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Chapter 482 Jumping off the building

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    Smelling the charming aroma of barbecue wafting around, everyone felt that the waiting time was a bit unbearable. Then seeing the guests next to them looking intoxicated with food, the gluttons in their stomachs were aroused, and they couldn't wait to grab some.

    When everyone¡¯s stomachs growled with hunger, the grilled mutton skewers finally arrived.

    This shop uses the traditional charcoal grilling method, which can ensure the aroma and toughness of the meat. The skewers are large and full of meat, authentic and grilled just right. Just looking at them will make you full of appetite.

    Everyone couldn¡¯t wait to pick up a bunch of mutton skewers and taste them. The mutton skewers here are just the right amount of fat and lean. The mutton is a little chewy and chewy, and the more you chew, the more fragrant it becomes. In addition, the fatter mutton tastes more delicious.

    ¡°I don¡¯t know if it¡¯s because I¡¯ve been hungry for a long time, but Meng Zitao thinks this may be the most delicious mutton kebab he has ever eaten so far.

    After everyone finished eating the mutton skewers, the grilled wings arrived. The grilled wings here only add a few drops of vegetable oil when they are almost ready, but the grilled skin is charred but not black. When you bite into it, the meat is fresh and tender. It's called a  Comfortable.

    The next pork belly is also moderately fat and lean, and tastes neither dry nor dry. Meng Zitao believes that this must be the favorite of diners who love pork belly.

    The beef skewers that came later were also very tender. Compared with the mutton skewers just now, each has its own characteristics. If you compare it hard, you can only say that it is only half the same.  Moreover, the beef used here is all freshly slaughtered, and the beef of the same day will not be carried to the next day, so the quantity is limited and it will be gone by the evening.

    Finally, some vegetarian dishes were added. Even He Wanyi, who is usually more reserved about eating and has been here once before, was very satisfied with the food and praised the deliciousness of the food.

    After paying the bill, everyone walked along the road. Although there was nothing interesting or beautiful places nearby, as the old saying goes, if you walk a hundred steps after a meal, if you live to be ninety-nine, it should be for digestion.

    He Wanyi asked with a smile as she walked: "Is this barbecue restaurant good?"

    Meng Zitao smiled and said: "Of course the restaurant recommended by our family Wanyi is right, but it's a pity that it is located in Quancheng, so you can't eat such delicious food every day!"

    He Wanyi smiled and said: "As the old saying goes, distance creates beauty. In the same way, if you eat it every day, you will get tired of it. Now that transportation is so developed, it doesn't matter if you eat it once or twice a monthah!"

    As soon as He Wanyi said this, a person fell down from the street not far ahead, on the third or fourth floor. He hit a passerby who was walking on the roadside with a bang, and there was blood immediately.  It started to flow, and this sudden scene immediately frightened He Wanyi into screaming.

    Meng Zitao reacted quickly, and quickly hugged He Wanyi into his arms and whispered comfort, while frowning and looking at the unexpected situation in front of him.

    It was not just He Wanyi who was frightened. Several old people chatting not far away were also frightened. One of them might have a heart disease and immediately fell over with his hands on his chest.

    Coupled with the frightened pedestrians running away on the roadside, the surroundings can be said to be chaotic.

    "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, I'm here." Meng Zitao gently patted He Wanyi's back and whispered comfort, but he knew medical skills after all, so he still wanted to go over and take a look, and help if he could.

    After a while, He Wanyi's mood calmed down a bit, and she breathed a long sigh of relief: "Zitao, you know acupuncture, come and have a look."

    "Then it doesn't matter to you." Meng Zitao was a little worried.

    "It's okay. I was just frightened too suddenly. It's okay now."

    He Wanyi raised her head and smiled at Meng Zitao: "Go quickly, saving one life is better than building a seven-level pagoda."


    Meng Zitao nodded solemnly and hurriedly ran towards the old people. Firstly, he was close to them, and secondly, if it was a heart disease, he had a more effective acupuncture method that he could use.

    Meng Zitao ran to the old man and found that the old man was pale, breathless, and his expression looked very painful. As expected, he must have had a heart attack.

    Meng Zitao asked the old people around him and found out that it was indeed a heart attack. He judged the condition with his own methods and asked Dajun to help him take out a long silver needle. After disinfecting it, he held the silver needle to the old man.  The Tianchi point on the chest was pierced.

    The long silver needle pierced close to the heart, making everyone around him tremble with fear. If Meng Zitao hadn't already taken action, the old people around him wouldn't have dared to touch him. Otherwise, the scolding would have been frivolous and he would have had a bad temper.  They will beat him.

    However, the expressions of the old people around him immediately changed from anger and worry to surprise, because of theThe word "kill" has never occurred to me even when I was in a low mood before. People don't live in the world just for themselves.

    Getting back to the subject, although Meng Zitao despised this man's behavior of jumping off the building, he couldn't do anything to save a life.  He quickly checked it first, thought for a moment, and then, with the help of the army, carefully turned the person over.

    This is an old man of about sixty years old. Most of his face is covered with blood. At this time, his eyes are closed, his teeth are clenched, and his breathing is weak.

    The three or four-story building may not seem high enough, so the chances of surviving if you fall are pretty good, and when you fall, you will have a certain buffer due to passers-by. But the person who jumped from the building was an old man in his sixties.  Think about it and know that there will be no good results.  (Remember the website address:
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