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Chapter 11 A strange sense of dissonance

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    The cause and effect are like this.

    During the juvenile detective team¡¯s haunted house adventure, a case was accidentally discovered in the old castle.

    The son accidentally killed his father, and the mother imprisoned him in a cage to protect her son.

    In the end, the son convinced his mother and the two chose to surrender.

    And Tangze is the tool person that Conan contacted to take charge of the finishing touches

    "You are not allowed to do such dangerous things again, you know!"

    Although it felt like it was all in vain, Tang Ze still lectured the four little ones very competently.

    After getting the guarantee, Karasawa asked his colleagues who came with him to send a few puppies home, while he took Conan and the two people who surrendered back to the Metropolitan Police Department.

    Perfectly serves as a detective¡¯s tool to solve the case.

    After finishing the transcript, Tang Ze drove Conan home and said angrily: "What about the guarantee you gave me before? Where did you promise to contact me if you find anything?"

    "I'm sorry, Tang Ze Criminal. They were clamoring for an expedition, but I didn't expect something like this to happen" Conan smiled brightly, "By the time we find out the clues, it will be too late to contact you"

    ¡°You have to remember this next time, do you hear me?¡± Tang Ze warned again.


    Tangze didn¡¯t intend to go too deep into it. After all, the case this time was indeed urgent, and Conan couldn¡¯t contact him. He just gave him a few simple words to remind him not to forget it next time.

    After sending Conan back to the Mori Detective Agency, it was almost dinner time.

    Karasawa drove back and ate a bowl of ramen on the way, and then took advantage of the gloomy and dark clouds to drive back home and start packing things early.

    ¡°You can drive tomorrow and take these things to the dormitory prepared for single police officers by the Metropolitan Police Department.

    Since you have a car, you can move as much as you can to save yourself the trouble.

    And Che Tangze also said hello. Knowing that Tangze had to carry luggage, and there was no urgent case, it was no problem to borrow the car for one night in his current capacity.


    There was no talking all night, only the sound of rain dripping from the window.

    The next day, Karasawa washed up twenty minutes early, and after cleaning up, he was going to go downstairs to buy tamagoyaki nearby for breakfast.

    Although breakfast is very important to Neon people, and most wives or mothers make a rich meal at home, after all, office workers also have single dogs, so there is still some market for breakfast restaurants.

    After all, not long after arriving in Neon, Karasawa was always curious about food, so Karasawa lined up to buy Tamagoyaki.


    After packing a portion of tamagoyaki and taking out the hot milk in the house, Karasawa started to have breakfast in the car.

    The taste is delicate and tender, which is quite in line with Karasawa's taste.

    Halfway through the meal, the phone rang suddenly. Tang Ze took a look and found that the caller ID read "Officer Megure" and quickly chose to answer the call.

    "Oh, Mr. Tang Ze? Where is he now?"

    As soon as the call was connected, some urgent words from Officer Memu came from the other end of the phone.

    "In the car, on the way to the Metropolitan Police Department." Tangze replied immediately.

    "Don't come to the Metropolitan Police Department. If there is a case, go directly to the scene!"

    Officer Megure immediately said: "A murder has occurred at the Chishima Apartment in Chishima-cho 3-chome, 23rd Ward. Go directly to the scene!"

    Tang Ze looked solemn and immediately replied: "Hey, I know!"

    The other end of the phone had already hung up, and Tang Ze didn't care. He put the phone back in his pocket, burned the remaining tamagoyaki in a few mouthfuls, and Tang Ze immediately drove to the scene of the crime.

    After arriving at the scene of the crime, a yellow cordon was set up outside the apartment, and the patrol police from the "Jiaoban Station" (Note 1) in the area had arrived and were maintaining the scene.

    "Jiaobansuo" is the most basic system of the neon police, usually set up in communities or main roads.

    As the name suggests, "Jiao" means exchange of turns, and "Fan" means duty or duty. The combination of the two means taking turns.

    At the beginning, there were no buildings in the "Kobansuo". On duty, you often had to stand in the wind and snow, which was very hard. Later, there were various small buildings, which were not too big and were equivalent to Karasawa.  The police room and police box in my previous life.

    After arriving, Tangze stopped the car, showed his ID, and went to the crime scene under the guidance of the local patrol police.

     ¡°Tsk, this is really messy.¡±

    Tang Ze stood at the door and took a look at the room. He couldn't help but sigh. Then he looked around and walked into the room.

    After entering, there is a built-in shoe cabinet on the left side of the entrance, but the various shoes below are not neatly arranged, but scattered around the entrance to the entrance.

    After walking two steps, there is a very narrow aisle on the right hand side, where is the restroom.

    Tang Ze found that the deceased's bag was just thrown away on the right side of the bathroom, where the door frame and the wall hinged.

    The overall space of the apartment is not large. Going further inside is the combined space of the living room and kitchen. On the right is the stove, a small dining table is placed in the middle space, and further inside there are sofas and coffee tables on the left.

    The bedroom is opposite the stove.

    This is a very simple and common single apartment. The room is generally rectangular, with the entrance, kitchen, and living room in sequence in the rectangular space.

    There is only a toilet on the right side after entering the door, and a bedroom on the left side of the living room as you walk in. The bedroom is connected to a small balcony, but there is no other space.

    Tangze looked around and found that although the surroundings were very messy, whether it was the dining table or the coffee table, all kinds of sundries were scattered around, but there were no signs of being messed up after being burglarized.

    To put it nicely, it¡¯s the messy atmosphere of life, but realistically, it¡¯s sloppy. Sure enough, women are all big pigs. The room of Tangze, a single man, is much cleaner and tidier than hers.

    When he came to the bedroom, he saw the deceased.

    A fairly good-looking girl with medium-length hair, a little less obvious brown in the sun, was lying on the plush blanket on the ground, as if she was asleep.

    After Tangze put on white gloves and clasped his hands together, he began to conduct a preliminary inspection of the body.

    In addition, the bedroom is connected to the balcony, so after Tangze checked the body, he opened the sliding door and entered the balcony.

    There are a lot of clothes that need to be dried there, and the supporting items are strings. As for whether it is the murder weapon, it needs a forensics class to confirm.

    After checking the body and the bedroom, just when Karasawa returned to the living room and began to check the bag thrown on the ground, Officer Megure and Miwako Sato had already arrived.

    As for the case of Takagi and others, the previous case has reached a critical moment, and it is impossible to get away at this moment.

    "Oh, Karasawa-kun, you are already here. What is the situation at the scene?" Officer Megure asked immediately after seeing Karasawa.

    At this moment, Tang Ze had found his work ID card from the bag, and after comparing it with the deceased, he confirmed the identity of the other party.

    "The victim is the resident of this room, Kiriko Asamiya, 26 years old, dispatch clerk."

    Tangze led Mumu and the two into the room where the deceased was. ¡°There was no external bleeding, and there were strangulation marks on the neck. It was suspected that he had been strangled to death.

    But the thing that makes people feel the most inconsistent is that.  "


    Note 1: The neon place where we meet is also called "¦Ð exit". I am full of desire to survive (remember the website address:
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