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Chapter 660 Experience and Lessons

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    Li Chengqian brought his own team and of course his own treasury, so he decided to go big.  If there is no equipment, make an iron stove on the spot and buy the materials; if there is no one, go to every household to recruit; if there is no food, go to the county government to purchase it; and discuss with the landlords about land acquisition, let them go to the county government office, and Li Chengqian will personally  Talk to them.

    It is completely different from handling work in the court, but there are many similarities.

    The biggest difference is that in the court hall, the east wall can be demolished to make up the west wall.  But it is very difficult at the grassroots level, because there are no walls for them to tear down. Everyone is unwilling to give up an inch of land or plucking out a hair. No one can see the rabbit but not the hawk, and there is no hope for them to take a long-term view.  They would not agree to anything that said things would get better in the future and that they would endure some hardships for now.

    ?????????????? Comparison is common, people worry not about scarcity but about inequality, and there are countless quarrels over petty gains.  Village after village, home after home, man after man, everyone seems to have eaten gunpowder and will explode at the slightest touch.

    There is no gentleness, only carelessness.

    Li Chengqian has a headache, but this is the grassroots level, because he is surrounded by monkeys who are all around him. What they pursue is not the grand blueprint, but the safety of pocket.

    "There is no trust at all." Li Chengqian sighed. He was keenly aware of the problem, that is, the people did not trust each other, and the officials and the people did not trust each other. Naturally, they would not trust themselves, the prince who was not a prince.

    Li Chengqian had to look through Yunyao's small manual.  Yunyao encountered these problems when developing Zhucheng, so she gave solutions in detail.

    Quarrels are normal, and for ordinary people, it is normal to be distracted.  It's not that they don't have vision, it's that they can't have vision, and if they do, they may starve to death.

    So we need to build a trusting relationship and let them know that even if their family has no food to eat, someone will take care of them.

    "When dealing with issues, you cannot blindly please the people for the sake of your own reputation. You must adhere to principles. If you want the people to unite around you, you are not promising them benefits, but taking the lead in doing the right things. So the easiest way to build trust is to  The way is to eat and live with the workers." Li Chengqian read the contents of the small manual and asked how on earth his sister could learn so much knowledge?  It was as if she had experienced it herself.

    ¡°I have indeed experienced it, and suffered a lot of losses. These are Yunyao¡¯s experiences and lessons in building a city.  Speaking of buying people off, she had done it before and suffered a big loss in the end.

    At first Yunyao thought that as long as she gave her money, people would naturally follow her.  But later she discovered that this was not the case. She only wanted to please the people, and the people gradually began to close themselves off to protect themselves and were unwilling to fulfill their obligations.  Yunyao is so high that the people cannot rely on Yunyao. What they rely on is the money in their hands.  So it is okay to give them money, but once they encounter a development bottleneck and have no money to give, people will hold on to their wallets without thinking about the long term.  Because they don't trust Yunyao, they feel that Yunyao can ascend at any time and won't care about them. But if Yunyao ascends, they have to live, so naturally they can't spend money to break through any bottlenecks.

    Yunyao realized that if she thought it was enough to just give money, then in the end people would believe in the money, not the person who gave the money.  This was the first time Yunyao encountered such a situation. At that time, there was indeed a bottleneck in development. Yunyao wanted to mobilize everyone to work together, but no one responded at all.  Later, Yunyao chatted with them and found out that the reason why they didn't respond was because they thought Yunyao was trying to defraud them of their money. It was Yunyao's way of recovering the money, and it was Yunyao's clever excuse.

    Without money, they can¡¯t survive, so they can¡¯t trust Yunyao.

    This made Yunyao realize that buying people can indeed be successful within a certain period of time, but once it encounters a bottleneck, it cannot be overcome.  That's why she deeply realized that she had become separated from the masses in Zhucheng, so she spent several years returning to the masses to re-establish trust with everyone and let them know that even if they have no money, everyone can still help each other.

    In fact, the reason is very simple. An alliance of interests is naturally the strongest when there are interests. When there are no interests, there is no trust relationship. The covenant will naturally be dissolved, conflicts will break out, and unity cannot be achieved at all.  Therefore, Yunyao once again went deep into the masses, built a moral alliance, established a trusting relationship, and made everyone believe in her again, and then she reunited people's hearts.  Let them know that even if Yunyao is a heavenly being, he still cares about everyone's future, will share the joys and sorrows with them, and will not abandon them and run away.

    With this trust, everyone generously donated money to help Yunyao overcome the development bottleneck in Zhucheng.

    ??Simply speaking, interest alliances are only effective when there are interests, so buying the people can only last for a short time. Even Yunyao will encounter the bottleneck of insufficient interests, let alone the Tang Dynasty.  Moreover, benefits do not come out of thin air. They arise when there is nothing.In back-country areas, interest alliances are not reliable at all, so she taught Li Chengqian to endure hardships with everyone at once and eat whatever everyone eats. In short, she must gain everyone's trust so that everyone will contribute their own strength.

    Li Chengqian took the lead in repairing water conservancy and organizing transportation, and he had to lead by example, so that everyone would believe that Li Chengqian really wanted to do practical things for them, instead of trying to trick them into giving money and effort.

    In fact, it is also possible to forcibly recruit people's power. After all, corvee is legal.  But relying on corvees cannot mobilize enthusiasm. In the past, Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty recruited various corvees, including fighting wars and digging canals, so the people of the Tang Dynasty had a psychological shadow on corv¨¦es.  If Li Chengqian really used corvee labor, he would definitely be criticized for being greedy for success and greedy for success. Even if he did something practical, he would be scolded bloody.  Just like Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty, everyone knew the usefulness of the Grand Canal, but he was scolded very miserably because he did not mobilize the subjective initiative of the corvee people. The corvees were all passive laborers. Who was not afraid of Emperor Sui Yang's scolding?

    But if Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty worked on the construction site in person, even if it was just a pretense, the corvees would definitely be full of energy.

    Therefore, he must make the people believe in him so that Li Chengqian can exert his strength and gain fame while doing practical things.  So he put his practice into practice, rolled up his trousers and worked with everyone. He fucked him for three years and fucked him passionately.

    Not only do they work, but they also eat and live together. After persisting in this way, Li Chengqian also deeply understands the hardship of workers.  Because he brought funds, the local area had better blacksmith skills, and began to promote the curved shaft plow and raise more cattle and horses.  At the same time, many businessmen came to invest in order to please Li Chengqian, and this small county suddenly became lively.

    This is the effect Yunyao needs, to allow funds to flow to the local area. Of course, if the prince leaves, how to keep the funds depends entirely on the local people.  This was also written in the booklet to prevent the funds from immediately flowing away after Li Chengqian left. Yunyao also gave the emperor a lot of ideas, hoping to maintain the sustainable development of the county as much as possible.  Although it is very difficult, you must work hard no matter how difficult it is, otherwise there will be a problem of the Tang Dynasty becoming the Song Dynasty, and "Water Margin" will become the story of the Tang Dynasty.

    Therefore, we can¡¯t just concentrate the funds in the cities, but also find ways to send the funds back to the counties and even villages. Only in this way can all things in the Tang Dynasty flourish and radiate vitality.

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