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Chapter 102

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    In order to maintain the rule of the system, the new Beidi King Awuer barely changed the terms negotiated between the Beidi King and the imperial envoys, and he was also very active in cooperating in the purchase of dried meat.

    Of course, the Heavenly Kingdom is still very fair in doing business, and has also traded a lot of grain with Beidi.  As for porcelain, silk and other items, Awuer also asked for some, not for his own enjoyment, but to distribute them to other brothers and brothers who supported him.

    Although this trip to Beidi took longer than expected, the court gained a lot.

    This large amount of purchased materials was not escorted by a mission. Instead, troops were sent to the border with the negotiated documents to hand over and escort them. Therefore, after the two parties reached an agreement, the mission came back quickly.  Especially because a pair of monks were captured, Situ Zhuo was extra cautious on the road, fearing that if a guard was not in place, the monks and the other monks would escape or die.

    After the old case involving the young concubine Zhong and the ninth prince was escorted back to the court, the Dali Temple was still responsible for hearing the case.

    However, as Yinglian was the victim of the monk case, Feng once went to identify the monks who were beheaded, but only found the scabby monk who went to Zhen's house to defraud, but not the lame Taoist.  This time, another monk and another monk were arrested. Naturally, Feng had to serve as a witness and go to the Dali Temple Tianlao to identify and defend him.

    This time, Mrs. Feng recognized the lame Taoist who had come to Zhen's house to defraud, and the other monk with the leprosy head was not ugly. After pouring a basin of cold water on his face and wiping it clean, he was still very young and quite handsome.  Moreover, during the period when he was being escorted back to Beijing, because he was sitting in the prison car and didn't have time to shave off the few hairs that he usually pretended to be a leprosy to prevent them from growing out, now black and greasy hair has grown out in those places.

    As for who this person is, he turns out to be Fu Shi, who has been an enemy of the Lin family for many years and has escaped without any news.

    "Fu Shi and the lame Taoist are not hard-core people. Even ordinary state and county prison sentences may not be able to survive, let alone the Dali Temple chief judge.

    It didn¡¯t take much effort, and the two of them just poured beans out of a bamboo tube and tried everything.

    Before a monk went to Zhen's house to cheat, he was so depressed that he had no time to eat. The two of them went to Renqing Lane, Shili Street, Changmen, Suzhou, and hid behind the Calabash Temple.  At the beginning, Jia Yucun also settled in the Calabash Temple, and when Jia Yucun received the Zhen fee support, he couldn't wait to say goodbye to Master Zhen in person, so he only exchanged a few words with the monks in the temple, and then went to Beijing to take the exam.

    It was at that time that a monk and a monk heard that Mr. Zhen¡¯s family was very wealthy, and they began to think of cheating.  Of course, at the beginning, the two swindlers also fell in love with the charming Yinglian, so they went to the Zhen family to make up stories about their parents who were lucky but not destined to accumulate. As for how the Zhen family refused to accept it and kicked her out,  No need to elaborate.

    Later, Huo Qi took Yinglian to enjoy the flower lanterns, but Yinglian was taken away by the two swindlers.  However, the two swindlers were indeed poor at the time and could not afford to raise Yinglian before selling it, so they sold her directly to the kidnapper and received a fortune.

    It was indeed an accident that the Calabash Temple was bombed and the whole street was burned down. However, this accident really fulfilled what the two swindlers said in front of Master Zhen. Then the two of them changed their costumes and heard the words of the monk.  If it is very effective, it will pave the way for future fraud.

    As for the monk who went to Jiujiang to commit fraud, he was originally the apprentice of the two swindlers in Suzhou.  These swindlers found ways to pretend to be gods and ghosts, and soon gathered several pairs of monks and Taoists to deceive people all over the country.  Of course, although the reputations of Master Mang Miao and Master Miao Miao had already spread at that time, their influence was limited because they had not yet been absorbed by Concubine Zhong and her son.

    As for later, with the little Concubine Zhong and her son acting as pushers, those who were the disciples and comrades of the monk group at the beginning who refused to be manipulated by the little Concubine Zhong and her son were killed and whoever replaced the little Concubine Zhong and her son were replaced.  The mother and son also promoted the reputation of these monks and Taoists to such a great extent that Emperor Taizong even felt that his imperial power was threatened.

    The monk Taoist who has been captured now, and the lame Taoist are the pair who first committed fraud in Changmen, Suzhou.  Because he knew that the Zhen family was wealthy, the lame Taoist was very courageous at that time. After Zhen Fei's family fell into decline, he even came to deceive Zhen Fei, saying that he wanted to become a monk, but in fact he wanted to defraud the Zhen family of the soft land deeds and other things they had snatched.

    Zhen Fei had suffered a huge blow that year. He was in his final years, and the remaining family property was defrauded by his father-in-law's family. The monks and the monks had no benefit, so they took it out on Zhen Fei.  Zhen Fei was already on the verge of running out of gas, so how could he withstand this? Not long after, he stopped breathing, and his body was thrown into a mass grave by two swindlers.

    Feng and Yinglian knew the truth and burst into tears.

    Even if they knew that Zhen Fei had left with the real person Miaomiao, and later the Feng family and their daughter reunited, and Yinglian was lucky enough to become the adopted daughter of the Shangshu Mansion, and the mother and daughter lived a good life, the Feng family and her daughter also hoped that Zhen Fei would be with her.  I really saw through the world of mortals and went to practice and experience with the gods and immortals.  Who knew it was thisresult.

    Although this lame Taoist has evil intentions, his mind is extremely flexible.  Not only did he make up the words of Master Mang Mang and Master Miao Miao, but he also discovered that some of his disciples were missing, and that there were inexplicably many Master Mang Mang and Master Miao Miao in the world that he did not know. The lame Taoist quickly took refuge in the little concubine Zhong.  Not only did he not hide any personal secrets, he also made suggestions.  Fairy Jiangzhu and Waiter Shenying were also made up by this lame Taoist.

    "Zhong Fei saw that the lame Taoist had a quick mind, a sharp tongue, and was very good at fooling people, so she sent him to Beidi.  Of course, even though some nobles in Beidi have learned Chinese, not everyone can speak it. The partner assigned to the lame Taoist by Little Concubine Zhong is Fu Shi.

    Fu Shi took advantage of Zhen Yingjia and tried to kill Lin You but failed, and later escaped.

    As Daiyu had expected before, Concubine Zhong and her son plotted a rebellion and networked many desperate people. As long as these people had a mouthful of food to eat and their lives hanging on, they would not dare to betray Concubine Zhong and her son.  Fu Shi was also the little concubine Zhong who took refuge with the second prince after his job was taken away.

    "Fu Shi is a man of some talent, and the little concubine Zhong was also very foresighted. After recruiting Fu Shi, she asked him to learn the Beidi dialect, and then she was sent to Yongchang.  Shui Lan knew which year Beidi would suffer a heavy snowstorm, so Concubine Zhong asked a monk to go to Beidi in advance to incite the King of Beidi.

    Because what Lame Taoist and Fu Shi said later came true, even after the lies of the monk and the Daling Dynasty were exposed, the Beidi King still enshrined the two as national teachers.  If it weren't for Situ Zhuo's mission to Beidi with the delegation, it happened to be revealed that these two people had benefited from the fifth prince of Beidi and cooperated with the fifth prince to seize power. I am afraid that the two of them would have continued to be at large in Beidi.

    At this point, the whole ins and outs of the so-called Master Mang Miao and Master Miao Miao have been found out.  At first, this was just a scam compiled by a pair of swindlers, and the fire in the Calabash Temple was just a coincidence. But later, the monk and his disciples became more and more courageous. In order to make their 'prophecy' come true, they often committed murders.  Arson thing.

    Later, with the 'dream' provided by Shui Lan, this lie became bigger and bigger like a snowball, using more and more 'prophecies' to support the magical powers of Mang Mang Daoshi and Miao Miao Master, and finally attracted the fear of the imperial power.  , so that when this lie was exposed, it was particularly tragic, and countless people died.

    However, after Fu Shi took refuge with Little Concubine Zhong, he started to learn Beidi dialect and did not participate in those unknown projects. Fu Shi only vaguely knew that some people who were as desperate as himself would be sent by Little Concubine Zhong and her son to do it.  There are some things, but Fu Shi doesn¡¯t know the specific location and content.

    Emperor Taizong knew that Concubine Zhong and the Ninth Prince had indeed hidden something, but he did not ask where they hid it.

    After finding out the truth about Zhen Fei's death, Feng's mother and daughter built a tomb for Zhen Fei and performed rituals in Muni Yuan.  After all, Yinglian had become the adopted daughter of the Lin family and could not keep her filial piety in the Shangshu Mansion. After Yinglian reported her adopted father and adopted mother, she moved to Muni Monastery to lead her in spiritual practice, firstly to recite sutras for Zhen Fei's salvation, and secondly to observe filial piety.

    When Jia Min told Daiyu about this, she also said: "Yinglian is very filial, and I can't stop her. However, the three years of observing filial piety have become more and more delayed."

    Daiyu comforted Jia Min and said: "Mom, don't worry about this. Anyway, there are not many good families who come to our house to propose marriage. Why bother to marry sister Yinglian hastily? If life will not go well in the future, won't you suffer in vain? Wait for sister Yinglian these few years.  After observing filial piety, it means choosing a promising son in the army to get married. Isn't it better than those villains who are rushing to curry favor with our family now?"

    Jia Min said: "In the past few years, we have been fighting along the Western Sea. It is true that outstanding children will emerge in a few years. But you don't think about your sister Yinglian's age. How will you be gossiped about in the future? Like before you got married, I and I  Your father was worried, but now that I heard that your father has a good relationship, I feel relieved."

    The joy and anger are as invisible as Daiyu, and they were slightly startled. Do you have a good relationship with Situ Zhuo?  Oh, the friendship between revolutionary comrades is not that deep.

    Although Jia Min complained, she felt that Daiyu's words were reasonable, so she said nothing more.

    Situ Zhuo came back from an errand and became a little thinner. Naturally, Daiyu was busy replenishing Situ Zhuo's body.  Regardless of the specific situation of the two people, at least in the eyes of everyone, they are a serious and loving couple, and they have to do enough drama to make a little separation better than a newlywed.  Therefore, during this period of time, in the eyes of outsiders, Daiyu and his wife were living a life as sweet as honey.

    Zhanyan¡¯s first batch of dried meat purchased from Beidi was shipped back to Daling Dynasty.  In order to avoid wasting manpower and material resources, this batch of dried meat was not sent back to the capital. Instead, it was combined with other supplies shipped to the northwest and shipped directly to the coast of the West Sea.

    The winter in the northwest is very cold, which is not suitable for mobilizing troops. Originally, everyone in the court thought that at this time, both sides were in a period of cultivation, and the war would have to be decided at least until next year.

    Who would have thought that the Prince of Nan'an County was so capable. At the beginning of the winter truce, Tuo Da personally chased him out of the city, but fell into the opponent's plan to lure the enemy deeper and lost his life on the coast of the West Sea.  (Remember the website address: the beginning of the winter truce, Tuo Da personally chased out of the city, but fell into the opponent's plan to lure the enemy deeper and lost his life on the coast of the West Sea.  (Remember the website address:
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