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Chapter 158 The little town looks forward to the young general

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    In early March, there was already a hint of spring on the road, but in the past few days it has turned gray again.

    The green grass that emerged was covered by the trampled soil, the hanging willow branches became in pieces, and there were no pedestrians.

    Although Yanxian County is not a big city, it is not inaccessible. There is a reason why it is like this.

    The two defenders squatting on the city wall looked out nervously. Next to them, there were seven or eight people squatting or sitting against the city wall.

    "Is the news true? Was the prefect really beheaded by Fan Yangjun?"

    "Really, in front of the whole city, he said that he was a traitor and a party member."

    "Why did Fan Yangjun come here?"

    "Previously, the imperial court issued an imperial edict for the guards to come to Beijing to escort them, but then there was an edict saying there was no need to go."

    "No matter what the imperial edict is, the key to this matter is how Fan Yangjun can kill the prefect."

    There is a difference between civil servants and generals. If a general commits a crime of military law, the general can deal with it in the army. If a general makes a serious mistake, the court can also issue an order to kill him. However, civil servants are rarely killed unless it is a serious crime of treason.  , if the emperor does not kill civil servants, he will at most be dismissed from office, investigated and imprisoned for a few more years.

    If the emperor doesn¡¯t kill anyone, how can the officers and soldiers of Fan Yang¡¯s army have the right to kill civilian officials?

    "More than just killing the prefect." The guard looking out looked back, "Have you forgotten what the people who escaped a few days ago said?"

    There was a silence on the city wall. The past few days were like a sudden nightmare. The days that I thought were the same had completely changed.

    People on the bright spring road no longer enjoy the spring leisurely. They trample on the grass and break willow branches. Adults make their children cry. They run away and lose their shoes and their hair is messed up.

    The prefect was killed, the city was occupied, the villages and towns were burned, the officers and soldiers were killing people, setting fires, and looting, so run away.

    They wanted to run into the city to escape, but the crowds flying in like locusts frightened the people in the county. The magistrate immediately closed the city gates and mobilized all the soldiers and horses in the county to guard the gates. He also sent soldiers and horses to the capital to inquire.  situation, but none of the troops sent came back

    Then Fan Yangjun appeared outside the county town.

    The number of people was not large, but I don¡¯t know why it was particularly scary. Maybe it was because their horse hooves trampled the heads of the people gathered outside the city gate wantonly, or maybe they galloped their horses to drive away the frightened people, and then shot arrows for fun.

    The magistrate stood on the city gate tremblingly and shouted questions. He was answered with a wave of arrows and roars.

    "These are the followers of rebellious ministers, and they are all guilty."

    "Hurry up and open the city gate! If you don't open the city gate, you will be the accomplice of Luo Shi all over the sea!"

    "We, Fan Yangjun, are here to punish thieves!"

    A dozen mighty soldiers were shouting and cursing under the city gate. The magistrate told them to only obey the court's orders, or to ask them to get documents and notices from the state capital. Otherwise, they would not open the city gate and retreated to the county office.

    Those soldiers, who were few in number, yelled and cursed and left. The surviving people who gathered outside the city did not dare to stay any longer and fled for their lives.

    Leaning forward on the city wall, you can still see the dead and unburied bodies.

    It is unimaginable to see such a scene under the blue sky and white sun. The soldiers looked confused. When will this nightmare end?

    The sound of horse hoofbeats came from a distance, and the dazed guards on the city wall alerted themselves, those Fan Yang soldiers were here again!

    Unlike the previous times, this time there were ten more Fan Yang soldiers, and more than thirty people rushed straight to the city gate in an aggressive manner, carrying ladders on their backs!

    "Oh my god, are they going to attack the city?" a guard shouted.

    He stood up and raised his hands. At the same time, crossbow arrows buzzed from the city gate. The majestic soldier's huge crossbow shot through his throat even on the city wall.

    The defenders held their throats and fell off the city wall.

    This all happened in the blink of an eye. Others on the city wall were stunned, and someone burst out with a scream.

    "elder brother!"

    This was a thin garrison, no taller than the spear in his hand, and he threw himself under the city wall.

    Fortunately, the others came to their senses and quickly stopped him before he fell off the city wall. At this time, another crossbow arrow was fired, and the guard who stopped the little man screamed and fell to the ground covering his arms.

    Arrows came like rain, and all the guards fled back.

    The swishing sound also came with the rain of arrows, and the arrows on the city wall caught the city wall on the ground with iron hooks.

    "They are going to attack the city, they are going to attack the city!"

    "Go and tell the adults, go and call someone! Someone is here!"

    The city wall collapsedInto chaos, some people were running, some were shouting, some were screaming, and some were crying loudly. In the midst of being overwhelmed and desperate, there were also noises, roars, and screams outside the city gate, and the iron bars on the city wall  No one climbed up the hook and ladder.

    Is your brother still alive?  The little guard, who was worried about his relatives, climbed to the entrance of the city wall and looked down. Then he froze and stared motionless, letting himself run around and yell behind him until his footsteps became chaotic

    "Is it really an siege?" came the magistrate's trembling voice, "How many people are here?"

    "More than thirty people." The little man replied in a dull voice.

    "More than thirty people! We only have more than a hundred people!" the magistrate shouted, "What should we do?"

    "Don't blame the county magistrate for being timid. This is not a matter of large numbers of people and a small number of people, but the experience of war and conquest."

    The mainland of Daxia has not experienced war for a long time.

    What¡¯s the difference between officers and soldiers holding swords and guns and ordinary servants?

    "They were all killed," the little man said.

    The magistrate raised his hands to the sky and mourned: "We will all be killed. A certain person is deeply favored by the emperor and will never surrender to the thieves and suffer humiliation Who will be killed?"

    The little man pointed at the city gate. The magistrate and a group of guards moved over cautiously. There were no arrows coming or shouting. There was a melee in front of the city gate.

    The two soldiers screamed and were overturned and fell from their horses. The spearheads shining in the sun were full of blood. The blood dripped on the hand holding the spear and slipped onto the white clothes. The clothes whirled around and the spear stabbed.  Wear another military man.

    The soldier held the long knife in both hands and fell down with eyes wide open.

    The white-robed whirlwind had already grasped the soldier's long sword. With a push, the sword flew towards the soldier who was fleeing on horseback, and cut off his arm with a pop.

    The soldier screamed and rolled off his horse. A horse approached and a spear came down. The soldier rolling on the ground was splattered with blood and stopped motionless.

    The trousers of the white robe he was riding on were splattered with blood. It didn¡¯t matter, because his white robe was already covered in blood.

    He didn¡¯t care about the stains on his body, but focused on wiping the blood on the spear from the body of the dead soldier.

    By now, more than thirty Fan Yang soldiers gathered outside the city gate fell to the ground and died.

    All eyes were focused on the only living person standing. The man in white robe turned his head and could see the young and handsome face.

    "Xiang Nan, a certain Xuanwu Dao, is urgently reporting and is asking for troops to support him." He looked at the large and small heads protruding from the city wall and said loudly.

    The magistrate heard the sounds of people around him swallowing, and he swallowed too.

    He has already killed thirty people by himself, what kind of support does he need?  (Remember the website address:
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