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Chapter 594 There is always something to gain (40/62)

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    These are very rare gold bars with official inscriptions in the box. There are a hundred of them. The current market value of such gold bars is estimated to be more than 200,000. Even if the quantity is a bit large, it will take at least 200,000 to process.  There are still some, one hundred times twenty, these gold bars alone are more than 20 million.

    However, Meng Zitao weighed it and found that a gold bar weighed at least 600 or nearly 700 grams. Calculating the weight of 100 grams, an ordinary person would not be able to carry it at all.

    Even though it was easy for Meng Zitao to carry it, he didn't really want to carry these gold bars in this situation where the danger was unknown.

    So, Meng Zitao turned his attention to other things in the box, including jades, jewelry, weapons, and even a piece of porcelain.

    When he saw the piece of porcelain, Meng Zitao's eyes lit up and he quickly took it into his hands to appreciate it carefully.

    This is a bamboo hat bowl with an open mouth, a straight belly and a circle foot. The bowl has a fine white body.  The decoration is simple and natural.  Black glaze is applied inside and outside, and the glaze surface is covered with dot-like white spots, which are commonly known as partridge spots.

    The partridge's feathers are purple and red stripes, and its appearance is similar to that of quail and sand grouse. The white spots on its breast feathers are as round as beads, which are not found in other birds. The "partridge spot" refers to the white spots all over the chest of the partridge.  The feathers are as round as beads, because the feathers with beady white spots scattered on the chest are the unique charm of the partridge.

    Partridge spot is a crystalline glaze.  Use two black glazes with different iron contents. Glaze the green body twice and bake it at a temperature slightly lower than firing other crystallized glazes. Because more iron elements crystallize in the glaze, the black glaze surface will appear partridge.  Patterns like bird feathers.

    "Partridge spots" are more difficult to burn than "rabbit hairs", so they are more valuable than "rabbit hairs". This can be seen from the excavation of ancient kiln sites.  At the ancient kiln site of Jian Kiln, "rabbit-haired" porcelain pieces are everywhere, while "partridge-spotted" porcelain pieces are almost invisible.

    The shape of the partridge spots on this bamboo hat bowl changes drastically and erratically, with an obvious three-dimensional and layered effect.  In addition, the carcass has high whiteness and fine texture, even finer than the carcass of white porcelain. The tire wall is very thin, and there are no thick whorl patterns and coarse sand grains in the exposed tire. The glaze layer is even and smooth, and the glaze surface is flat and bright.

    ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????And Meng Zitao can confirm that this bamboo hat bowl was fired using the overlay firing method, then its variety is revealed, it is the very rare Heiding in Ding kiln.

    The Ding kiln of the Song Dynasty is famous for its white porcelain, but it also produces high-quality black-glazed porcelain, called "Hei Ding", also known as "Rabbit Hair Flower".  The black fixed tire is the same as the white porcelain tire, both of which are white.  "Ge Gu Yao Lun": "There are purple dyes whose color is purple, there are black dyes whose color is as black as lacquer, and the earthenware is white, and its price is higher than that of white dyes."

    Meng Zitao clearly remembers that in 2002, a Northern Song Dynasty Ding kiln black-glazed partridge-spotted bowl was auctioned for more than 13 million yuan. Seven years later, it is hard to imagine the value of this bowl.  And he thinks this bamboo hat bowl is even better than that one, so what is its value?

    It can be said that just from this bowl, Meng Zitao felt that although this trip was dangerous, at least it was not in vain.

    Meng Zitao couldn't put it down and looked at the bamboo hat bowl again and again. After a while, he put the bowl away and put it into the box he had prepared in advance.

    Next, Meng Zitao studied the remaining jades and jewelry, all of which were rare treasures, with a combined value of two to three hundred million.

    As for the weapons, they are all extremely exquisite. The swords (swords) are all inlaid with various precious stones and are very well made. In addition, from the fact that they are not rusty, it can be seen that they are all quite extraordinary.

    Meng Zitao finally picked up a dagger in the box. The scabbard of this dagger was plain and simple. He looked at it for a while and then lightly drew it, and a fishy smell came to his face. After a slight smell, Meng Zitao felt that  I felt a little uncomfortable, so I quickly moved it away from me.

    The blade of this dagger is not long, estimated to be about a foot and a half at most. It is completely black. When you shine a flashlight on it, you can vaguely see a faint blue light. In addition, there are two characters engraved on the sword. The font is in seal script, Mencius.  Tao recognized the word "Sui Ren".

    This surprised Meng Zitao and murmured: "No wonder I felt a little uncomfortable just now, it turns out it is Sui Ren!"

    The Sui Blade is also known as the Langjian.  The blade of the sword is forged with poison, and if it hurts anyone, it will cause death.  "New Book of Tang Dynasty. Nanzhao Biography" states: "Sui blades are cast with poison and smelted to welcome the sun like a star. If it is used for ten years, it is tempered with horse blood and decorated with a golden rhinoceros. If it injures someone, it will cause death."  It was forged by rogues, so it is also called Langjian."

    "This is Sui Ren?" The army was also a little surprised.

    "Have you heard of it before?"

    "Yes, it is said that this sword was actually made for assassination."

    "That's right. If you seal your throat with a sword, it's hard not to die." Meng Zitao put the sword back into its scabbard, handed it to the army and said, "This??I'll give it to you. It's more useful in your hands than in mine, but you must be careful when using it.  "

    Dajun was not polite. He took the Sui Blade and felt it. He felt it fit well and put it away.

    Having looked at all the things, Meng Zitao did not find that there were any words written by the original owners on these things, which made him somewhat distressed.

    So, he ignored these things for the time being. He stood up and looked at the stone house with the help of a flashlight.

    Apart from this wooden box, there is nothing else in the stone house. In addition, the area here is only about thirty square meters, which obviously does not meet the size of the stone house. In this way, the stone house is divided into at least two parts, separated by a stone wall.  It is open, but there is no door, so there should obviously be a mechanism.

    In this case, Meng Zitao and Da Jun looked for the mechanism together. With their previous experience, the two of them quickly found the mechanism. There was a round floor tile on the ground to the right of the stone wall.

    Stepping hard on the floor tile, a two-square-meter stone brick slowly sank on the stone wall, revealing the appearance of another room. There were about a dozen large wooden boxes like just now in the room. In addition, in  In the middle of the room, there is a stone tablet about fifty centimeters high.

    Seeing this situation, Meng Zitao said: "Da Jun, you stay outside so that I can be taken care of."


    Meng Zitao walked into the stone room. Because there were a large army stepping on the mechanism, the stone bricks did not rise.  Meng Zitao first took a look at the stone tablet. This stone tablet was somewhat crudely made, and the text on it was in traditional regular script. It obviously had nothing to do with the ancient tomb and should have been placed here later.

    Meng Zitao read the text on the stone tablet, which was about the entry and exit methods of the ancient tomb mechanism.

    The correct way to enter the ancient tomb is actually required when entering the wound gate. Two people cannot enter at the same time. They must be at least nine breaths apart. Otherwise, the formation will be triggered and lead to a dangerous passage. As for the formation,  How did Fa know that two people entered at the same time? This person did not find out. He only said that it was a miraculous skill.

    In addition, the way out is not difficult. Just take nine consecutive photos of the scenery gate, and the scenery gate will open automatically. However, it is best to pass through the scenery gate passage within one stick of incense. During this period, you must not be disturbed by anything.  Delay, otherwise it will lead to disaster.

    Finally, the person who set up the calligraphy said that the boxes in the room were filled with gold and silver jewelry. If necessary, feel free to take them, but you must remember to restore the glory of your ancestors as your own responsibility, and don't stay in this room for too long.  So much.

    "After so many years, I still think about the teachings of my ancestors. My faith is strong enough."

    Meng Zitao muttered, then walked to the box beside him, ready to open it and take a look.  There were no copper locks on these boxes. He opened one of them and saw that it was filled with golden gold. Just looking at it felt satisfying.

    ??The wooden boxes were opened one after another. The contents inside were just like what was said on the stone tablet. They were all gold and silver jewelry, and there were no weapons or antiques.

    When Meng Zitao was about to open the last box, he suddenly felt palpitations. He stopped immediately and felt it carefully, but he didn't find any danger.

    At this moment, the ground suddenly began to shake slightly. Then, Meng Zitao noticed the position of the stone tablet and began to sink slowly, and his heart palpitations became more and more intense.

    Meng Zitao didn't know at this time that another monster was definitely about to appear, so he quickly shouted to the army stepping on the mechanism: "Quickly release your feet."

    As he spoke, he rushed towards the stone door and reached the stone room outside in a flash.

    "Run out quickly!"

    Meng Zitao shouted at the army again, and the army ran out of the stone room. Meng Zitao ran to the wooden box, picked it up and ran outside.

    After running out of the door, Meng Zitao anxiously took out the key from the door of the stone chamber. At this time, a strange roar came from the stone chamber inside. Just listening to this sound made both of them feel numb.

    At this time, the stone brick had only risen by two-thirds. Meng Zitao and Da Jun saw the source of the strange roar at the same time. It was clearly a bird with wings spread, standing nearly two meters tall, resembling a tiger.  It goes without saying that this is a truly unique animal.

    Qiongqi's eyes were glowing red. It noticed Meng Zitao and Dajun. The red light in its eyes was strong. It directly hit the stone bricks that were about to rise to the top. With a bang, the stone chamber was a little unbearable.  The impact caused it to vibrate.  (Remember the website address:
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