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Chapter 1,384 The sky is about to change!

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    At this time, both sides entered a state of fighting.

    Each one released powerful divine power.

    Judging from the current situation, it is obvious that the side of Wuji Divine Realm is stronger, while Qin Feng and the others are slightly worse.

    Because they do not have a second-grade supreme god, only Qin Feng, a first-grade supreme god.

    But they have a third-grade supreme god here, and that is Qian Renxue.

    "Xue'er, you go deal with that fourth-grade supreme god later, and you can just watch and deal with the rest."

    Qin Feng said to Qian Renxue, and then looked in the direction of Tang San and Dai Mubai.

    "Brother Feng! You can deal with them by yourself?!"

    Tang San and the others all showed expressions of extreme surprise.

    Are you sure you¡¯re not mistaken?

    This is too overwhelming.

    Brother Feng, are you sure you can do it?

    After all, those guys are really strong.

    "Just a few dead fish and rotten shrimps."

    Qin Feng said lightly.

    ??At least in his opinion there is no problem.


    Qian Renxue nodded.

    "Good guy! Dealing with a first-grade supreme god and a second-grade supreme god, is this guy crazy?"

    Everyone nearby heard Qin Feng¡¯s arrangement.

    ¡°Everyone thinks that the other party must be crazy, otherwise he would be able to make such a ridiculous arrangement.

    ¡°Pfft¡ª¡ª, big brother, the kid opposite seems very crazy!¡±

    The people of Wuji Divine Realm laughed out loud.

    You must know that their Wuji Divine Realm is the most powerful existence among the second-level Divine Realm.

    Most people look at them almost like a cat meets a mouse.

    So they have always had the supremacy.

    Now he is actually being provoked to this point by such a young boy. The key is that this boy is still the most remote person from the Soul Ring God Realm.

    This place was completely ignored by them before.

    Because it is too weak.

    It is inconspicuous in the divine realm.

    "Strength is the best way to silence people. The dignity of the Wuji Divine Realm is inviolable. If you dare, you will have to pay the price in blood, which will be the destruction of the entire Divine Realm."

    Hei Wuji¡¯s tone was like an ice cave in the abyss.

    It¡¯s terribly cold.


    In an instant, violent power swept across.

    The wind is raging.


    There are some people from the God Realm in the arena who simply cannot resist this violent force at this time.

    He was quickly blown away.

    Others have released their own divine power or body.

    Because now, as long as you stand in the ring, you will win!


    Qin Feng moved.

    He disappeared in an instant.

    No one can catch his figure.

    Even Hei Wuji feels a little blurry.

    "How could it be so fast?"

    Hei Wuji secretly thought in his heart.

    Normally, I would be promoted to the First Grade Supreme God first.

    And his fighting power should be better than this kid.

    The results of it?


    It¡¯s simply crazy!  !

    "Damn it! He is heading in your direction! Be on guard!!!"

    Hei Wuji reacted quickly.

    shouted to the second-grade supreme god in the team.


    The second-grade supreme god reacted.

    The eyes are full of fear!

    "Infinite divine power, killing aura!!"

    But after all, he is the second-grade supreme.

    Quickly release the strongest defense means.

    Because his intuition told him that the person in front of him should not be underestimated at all.

    ¡°It turned out to be a sneak attack!¡±

    Many powerful players finally saw Qin Feng.

    I thought it could be so powerful!

    ¡°As a result, the other party used a sneak attack trick.

    It¡¯s a pity that others have already reacted.

    This second-grade supreme happens to be a defensive type.

    The offense is not much better.

    But this defense canI can't say it.

    Especially the two strongest defenses, the infinite power and the killing aura!

    Even a first-grade supreme god is difficult to defeat in a short time


    But the next second.

    Everyone at the scene was shocked.

    I saw Qin Feng passing through it.

    Easily broke through the defense of this second-grade supreme god.

    And his body was like a tunnel, leaving a huge hole.


    This second-grade supreme god is like an overturned playing card.

    It fell heavily to the ground.



    Everybody is going crazy!  !

    There is even an unprecedented fear in some eyes!

    Because he dared to kill the two supreme masters of the third and second grades in front of Hei Wuji.

    They are one of the strongest combat forces in the entire divine domain!

    ¡°The sky is going to change!!¡±

    Someone said in fear.

    (End of this chapter) (Remember the website address:
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