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Chapter 110 Explosion Era

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    The seven famous mountains were occupied, forming a terrifying power structure that shocked both the country and the world.

    This is so shocking to humans!

    How long has it been since the sudden change in heaven and earth?  Everything is different. It is completely different from the social life of mankind in the past.

    Times have changed. When people look back one day, what special position will this period of time have in history?

    Within a day, various explosive news spread.

    Whether it¡¯s in reality or on the Internet, it¡¯s all boiling!

    "A golden-winged Dapeng King actually appeared in the world and founded a sect in Huashan Mountain. It sounds like a myth. Am I going back to prehistory?!"

    "The old ape in Dalin Temple, the white crane in Shushan Sword Palace, the mountain tortoise in Kongtong Mountain, and the golden-winged roc in Huashan Mountain are all recruiting disciples. They teach without distinction, which is shocking!"

    These news detonated the world!

    It¡¯s hard for people to imagine that aliens can become peerless masters. It¡¯s ridiculous, but this is reality.

    "When one day, birds and animals have intelligence no less than that of humans, you will either have to adapt or seek changes." An old biologist sighed.

    Everyone in all fields has been strongly impacted!

    In the next two days, there will be no peace everywhere. The impact of this incident is too great, even if people have accepted the reality of the changes in the world.

    "All living beings are equal, and may all races live in peace and harmony!" In Dalin Temple, the old ape stood in front of the thousand-year-old temple, with his hands clasped together, like a holy monk who had attained enlightenment.

    This set of photos and videos was posted, and humans have become its disciples.

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    Whether they are sincere or have other motives, at least the territory they control has become relatively peaceful and makes people yearn for it.

    The beast kings in other areas are still fighting for hegemony. There are rare places that look like pure land, which is naturally very attractive.

    Furthermore, these places are recruiting disciples. If you go there, you can learn mysterious ancient methods and gradually become stronger. How can you not be tempted?

    The mysterious man killed the Canglang King and stimulated the rise of ancient martial arts. Now the seven sects have appeared, giving people a more direct choice to worship at the mountain gate!

    "Chu Feng, where are you? Come quickly and discuss it!"

    "Madman, let me tell you, I want to go to Shushan. I yearn so much for the Sword Immortal. I didn't expect that the world has changed, and there is actually a Sword Immortal born!"


    In the past two days, some people came to Chu Feng one after another, including childhood friends, high school buddies, and college friends. Even these people couldn't calm down.

    Chu Feng was in a daze, and there were people around him who were tempted and wanted to travel far away, which really surprised him.

    Although it is said that it is mainly those activists who are looking for him, it is enough to show how huge the impact of this incident is!

    As for the Internet, the discussion has already been in full swing.

    "I want to go to Dalin Temple. There are thousand-year-old temples there, ancient Dharma scriptures, and the unparalleled Vajra Bodhi tree, which can make people change! In addition, in ancient times, there was the best martial arts in the world.  Holy land!" someone posted, showing their excitement.

    There used to be an ancient temple on Songshan Mountain, which was a close place for Buddhism. Now there is an old ape who can recite ancient Buddhist scriptures and was the first to establish a sect, which indeed makes many people yearn for it.

    "I'm going to Shushan to learn the magic of swordsmanship! With one sword, I can behead the enemy thousands of miles away. Who can compete with me? Walking on the sword, crossing the world, how carefree it is."

    The popularity of this post is even more astonishing. Sword Immortal is the dream of countless people, and it is too tempting for ordinary people.

    "Kongtong Mountain is also good. A mountain turtle carries the innate gossip. It itself said that it has mastered the ancient method of Kongtong. In ancient times, the Yellow Emperor once asked questions there. It must be extraordinary!"

    Someone posted such a post, but the discussion was not that high. Relatively speaking, the Kongtong Sect, where Shangui became the overlord, was not as attractive as Dalin Temple and Shushan Sword Palace.

    "Huashan Mountain is the ideal holy land of martial arts. Have you ever heard that the Golden Winged Dapeng King is so powerful that he swept away those beast kings and conquered Huashan Mountain with invincible power!"

    "Have you people forgotten Wudang Mountain? That is the only famous mountain occupied by strong human beings. You must go there!"

    Some people are heartbroken and call for people to go to Wudang Mountain and worship under the Tai Chi inheritance. That is a place suitable for human beings.

    "Yes, you should definitely go to Wudang Mountain!" Everyone said??

    "Why?" Zai Chu Feng was surprised.

    "In that sacred medicine garden, there are creatures growing out of the soil, emitting divine light, it's unimaginable!" Chen Luoyan informed.

    When they first got the news, they thought it was ridiculous, but those strangers in Western Europe swore that they were absolutely not lying and that everything was true.

    "It's amazing. Can seeds really grow living creatures?" Chu Feng was greatly touched.

    That night, Chu Feng was convinced that what several people said was true, because scalpers and the others contacted him in Kunlun Mountain and confirmed the matter.

    "Chu Feng, you're a big fan, are you going?" Scalper invited him to help out.

    "Where to go?" Chu Feng asked.

    The big black cow came to the screen, bared his big white teeth, and said: "One of my sworn brothers has recently gone to Europe and is besieging the Vatican with a group of comrades. Boy, although you are still very weak, if you want to come, I can count on you."  You are the only one, do you want to come? Be the one with the biggest ticket!"

    Chu Feng was dumbfounded. This big black cow was indeed not a kind person. What kind of people had he met? They were so cruel. One of his sworn brothers was actually involved in the Vatican incident.

    At the same time, he also understood that there was really a shortage of manpower over there. Otherwise, how could he be called upon? You must know that he is still not on par with the Beast King.

    "Let me tell you, that place is so amazing. The Holy Medicine Garden. The sky is filled with sacred pollen, and the fragrance envelopes the entire Vatican. Unfortunately, it is blocked by the barrier. If you really want to get in, you can break through directly, and you can fight with all kinds of beast kings.  We are on equal footing. You know, the White Elephant King of India, the Silver Wolf King of Mongolia and a group of old guys from the Kunlun Mountains all ran over. If you arrive late, you won't get anything."

    "Hei Boss, I think it's better to forget it. When I can break through and become a master of the shackles realm, it won't be too late." Chu Feng resisted the temptation.

    There are so many old monsters running away. If he goes there, he will probably be used as cannon fodder.

    ?Obviously, the Vatican is difficult to break. Otherwise, would the Beast King still be calling his friends?  He had already gone in alone, and he was not optimistic about it.

    Furthermore, Chu Feng also persuaded them, saying: "Scalper, Black Boss, the decisive battle in the Land of Zen is coming soon. Are you interested in coming to help? It's better than taking risks in the Vatican!"

    The big black cow sucked in the cold air and said: "The place of Zen is a meat grinding ground. It is more suitable for humans, not for us, and it will not be safer than the Vatican. I won't go!"

    Finally, Yellow Ox told Chu Feng that they should go their separate ways. They would go to the west first, and he would be in the east. If both of them could become the king of beasts, they would go out to sea for a trip.

    "Go to the sea?"

    "Yes, some good things in the sea are starting to appear gradually. When the time comes, kill them and try your luck!"

    When the video call ended, Chu Feng didn¡¯t speak for a long time.

    In the past few days, too many things have happened, all of which are extremely shocking. This is simply an era of news explosion, and everything is sensational.

    "Chu Feng, our movie is about to be released, and the initial name is The Bull Demon Monkey King. Although there are some competitors, there is nothing to worry about."

    Zhou Yitian told Chu Feng that the movie was going to be released to inspire people's fighting spirit.

    When Chu Feng heard this, he was dumbfounded. How could it pass the review?  He was so charred on the outside and tender on the inside that he was most afraid of this movie coming out, and was immediately worried.

    Soon, someone called him again, it was an unfamiliar number. He answered listlessly and said: "Who is it?"

    A nice voice came from the other end of the communicator, greeting him with a smile. It turned out to be Jiang Luoshen and wanted to treat him to dinner.

    I was so busy typing that I almost forgot to say Merry Christmas to everyone, wish you a happy day!  (Remember the website address:
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