gold, silver, jewelry, and beauties will all be ours."

    "Siege the city!"


    Behind him, thousands of soldiers will rush towards Jiangling Fucheng like wolves and tigers.



    The sounds of fighting and shouts, the collision of arrowheads and armored city walls, resounded in the air.

    Standing in the city guarded by the city wall, it feels like sitting on a small boat in the sea, with the wind and waves surging.

    The rebels outside the city also had crossbows and arrows raining down on them, as well as sling missiles with sharp whistling sounds.

    "There are no more arrows. There are no more arrows."

    "The rebels are coming."

    "The crossbowmen stand back, the crossbowmen stand back."

    ¡°Rolling Stone Golden Juice!¡±

    The soldiers on the city wall were exchanging, resisting the siege. There were people everywhere, their movements were a bit chaotic, and they collided with each other from time to time, but no one looked panicked.

    "Carry the wounded soldiers, carry the wounded soldiers."

    Teams of civilians rushed up and carried down the wounded soldiers who were hit by arrows and stone bullets.

    Some of the wounded soldiers were shot in the throat and were still coughing. Some had half of their heads smashed, and blood was pouring out. The blood that had not dried on the steps up and down the city wall was covered with blood again.

    The cries and shouts were heartbreaking.

    The people standing under the city gate waiting to go into battle turned pale, but there was no fear in their eyes, and their eyes followed the wooden monk standing under the city gate.

    Monk Mu stood at the place where all the wounded soldiers would pass by, looking at each wounded soldier and instructing the doctors on how to treat them. If he saw someone who could not be treated, he would recite a few verses from scriptures and gently touch the eyes of the injured.  The dying man's pain was alleviated by this scripture and the touch, and he closed his eyes calmly.

    The injured were treated, the dead were saved, and both life and death were safe. Everyone looked at the bloody scene and listened to the sounds of fighting and screams. They were either sad or angry, but not frightened. Their eyes were calm and firm.

    "Defend the city!"

    "The rebels have stormed the city wall!"

    "Reinforcements, reinforcements."

    Hearing this order, the people standing under the city gate wearing armor and holding weapons straightened their backs and took off their armor. They were actually just ordinary people, but so what, in order to survive, everyone can be a warrior.

    Monk Mu stood in front of the steps of the city wall, his hands stretched out, his Qingyi face became distant and blurred in the sunlight.

    The sound of chanting rang in everyone's ears. It was the Buddha blessing the warriors who went out to fight.

    They lined up and moved forward, either touching Monk Mu's hand or stroking Monk Mu's robes fluttering in the wind. After receiving the power given by the Buddha, they rushed to the Shura field without any fear.

    Magistrate Hu stood at the end of the street, looking at this scene with excitement. Jiangling Mansion will definitely be able to defend it.

    If not, how could God send a true Buddha to Jiangling Mansion?  (Remember the website address:;The sound of chanting rang in everyone's ears. It was the Buddha blessing the warriors going out.

    They lined up and moved forward, either touching Monk Mu's hand or stroking Monk Mu's robes fluttering in the wind. After receiving the power given by the Buddha, they rushed to the Shura field without any fear.

    Magistrate Hu stood at the end of the street, looking at this scene with excitement. Jiangling Mansion will definitely be able to defend it.

    If not, how could God send a true Buddha to Jiangling Mansion?  (Remember the website address:
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