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Chapter 203 Ge Kiln Fish Ear Stove

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    Although the counterfeiting technique of filling the whole body with ink is very clever, because the ink color is added later, no matter how authentic it is, it will still be different from the real thing.

    For example, if it is an authentic product from the Song Dynasty, the ink color is not completely black, but slightly bluish. It looks very pleasing to the eye and is difficult to imitate.

    Of course, this kind of identification technique is simple to say, but if no one tells it, most people will be in the dark.

    Because of this, it is not a simple and easy thing to become an expert in dealing in antiques and collecting antiques. This requires a leader to bring you into this industry. If possible, it is best to have an excellent expert as your guide.  division.

    Of course, the antique industry is a mixed bag. As mentioned above, many practitioners who were not very good at it have suddenly become so-called experts and teachers.  For many beginners or good collectors, these people are not even qualified masters, and it is simply a disaster to worship them as their masters.

    ¡°A good master, in addition to having outstanding strengths, must also have a certain ability to appreciate other antique items, and be able to introduce the similarities between various antiques to his apprentices.

    At the same time, in addition to theoretical knowledge, the master also needs to have practical experience. He can tell his apprentice about his eye-piercing experience, and display and analyze the antiques he originally drilled.

    Secondly, in addition to understanding the characteristics and nature of the antique industry, the master must also understand in detail the development process of the antique industry in recent decades, and it is best to be someone who has experienced this development stage, because he can explain to you in detail what was not possible in the past.  When he was allowed to deal in antiques, how did he do it himself?

    In addition to these, the master also needs to have connections and understand and be familiar with many antique dealers.  This may seem utilitarian, but in fact it is also caused by the particularity of the antique industry.  To put it simply, in this industry, people with few connections are rarely successful.

    In addition, when he first entered the industry, the apprentice relied on the master. When the apprentice got on the right track, the reverse was also true.

    Because of this, masters used to be very strict in selecting apprentices, for example, they had to conduct interviews first.  The interview mainly depends on whether the other person is flexible in mind, behaves in a normal way, and is diligent in doing things.  After passing the interview, parents still have to spend money and give gifts for their children to study in an antique shop for three years, but only food and accommodation are provided for these three years, without wages.

    During the three-year apprenticeship, the person is not allowed to touch or touch antiques and can only do some chores. The only opportunities for learning are when the master chats with customers and people in the industry or discusses antique culture knowledge, and when he goes out to buy or inspect goods.  , eavesdrop and keep it in mind.

    In the past three years, the master has been observing the apprentice. If he finds that the apprentice has a problem with his character or fails to meet his requirements, he will fire him.  When he thought that his apprentice had learned enough, he allowed him to start with antiques and help with the business.

    Of course, now is the new century. Under normal circumstances, accepting apprentices is not as strict as before. However, this has also caused the relationship between masters and apprentices to be much more fragile than before. This has advantages and disadvantages.

    Precisely because a good master is hard to find, Meng Zitao was so excited when he heard that Zheng Anzhi had taken a liking to him.  Moreover, the more serious Zheng Anzhi is, the happier he will be, because this kind of master-disciple relationship is much stronger.

    In addition, Meng Zitao is not disgusted with Zheng Anzhi's test, because in this process, what he can learn is far more than what he has paid for, and some experiences cannot be solved by supernatural powers.  On his own, he doesn¡¯t know when he will get it.

    Back to the topic, after hearing what Meng Zitao said, Bao Xiaoshan stopped quibbling and said bluntly: "Okay, what do you want?"

    Meng Zitao smiled and said, "Of course it's your home collection."

    Bao Xiaoshan spread his hands: "I told you a long time ago that I don't have any collections anymore, but you just don't believe it."

    "Is it really gone?" Meng Zitao's face turned cold.

    Bao Xiaoshan said helplessly: "I know you are a big shot, but even if you kill me, I can't turn you into an antique. Of course, if you want something like that just now, I have two more."

    Meng Zitao stared at Bao Xiaoshan for a while and said, "Do you want me to come back empty-handed?"

    Being stared at by Meng Zitao, Bao Xiaoshan broke into cold sweat on his back. He smiled bitterly and said, "I really don't have anything left. How about I give you a sum of money, or I give you all the things in the living room."

    Meng Zitao was waiting for his words, but if his master agreed like this, it would probably arouse Bao Xiaoshan's suspicion. He smiled coldly: "Even if I am short of money, I am not so low-spirited as to collude with you."  .In addition, your living roomAfter reaching the agreement, Meng Zitao used the method Zheng Anzhi had used before to prepare to remove the treasure glaze.

    Seeing that there was such a strange method, Bao Xiaoshan couldn't help but marvel, and then he watched the army's operations with concentration.

    When it was almost done, Dajun took the incense burner out of the pot and used a knife to remove the treasure glaze from the surface of the porcelain. The true face of the incense burner suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

    I saw this vessel, the whole body is covered with glaze, the glaze is blue-grey, the glaze is warm and moist, the glaze surface is covered with open flakes, just like cracked ice, and the ring foot is as black as iron, the characteristics are very obvious.

    Bao Xiaoshan wiped his eyes, was stunned for a moment, and said with a tongue-tied mouth: "Thisis this Ge Kiln?!"

    Meng Zitao ignored him, walked to the army in a few steps, picked up the incense burner, and looked at it carefully.

    As one of the five famous kilns in the Song Dynasty, Ge Kiln has always been the object of many collectors' competition. However, due to the lack of contemporary documents, and the documents of later generations are often fragmentary, fragmentary, and some are contradictory to each other.  .  Therefore, the true face of Ge Kiln is still very mysterious.

    Of course, Meng Zitao has no intention of getting to the bottom of the matter for the time being. He just judges whether the incense burner in his hand is a Ge kiln based on the experience summarized by current experts and scholars.

    First of all, Ge kiln glaze is a matte glaze, the glaze surface is as shiny as "ghee", and the colors are rich and colorful, including beige, pink-green, and milky white.

    This is the performance of this incense burner. Its color is beautiful and natural, soft and pure, the glaze and the carcass are closely matched, and the appearance is large and upright, which fully demonstrates the superb design and firing skills of the ancients.

    Secondly, the most striking feature of Ge Kiln is the "golden iron wire". This feature means that the glaze of Ge Kiln has mesh-like openings, which may overlap like ice cracks, or become fine and small openings, with "golden iron wire".  "Silk iron wire" is a typical example, that is, thicker black cracks intertwined with fine red and yellow cracks.

    There is this description in "Ge Gu Yao Lun" of the Ming Dynasty: "The Ge Kiln pattern is based on cracked ice and eel blood, followed by plum blossom ink patterns. Fine broken patterns are also below the pattern. "

    ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????: If you use a tool to hit the ice surface, sometimes there will be many white lines that explode, which people call ice cracks.

    This incense burner is like this. The glaze looks like transparent ice, and the slices are like plum blossoms, layered on top of each other, giving it a strong three-dimensional effect.  This is exactly the expression of ice cracks, and it belongs to the top grade among Ge Kiln glazes.

    Seeing this, Meng Zitao has basically determined that this is the real Ge Kiln, and it is also the top grade among the Ge Kilns. The appearance is also perfect and can be called a treasure.

    Although he had made an accurate judgment, Meng Zitao still took out a magnifying glass to observe the phenomenon of "gathering beads and balls" thinking of the various characteristics of Ge Kiln.

    The glaze layer of Ge Kiln ware is usually very thick, and the thickest part is even equal to the thickness of the body. The glaze contains bubbles, which appear like beads, giving it a beautiful charm like "gathering beads together to gather balls". This is one of the key factors to distinguish genuine Ge Kiln ware.  traditional method.  (Remember the website address:
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