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Chapter 1035 The collision of red and black (15)

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    "Car No. 1 is ready!"

    "Car No. 2 is ready!"

    "Car No. 3 is ready!"

    In the underground parking lot, three cars lined up at the exit waiting for James to give instructions.

    "Now that the three vehicles are ready, please turn on the communicator in each vehicle."

    James looked at the members in the three cars and said, "If anything happens, contact me immediately."


    The first two cars set off one by one, but James walked to the third car: "Speaking of Kamel, have you seen Judy?

    She said she wanted to find you before, but now she can't find you.  "

    "She came to see me ten minutes ago." Kamel said: "She seemed to have thought of a good way to cover me. After making me relax, she drove her car out directly."

    "It's strange, how could such an important matter not be reported to me?" James said with a puzzled look on his face.

    "I think she might be worried. After all, I carry Mizuno Reina in my car, which can be said to be the most important vehicle."

    "I know, let's go!"

    Although James was still a little confused, the first two cars had already set off. At this critical moment, it was not easy to continue to worry about such trivial matters, so he directly ordered Kamel to set off.

    When the three cars drove out, all of this was seen through the scope of the sniper rifle in Chianti in the direction of the exit.

    "Here it comes! Three dark blue vans!"

    Chianti counted the cars heading outside from the underground parking lot and reported: "Among these three cars, there must be our target!"

    "very good."

    In the black Porsche, Gin ordered after hearing the report: "Chianti, you are in charge of the first car!

    Cohen, your goal is the second one!  "

    When the two people's replies came from the intercom, Gin looked out the window: "Vodka, you are in charge of the third one."

    "Understood!" Vodka, wearing a helmet, sat on his motorcycle and looked at Gin and said, "But brother, what are you going to do?"

    "I will continue to stay near the hospital and monitor the actions of the FBI rats."

    Ginjiu sneered: "Those guys won't just surrender. Maybe the three cars before were all abandoned by the other side, all used as bait to lure the tiger away from the mountain."

    Watching Vodka start the motorcycle, Gin picked up the intercom again and said: "We each caught up with the target's vehicle, and then checked the situation inside the vehicle according to the detection methods mentioned before.

    As for which car to lock in the end, the decision rests with me, do you understand?  "

    Listening to Gin¡¯s last unquestionable words, the three people who knew each other¡¯s temper did not refute, but accepted it silently.

    "That's right, brother."

    Seemingly remembering something, Vodka looked at Gin again before setting off: "Have you contacted that person?"

    "Not yet, I haven't received a report back from that guy."

    Ginjiu said calmly: "He is a backup strategy to accept the direct order from that adult.

    But I didn¡¯t intend to rely on his information from the beginning.  "

    &#24378&#29306&#32&#98&#97&#111&#108&#97&#105&#120&#115&#119&#46&#99&#111&#109&#32&#35835&#29306&#12290 After getting the answer, Vodka started the motorcycle directly.  The three of them were traveling among the constant flow of vehicles, and soon locked their respective targets.

    "Gin, I've tracked the first car." The impatient Chianti took the lead in catching up with the target's car report.

    "Report the situation." Gin said holding the intercom.

    "The car should be equipped with one-way privacy glass. I can't see what's going on in the car." Chianti reported.

    ¡°It¡¯s something that is expected, use the perspective method mentioned before.¡± Gin said lightly.


    Chianti took out an instrument like a small hair dryer from the back of the long bag he was carrying. After starting it, a white-and-orange light emerged from the muzzle.

    "Okay, done. I'll pass it over now after the photography is completed." After completing the task, Chianti reduced the speed of the vehicle and no longer walked side by side with the target vehicle. Instead, it reduced the speed and hung far behind the vehicle.

    And soon, the scene scanned by the thermal imaging camera was transmitted from the instrument to Gin's laptop.

    "It has been confirmed that there are nine people in the car."

    Looking at the thermal image on the electronic screen, Gin?? reported to everyone: "Judging from the opponent's current speed, it will take less than two minutes to catch up with the second car that Cohen is eyeing ahead.

    ¡°I¡¯m afraid I found Cohen following the car.  "

    "Since the target is the second car, I have to change my route and meet up with Cohen!"

    After the impatient Chianti heard what Bermod said, he wanted to turn around and change the target: "Even if you continue to struggle with this bait car, it will be of no use at all."

    Speaking of this, Chianti even took out the sniper rifle from his bag, his tone full of killing intent: "If I see that guy Akai, I will kill him directly!"&#24378&#29306&#32&#121&#117&#  110&#120&#117&#97&#110&#103&#101&#46&#111&#114&#103&#32&#35835&#29306

    "Wait, Chianti." Just when Chianti was impatient and planning to join forces to have a fight with Cohen, Gin directly ordered: "Cut to the side road and change the route."


    After hearing Gin¡¯s order, Chianti asked dissatisfiedly: ¡°Did you get scared after seeing that guy Akai and plan to abandon Kiel?¡±

    But in the face of Chianti's unceremonious questioning, Gin's words still did not waver, but his tone became colder: "You are overthinking, but the real target we should hunt should be the third car tracked by Vodka."  Car, Kiel is in the car now." At this time Zhang Si

    After Gin¡¯s words reached the ears of the four people from the earphones, the four people present were stunned. It was obvious that Gin¡¯s judgment was something they had not expected at all.

    "Are you sure, Gin?" Belmode was the first to question: "Is there any reason?"

    "With Akai's character, he will not use such exaggerated methods to overtake, so that the enemy's eyes will be fixed on the car he wants to protect."

    Ginjiu explained calmly: "That man would not make such a mistake, so the answer is self-evident.

    He did this on purpose to attract our attention. This was a cover-up he arranged.  "

    After hearing what Gin said, Vodka was still a little in disbelief and said: "But brother, there is no one in the back seat of the car here. There are only two FBI investigators in the front seat."

    "HumphAlthough the person driving the car can definitely be an FBI investigator, the person sitting in the passenger seat may not be."

    Gin sneered and said firmly: "That's Keir!

    "Kiel was unconscious and would naturally be lying on the stretcher in the back seat. I'm afraid they thought that we would speculate like this.

    So we simply used the trick and asked her to wear a transmitter and sit in the passenger seat, making us think that the other party was also an FBI investigator.  "

    "But isn't the direction of the third car heading back to Mihua Central Hospital?" Chianti was still a little suspicious and said: "Isn't this a waste of effort?"

    "This is also part of their plan."

    Gin also knew Chianti¡¯s temperament, and knew that others might also doubt his judgment, so he was not angry but explained calmly: ¡°Don¡¯t forget, we already knew the hospital where Kiel was staying yesterday.

    The loss of contact with Kusuda Rikudo was enough to show that the other party was in the hands of the other party at this moment, but the FBI did not immediately transfer Kiel to the hospital.

    This also shows that they do not have the conditions to transfer Kiel to another hospital.

    After all, this is Neon, not their base camp. Realistic conditions restrict them.

    In other words, the plan they made to show us was to prevent our Kiel from being transferred to another hospital.

    But in fact, they set up a smoke bomb and used the psychological plan of darkness under the lamp to continue to put Keir back to the original hospital.

    And in this way, we, who thought that their Kiel had been transported out, would naturally not return to this hospital to conduct searches.

    And in this way, their goal was achieved.  "

    Turning around and starting the car, Gin drove onto the road and soon joined Belmode and Vodka.

    In front of it is the third car returning towards the hospital.

    A moment later, Cohen and Chianti also rushed over and followed Kamel¡¯s vehicle.

    And it was naturally impossible for Kamel not to notice such a big movement, and immediately reported it to James.

    ¡°A black Porsche and four motorcycles!?¡±

    After hearing the news reported by Kamel, James was shocked: "Could it be that our strategy has been seen through by the other party!?"

    ¡°It looks like that¡¯s it.¡±

    Andrey Kamel glanced behind him and stepped on the accelerator to accelerate: "But don't worry, I will use my superb driving skills to get rid of them!"


    Hearing this, James closed his eyes in pain. At present, apart from contacting his companions in the other two cars to rush to support as soon as possible, he can only place his hopes on Andre Kamel's driving skills.

    But even so, the risks Andrey Kamel has to bear are huge.  Zhida Zhixiao

    Once the opponent catches up with you, you will undoubtedly die!

    (Remember the website address: other party saw through it!  ?  "

    ¡°It looks like that¡¯s it.¡±

    Andrey Kamel glanced behind him and stepped on the accelerator to accelerate: "But don't worry, I will use my superb driving skills to get rid of them!"


    Hearing this, James closed his eyes in pain. At present, apart from contacting his companions in the other two cars to rush to support as soon as possible, he can only place his hopes on Andre Kamel's driving skills.

    But even so, the risks Andrey Kamel has to bear are huge.  Zhida Zhixiao

    Once the opponent catches up with you, you will undoubtedly die!

    (Remember the website address:
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