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Chapter 859 Belmod¡¯s reinforcements

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    For Gin and others hiding in the "turtle shell", this building is a prison, an "urn" for catching turtles in an urn, but for their FBI people, there is something in that building that is very important to them.  The most delicious bait.

    There is no way they would give up the five plump "rats" hiding in the "mouse hole".

    It is because the other party saw through this that the other party planned to create the current situation.

    A situation they simply couldn¡¯t refuse.

    ¡°If we were facing Gin and the others, the chess player who manipulated the chessboard this time was using a calculated and unintentional conspiracy.

    ??Then targeting the FBI is to create a situation created by this conspiracy and to openly "invite you into the urn" conspiracy.

    This layout calculated their reactions and grasped their psychology very well.

    Although they have to pay a price, compared to the "results" they are about to receive, it is not difficult to accept.

    But even Akai Shuichi had to admit that if they could really keep Gin, Bellmode and others here, even if they knew that they would have to pay a certain price later, they would be willing to do it for the bait in front of them.  Make this "knife".

    Because in terms of "Tianshi", the price they and Gin and others have to pay are completely different.

    Under the "general trend" that neon crime is destined to come, once Gin and others are discovered, the only fate waiting for them is to be arrested.

    After all, there is an irreconcilable opposition between the two parties just like "light" and "dark".

    For criminals, I believe that no matter which country the law enforcement agencies are in, they have the same attitude. If they are sent to pick up soap, it will end well. Their crimes will most likely be sentenced to death.

    But for the FBI, although being discovered by Neon Criminal is very troublesome and may even cause diplomatic problems, there are no irreconcilable troubles between the two parties.

    Even though they may be timid for a while, they also believe that if they can use political and diplomatic means, their troubles will only be troubles.

    Especially when standing behind is Neon¡¯s ¡°Daddy Country¡±, even if they are at a disadvantage because they are unreasonable, it is not impossible to handle this matter well.

    And exchanging "trouble" for "huge results" is a profit no matter how you think about it.

    And the guy who made the layout designed such a "game" precisely because he understood this.

    Even if it causes them some losses, compared to the possible results, even paying some price is acceptable.

    Akai Shuichi quickly contacted Judy by phone, explained the current situation, and asked them to rush to the scene quickly and take a gamble!

    If things go well, they will be able to bite off this tempting piece of "fat" in front of them without even having to pay a price!

    &#29306&#22914&#32&#57&#98&#122&#119&#46&#99&#111&#109&#32&#29306&#22914&#12290But Akai Shuichi feels that things will not be as easy as imagined.  Judging from experience, I am afraid that there is no way for the opponent to escape this situation.

    ¡°Besides, he doesn¡¯t want to catch all these people in one fell swoop. He believes that the man he is fighting also thinks so. This is already clear from the opponent¡¯s layout.

    If you really want to catch Gin and the others this time, then the other party shouldn't have made no move until now.

    Si minus 75zhongw en.c om Si.  It is possible to directly send their main personnel to suppress, or to use their strength to call the police in advance to "kill someone with a borrowed knife".

    Anyway, it should not be the current leisurely situation. It should be a more violent and urgent rhythm, not the current "slow" situation of giving the other party a reaction.

    However, it¡¯s not that they don¡¯t understand what the other party does.

    Although Gin and Belmod are considered core figures in that organization, they are not the leaders of the organization after all, and they are not even the second-in-command.

    Eradicating them will only destroy the "hands" of the black organization and force the opponent to shrink, but there is no way to solve it once and for all.

    ¡°Even if it were Akai Shuichi who was in charge of the layout, he would make the same judgment as the other party.

    Although eradicating Gin and others will indeed severely weaken the black organization, and they may not show up for a long time, it will also cause them to lose their intelligence advantage.

    ?? If nothing else, the organization will definitely train core personnel by then, and they who have lost intelligence will also need to spy again.

    This will make all their previous efforts in vain, so before they can find out the identities of the leader and second-in-command of the black organization,When exploring the organization's intelligence, he will inevitably hold back and even cover the other party at critical moments.

    This is a conspiracy!

    ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? together.

    ¡°But so what, Belmode knew the other party¡¯s plan, but she was still willing to do it when it came to Conan.

    But it¡¯s impossible not to be secretly annoyed. After all, Conan is destined to be involved in some dangerous actions.

    But so what, can she watch her "biological son" being discovered by Gin and the others?

    But even though she was plotted by the other party, she was not without gains.

    Belmode, who had long believed that the two parties were connected, did not believe that the other party would let Conan act alone when he knew that their black organization was taking action.

    So under a wave of reverse reasoning, Belmod not only realized that this operation might not go as smoothly as they planned, but even had a bad premonition.

    As expected, the first operation failed "smoothly".

    But she didn¡¯t feel that she could feel at ease. Although the other party didn¡¯t take action many times, she already had a clear understanding of this organization.

    Act accurately, decisively and unscrupulously!

    And whether it was the other party's rescue of Miyano Akemi or the subsequent series of actions, they all took action decisively when they had an absolute advantage in intelligence!

    And this time it can definitely be regarded as a situation of "willingness and unintentional calculation". She doesn't believe that the other party will let this opportunity pass.

    Just in case, she called a member of the organization with whom she had a good relationship and asked him to bring someone to provide support.

    Although Belmod was not sure and could only regard it as intuition, she still did it.

    And the facts also show that her judgment is extremely correct!

    Without her back-up, I¡¯m afraid the five of them would have been killed in one fell swoop today!

    The blond man appeared with his troops like a "magic soldier descending from the sky". While giving Vodka and the others a wave of cardiotonic power, it also made Tangze somewhat restrained.

    But unfortunately, Karasawa's troubles will not change the situation that is happening. Mazda broke away from the convoy when it approached the building where Gin and others were, and roared in at the lead.

    The steel behemoth that rushed towards the building like a suicidal move was extremely dexterous under the man's superb driving skills. The high-speed rotating tires made a shrill scream as they rubbed against the ground, and finally stopped steadily at the door of the building.

    "Hurry up! Get in the car!"

    Before he finished speaking, the man had already opened the car door on the side facing Gin and others, and shouted urgently towards Gin and others.

    Even if he knows that the sniper on the high platform in the distance is his enemy, it is because of this that the man also knows the terror of the other person holding a sniper rifle.

    So even though his heart was filled with resentment, the blond man with wheat-colored skin still calmly made the most reasonable judgment under the current situation.

    Chianti rushed out first, turning around and shooting one after another regardless of accuracy.

    She didn¡¯t hope to hit the other person, she just wanted to disturb Akai Shuichi and not threaten Vodka and the two people behind who were helping Gin get into the car.

    But the bullet that penetrated the shoulder at the next moment told Chianti what the cruelty of reality is.

    When I was young, textbooks and teachers always said that "genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration" and fed young people chicken soup, but they never told them the next sentence.

    ¡ª¡ª¡°But that inspiration is often the most important, even more important than the 99% of sweat.¡±

    With the second half of the sentence added, it¡¯s completely poisonous chicken soup.

    But this is reality, and this reality is particularly cruel when it is displayed in front of Chianti.

    She had no confidence at all that she could hit Akai Shuichi, but the opponent was able to hit her easily.

    "If she hadn't moved in time, the shot would have penetrated her abdomen and rendered her incapacitated instantly.

    But even though he was injured, there was a smile on Chianti¡¯s face that was hideous in pain.

    Because from the very beginning, in addition to being responsible for obstructing Shuichi Akai, she was also a bait to attract the other party¡¯s attention! ãá reduce 75z ho*n gwen .c o*m ãá

    And now the goal has been achieved. At the cost of being shot in the shoulder, the mission has been completed to buy time for Gin to get in the car!


    But at the moment when Gin and Vodka were walking towards the car, a gunshot sounded instantly.

    This sudden gunshot caused the brains of Vodka and others present to shut down for a moment.

    After all, how could it be possible to hear the gunfire from a distance of nearly 700 yards?

    Enemy attack!  Mi He Mi

    "Everyone who deals with death every day reacts almost instantly, but how can a computer's reaction be faster than a bullet if it has to control the body to act?"

    At this moment, the murderous intent is revealed!

    (Remember the website address: sound of gunfire caused the brains of Vodka and others present to shut down for a moment.

    After all, how could it be possible to hear the gunfire from a distance of nearly 700 yards?

    Enemy attack!  Mi He Mi

    "Everyone who deals with death every day reacts almost instantly, but how can a computer's reaction be faster than a bullet if it has to control the body to act?"

    At this moment, the murderous intent is revealed!

    (Remember the website address:
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