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Chapter 1234 Ranking Ninth

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    A ray of sword light broke through the ground and passed by the person, only a few centimeters away from him.

    The ground cracked, and a ravine was formed instantly, a hundred meters wide and thousands of meters long.

    Nie Feng didn¡¯t even use his own weapon, he just drew it with one finger.

    This person was stunned, especially since he didn't expect Nie Feng to dare to take action. Which civilian would not be respectful to his high-level disciples?

    Who dares to be violent in front of him?

    It¡¯s really amazing!  !

    "You!! You"

    Nie Feng said coldly, "If you say another word, I will move your head."

    This man finally stopped talking. Until Nie Feng passed by, he couldn't say a word. His Adam's apple kept twitching. As a high-level kid, his pride made him furious. But what Nie Feng just said  The killing intent displayed gave this man an extra desire to live.

    After Nie Feng returned to his room, he took a deep breath, immersed himself in cultivation again, and let go of everything.

    "However, this kind of practice was broken soon after.

    There was a knock on the door. After Nie Feng opened the door, a person appeared in front of Nie Feng. Nie Feng looked at this person in confusion.

    ¡°I am Zhang Dong, ranked ninth on the ranking list, and I am entrusted by others to kill you.¡±

    After Zhang Dong finished speaking, he punched Nie Feng. Countless flames poured out of Zhang Dong's fist. Nie Feng's pupils shrank and he immediately moved away.

    The entire building was covered in flames, and people living in the building rushed out and fled into the distance.

    Amid the curses, those people stopped talking when they saw Zhang Dong floating in mid-air.

    This guy is ninth on the list. He is extremely powerful and can single-handedly defeat the Lord of the River Breath of the Mechanical Tribe.

    Zhang Dong turned around calmly and looked at Nie Feng, who was not injured at all. He said coldly, "You provoked someone you shouldn't provoke, so you must die today."

    Nie Feng said calmly, "You attack at will in the Holy Courtyard, don't you think the law enforcement team will care about you?"

    Zhang Dong smiled disdainfully, "The law enforcement team? The law enforcement team only manages you civilians. I am ninth in the rankings. Those law enforcement teams dare to take care of me? Unless Ye Feng comes over by himself, it will have no effect on me."

    Nie Feng smiled after hearing this, "So that's it. It seems that it's the same in the Holy Court. As long as you are strong enough, you can do whatever you want."

    Zhang Dong sneered, "It's a pity that you have no chance. You will only die in my hands today."

    Zhang Dong clenched his fist again and punched Nie Feng quickly. Fireballs shot out from Zhang Dong's hand, as dense as raindrops.

    Tina watched from a distance, took out the sniper rifle and pointed it at Zhang Dong.

    The bullets from the sniper rifle came out in an instant without any hesitation.

    "It's a pity that the bullet was melted ten meters away from Zhang Dong. At this time, the temperature of Zhang Dong's whole body was very high, and half of his body had turned into flames.

    Nie Feng's four swords came out at once, and the frost rushed towards Zhang Dong quickly. The flames and frost melted each other, water quickly accumulated on the ground, and there was a lot of water vapor in the sky. And soon, the water vapor gathered into clouds and then fell down.

    It¡¯s just that the place where it rains does not include Zhang Dongfang¡¯s kilometer.

    Zhang Dong's flames still rushed towards Nie Feng, like firebirds. Yi Shuihan chopped the firebirds into pieces, but more flames almost enveloped Nie Feng, and the power of the frost seemed unable to extend.

    Zhang Dong looked at Nie Feng coldly. Someone above wanted Nie Feng to die, so Zhang Dong would not let Nie Feng live.

    Nie Feng had a gloomy look on his face, and his four weapons continued to switch, extinguishing all the flames around him.

    Zhang Dong held a musket in one hand, and the flames were white. The musket was thrown towards Nie Feng, but Nie Feng could only block it with Yi Shuihan.

    Boom!  !

    The huge explosion made a big hole in the ground. You must know that Nie Feng was in mid-air. The big hole in the ground was just the aftermath of the gun.

    Zhang Dong looked at Nie Feng's position with disdain.

    "Don't think that you are invincible just because you have defeated the Lord of River Breath. There are many people in the Holy Court who can defeat the Lord of River Breath. Do you really think that you have some strength to challenge the authority of the higher-ups? The real frog in the well  .¡±

    Zhang Dong did not put away the flames because Zhang Dong knew that the shot just now only injured Nie Feng and it was impossible to kill him.

    And the purpose of Zhang Dong coming here today is to??Kill Nie Feng!

    There is an essential difference.

    ¡°But when Nie Feng appeared in Zhang Dong¡¯s sight, he was not injured, which surprised Zhang Dong.

    Is there any treasure?

    Can you block your own attack?

    Tina¡¯s attack did not stop, but Zhang Dong didn¡¯t mind such a painless attack, especially since Tina was a high-level student and Zhang Dong could not hurt her.

    Zhang Dong smiled at Nie Feng, "It's true. It seems that your strength is really good enough to make me take it seriously. Even if you die, you will die without regrets."

    After finishing speaking, the flames around Zhang Dong turned into white, and half of Zhang Dong's body turned into flames, which slowly extended, and finally turned into a 100-meter-tall flaming giant.

    The flame giant held a sword and shield, and the long sword turned into white flames stabbed at Nie Feng. In the blink of an eye, the long sword stretched in front of Nie Feng, and Nie Feng dodged sideways.

    The long sword changed from stabbing to sweeping, almost in the blink of an eye, but Nie Feng still ducked and dodged, and one hand had already grasped the fourth weapon, the magic sword.

    Nie Feng was helpless. After all, Zhang Dong was really powerful. His attacks had no effect on Zhang Dong, especially those flames that could block the sword energy and the way of nature.

    Holding the demon sword in his hand, a shadow of the demon god appeared. There was a joke on the demon god's face, but when he saw the 100-meter flame giant, he still stretched out his finger.

    break!  !  !

    I saw that the flames on Zhang Dong's body disappeared completely like bubbles being poked.

    Zhang Dong was stunned for a moment, and Nie Feng walked up to Zhang Dong. Yi Shuihan penetrated Zhang Dong's body. Zhang Dong stared at Nie Feng with wide eyes, "How is that possible? How could your strength be  "

    Before he could finish his sentence, Zhang Dong fell to the ground.

    There were tens of thousands of people watching the battle around. After seeing Nie Feng deal with Zhang Dong, they were all stunned, and some even held their breath.

    Zhang Dong is the ninth-ranked guy on the rankings, but he lost to Nie Feng like this?  !

    Doesn¡¯t that mean that Nie Feng¡¯s strength has reached the ninth position in the rankings?

    Nie Feng entered the Holy Court less than two months ago!  !

    devil!  !  Nie Feng is definitely a devil!  (Remember the website address:
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