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    ? ? Almost all of the people in the Celestial Master Alliance who helped Hua Wenling clean up the mess were full of resentment towards her.

    Many tasks that could have been completed by a ninth-grade Celestial Master had to be wiped by a sixth-grade Celestial Master after passing through her hands.

    Now everyone is busy dealing with the demon clan. One person can't wait to be broken into two people and used. How can there be so much time to waste.

    Fortunately, Shen Yuqing can't get involved in the Great Creation Formation, so she can still help solve these trivial matters.

    It was really boring to stay in Luotianmen, so she and Zhao Shiwei wandered around, trying to correct those who were on the wrong track as much as possible.

    Once the mistake has been made, it is impossible to treat it as if it never happened. Even if the luck lost to the demon clan is snatched back, it may not be returned to its former owner. All she can do is to calm the cries of the dead and pity the living.  pain of.  Led by the Celestial Master Alliance, special funds have been established to compensate for related matters. Although the victims may not know what happened to them, for the sake of cause and effect, the Celestial Master Alliance cannot ignore it.

    This world still needs the maintenance of male and female protagonists, but according to the human race's current hatred for Hu Ye and Hua Wenling, it is impossible to keep the two of them here anyway, especially Hua Wenling, who is seriously ill, and even a small cold can  It developed into a terminal illness. She was lying on the bed at this time. All her hair had fallen out. She did not know what microorganism she was infected with. She was covered in brown spots and was ugly. However, she never showed signs of critical illness. Everyone in the Celestial Master Alliance felt that  It's a miracle.

    You won¡¯t die even if you do this.

    Shen Yuqing felt that this was a trick played by the consciousness of the small world. The so-called infection is nothing more than a matter of probability. Even in high-risk infection areas, some people can still come out unscathed, and unlucky people are like Hua Wenling, who obviously bought professional medical treatment.  equipment, but it can also cause serious diseases that cannot be cured.  If the King of Hell wants you to die at the third watch, he will not wait until the fifth watch. But if the King of Hell wants you to die at the fifth watch, you will have to hang up until the third watch even if you are hanging on for a while.

    As for Hu Ye, his handling method is simpler.

    This world has entered the Age of Ending Dharma. The loss of Taoism is the second most important thing. The key is the withering of spiritual power. Even if there are means of cultivation, it is difficult for anyone to break through and step into the door of cultivation, let alone ascend.

    According to the demon clan's plan, even if all the luck of the human race is transferred to them, there will only be one more kind of human being who can turn into an animal in the world. Apart from that, there is actually nothing much different from ordinary people today.  different.

    After catching Hu Ye, everyone discovered that he had actually retained nine out of ten of the human fortunes he had captured over the years in his body through secret techniques to improve his cultivation.

    "He has a pretty good idea, but it's a pity." When Shen Yuqing heard this, he guessed Hu Ye's plan. In the final analysis, replacing the human race was false, but improving his own cultivation was true. After all, he was unwilling to be trapped in  This side of the world is trying to go to the legendary fairyland for a chance of survival.  But others don't know it, so can Shen Yuqing still don't know it?  This world has no connected higher world at all. Where can we go after we ascend?

    The humane cultivator sacrificed most of his life to catch Hu Ye. After discovering his luck, he simply put the person into the prehistoric creation formation he had set up. But at this time, this  The formation has been reversely activated, and its effect will not only not protect the fate of the demon clan, but also consume their luck.

    Shen Yuqing stayed in this world for forty-nine years, which happened to be the time when Hu Ye's luck was transformed by the formation and he disappeared into ashes.

    When Shen Yuqing woke up early in the morning, he opened his eyes and saw Zhao Shiwei's face.

    Different from other worlds, even though decades have passed, the faces of the two people in this world have not changed at all. If I must say, Zhao Shiwei's eyes are much less cold when he woke up, and he is a little more popular.  .

    When they first met, Shen Yuqing noticed her zombie identity precisely because her eyes were different from those of a human being. Now if he hadn't gotten close and felt her lower body temperature than a normal person, who would have thought that such a beauty was not a human being?

    "woke up?"

    In the black eyes, as the sunlight shines in, a little bit of gold covers the surface of the pupils, and Shen Yuqing's eyes become blank and deep again.

    She looked at Zhao Shiwei and suddenly shouted, "Shi Wei."

    Zhao Shiwei: "Yeah."

    She added: "No. 1."

    A voice different from 741 sounded, "Hello, System No. 001 is at your service."

    She laughed, stretched out her jade-like arms, blocked Zhao Shiwei's neck, and pressed him into her body.?There are minors here!


    Shen Yuqing got an A from the psychiatrist in the mental strength assessment.

    The beautiful female doctor smiled and said, "Congratulations, you are now mentally healthy. As long as you adjust in time in the future, there will be no major problems."

    Shen Yuqing nodded, "Thank you."

    There is a bit of a smile on her face. If you are not an acquaintance, it is difficult to feel the sincerity of this smile.

    The doctor was stunned for a moment. Over the years, she had been conducting the psychological evaluation of Shen Yuqing. No one knew Shen Yuqing's psychological condition better than her. Seeing this smile, the last trace of worry in his heart finally relieved him.

    "It seems like something good has happened to you recently."

    Thinking of Zhao Shiwei at home, Shen Yuqing nodded, "That's right."

    When she was not in the small world, Shen Yuqing never showed much emotion. Such a frank admission surprised even the psychiatrist.

    She thought about the instructions she received before taking the test, her smile deepened a little, and she said, "After taking the test, remember to go to the director."

    Although she didn¡¯t know what the director was asking for, Shen Yuqing still responded. After taking the printed report out of the door, she went directly to the director¡¯s office.

    Zhao Shiwei¡¯s return was perfectly fulfilled by the world.

    When Shen Yuqing found the first fragment belonging to Zhao Shiwei, there was an unknown patient washed ashore by the waves in the local hospital.

    It wasn¡¯t until Shen Yuqing gathered all the fragments that Zhao Shiwei in the big world woke up and had his own identity.

    She is still an employee of the Traffic Management Bureau, but she is no longer the 001 who integrated herself into the data of the Traffic Management Bureau. No one knows that she never existed. Everyone knows about this former director of the Traffic Management Bureau.  He accidentally disappeared while traveling and has never been found.


    As soon as the hover car stopped in front of her home, Shen Yuqing heard a shrill call.

    She got out of the car and asked in surprise: "What's wrong?"

    741 rushed into her arms like a small cannonball and complained: "Zhao Shiwei doesn't allow me to eat cookies!"

    Wearing an apron and guarding the door, Zhao Shi smiled slightly and said, "741 needs a reasonable diet."

    741 came back relying on his backer and said with his hands on his hips: "I am the system. If you want a reasonable diet, you can eat as much as you want!"

    "What kind of system," Shen Yuqing grabbed his ear and walked in, showing Zhao Shiwei a flattering smile, "My wife is right, next time he disobeys, he will be punished."

    741: ""

    Telling the reason OK?


    It feels like it would be too cumbersome to write any more. It¡¯s almost here and I can¡¯t write anymore.

    This book is neither as good nor as bad as I imagined.

    Thank you all for staying with me since August until now, even during a major interruption when I was sick and had surgery.

    ?It is pre-collected in the author's column. You can see it by clicking on it. The writing date is probably in January. I will take a break recently. The seamless writing of the article is really harmful to the mental energy.

    Love you!  (Remember the website address:
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