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Chapter 1145 Captain America¡¯s Wisdom

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    After a period of construction and transformation, "Afterlife" is no longer the primitive and backward-looking small village it once was.

    On the contrary, spacious streets and residential areas were quickly planned with the help of volunteers, and a ten-story building was built near the center as the future ruling center of the town.

    Not only that, in order to manage more and more newcomers, they also established a voting council of elders and a patrol team composed of powerful strangers.

    As for the former, it is somewhat similar to the prototype of parliament.

    It is mainly through the show of hands of the elders to determine what can and cannot be done.

    Simply put, it means decentralization and checks and balances.  &#29306&#22914&#32&#57&#57&#98&#120&#119&#120&#46&#99&#111&#109&#32&#29306&#22914

    Of course, since Shockwave Girl Daisy successfully ousted her biological mother and prevented the aliens from clashing with S.H.I.E.L.D., most of the elected elders are currently obeying her words. This Council of Elders is just a decoration for the time being.  It has no real meaning.

    As for the patrol team, it is closer to an organization like the military police.

    The main daily task of all strangers who join this group is to exercise their abilities and combat effectiveness to ensure that the "afterlife" has sufficient self-protection and countermeasures capabilities when encountering invasion by foreign enemies or censure from the International Security Council.  .

    Especially the latter, it is very, very important. ãá reduce 7 5 zho ng m ãá

    Because governments like Britain and the United States have always been able to understand the "language of violence", it is absolutely unrealistic to expect them to sit down and listen to you reason.

    So Daisy ignored the opposition of many people and resolutely established this armed force that only belonged to strangers.

    And they have not only the superpowers of aliens, but also various magic equipment and high-tech weapons provided by Tony Stark.

    Now, if you pick just one person from this team, you can easily kill through a fully armed army.

    Precisely because of this patrol, the pressure from the outside world has suddenly been reduced a lot.

    Whether it was S.H.I.E.L.D. or the military threats from those big powers, they all seemed to disappear without a trace overnight.

    Coupled with the effect of the public opinion offensive, a political power that does not belong to any country was established from scratch.

    Although no one in the international community has recognized the "afterlife" as a country, no one dares to claim that the "afterlife" is part of their own country.

    All the neighboring countries seem to have acquiesced in its existence.

    ¡°Obviously, Allen changed the fate of Shockwave Girl Daisy Johnson, and also changed the fate of the aliens on Earth.

    With the genetic detectors kindly sponsored by Iron Man and the Terrigen crystals stored in the warehouse, they are quietly expanding their numbers.

    It won¡¯t be long before the number of strangers in the ¡°afterlife¡± will exceed the 100,000 mark.

    By that time, no one can ignore such a powerful force.

    "As the creator of all this, how do you feel now?" Lincoln stood in front of the window sill, looking down at the increasingly prosperous town.

    Daisy smiled and shook her head: "No! You are wrong. The person who created all this was not me, but Allen. Without his reminder, I might still be working for SHIELD and never be able to escape in my lifetime.  That fire pit. You know? I met with Coulson not long ago, and even he realized that SHIELD had become a tool for political struggle, and he chose to quit in great disappointment."

    "Colson quit SHIELD? It's unbelievable!" Lincoln turned around and his eyes widened in surprise.

    In his impression, people like Coulson were born to be SHIELD agents.

    Apart from this, there is no other profession that fits it so perfectly.

    "Yeah! It's unbelievable, isn't it? Let alone you, I can't believe it. But now he has just joined another superhero group led by Captain America, performing tasks with his idol,  I think he will be very happy"

    When speaking these words, Daisy's tone contained a touch of worry.

    Because she is not a fool and knows that not long ago, a group of people, including Steve Rogers, became nationally wanted criminals.

    Now we should be busy hiding in Tibet, and it is estimated that even a hot meal can not care.

    But Shockwave Girl doesn¡¯t know that Coulson is not onlyCatch it out.

    "It's a pity that no matter how much advanced equipment and technology he uses, it is impossible to find Captain America who has been completely separated from modern society.

    "Wonderful! It seems that you are much smarter than most people outside think." Allen praised without hesitation.

    "This is also forced out. After all, Tony is full of unexpected high-tech. If you want to defeat him, you must start from his blind spots in thinking, and you must not let him lead you by the nose. By the way,  Did you come all the way here just to talk about this?" A trace of doubt flashed in Steve Rogers' eyes.

    Allen shook his head slightly: "No, of course not. In fact, it was Tony who asked me to ask you. He wants to accept the conditions set by the US government and the International Security Council to allow the Avengers to resume normal operations.  But the price is that you people must cooperate with him to put on a good show."


    Bucky¡¯s eyes widened, completely confused as to what was going on.

    You must know that not long ago, he had a fierce fight with the Iron Man team who was chasing him.

    "Sorry, Bucky, I'll explain this to you later." Captain America smiled apologetically at his friend.

    A thoughtful expression appeared on the latter's face, and he immediately returned an "understanding" look.

    "What's his plan?" Steve asked bluntly.

    "It's simple! Use the global panic caused by the Avengers' internal strife to blackmail the International Security Council and the U.S. government and give the Avengers the right to act freely. At the same time, severely punish Secretary of State Ross, who created the Hulk and many tragedies.  According to Tony's intention, he is to be sent directly to the Supreme Court and tried in public." Allen relayed it calmly.


    As soon as he heard the name, Captain America immediately frowned.

    Although the Hulk and Abomination were wreaking havoc in New York, he had not yet been dug out of the Arctic glaciers.

    But through some information within SHIELD, we know how many casualties and property losses Ross and his troops caused during several pursuits.

    But I don¡¯t know why, but the US government later gave up on pursuing responsibility and cold-handled the whole matter.

    ¡°All the media are blind and deaf, and they have not followed up the report from beginning to end.

    There were several "independent reporters" who wanted to dig deeper into the inside story, but as a result, they either disappeared inexplicably or "suicided" by being shot eight times in the basement of their home.

    "In short, everything related to this old guy is full of weirdness.

    What¡¯s even more outrageous is that such a person with a dark history as thick as a stack of A4 paper can actually make a comeback and become the Secretary of State of the United States.

    Whenever he thinks about this, Steve Rogers' heart is filled with disappointment and disgust for the entire country.

    Finally, he raised his head and asked in an uncertain tone: "Are you sure that this time, Ross will get the end he deserves?"

    "Of course! Because if the laws of the United States cannot provide a fair verdict, then Mr. John Schmidt will personally seek justice for those civilians who died." Allen replied meaningfully in the affirmative.

    Let that old guy Ross spend the rest of his life comfortably in prison?

    Do not make jokes!

    He has already prepared a full meal, waiting for the capital to abandon him without mercy.

    "Okay! I agree!"

    After much hesitation, Captain America quickly made a decision.

    Because even if he doesn¡¯t believe in the American judicial system, he absolutely believes in the methods of his ¡°old friend¡± the Red Skull.

    If nothing else goes wrong, Ross, who has been in the military and political circles for many years, may be in bad luck this time.

    "Great! Then I will inform Tony now so that he can take action. Oh, by the way, you'd better be careful about that guy named Zemo. His spirit is already twisted by hatred.  Become extremely crazy and do anything that is not surprising." Allen warned meaningfully.  Si minus* Si

    "Does he really have the legendary code book in his hand?" Steve narrowed his eyes and asked.

    "If Hydra's intelligence is not wrong, the answer is yes. In addition, I suggest you keep an eye on your good friend, otherwise once he is brainwashed again and commits some appalling tragedy, I am afraid that besides  There is no other way out except to die to apologize."

    After saying that, Allen turned around and stared into the Winter Soldier's slightly confused and frightened eyes.  Mi He Mi

    If anyone is feeling the most pain in his heart at this moment, it must be this poor man.

    He was frozen, brainwashed, and controlled to kill his friends Howard and his wife

    After learning all these truths, the only thing that kept him from committing suicide and surrendering was the friendship with Steve

    (Remember the website address: eyes of confusion and fear.  Mi He Mi

    If anyone is feeling the most pain in his heart at this moment, it must be this poor man.

    He was frozen, brainwashed, and controlled to kill his friends Howard and his wife

    After learning all these truths, the only thing that kept him from committing suicide and surrendering was the friendship with Steve

    (Remember the website address:
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