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Chapter 566: Spectacles Destroy the Country

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    Aquarius enters the room. Although the royal family now advocates frugality and sets an example to the world, it is still a royal family. Life is still exquisite and there are many resources. Therefore, Aquarius often collects rare flowers from the palace gardens as decorations.  Although she also knew that if Yunyao was thirteen years old in another ten years, she would definitely be more beautiful than a flower, but that didn't stop her from picking flowers now, after all, Yunyao's flower hadn't grown yet.

    Yunyao was muttering about how to upgrade the industries of the Tang Dynasty. This thing is actually not easy. After all, there were so many rich countries before the industrial revolution, but in the end, only one country among all the rich countries achieved industrial upgrading, so it is really  It's not easy, you still need to push.

    The first country to complete industry was forced out of the industrial revolution because the market was too big and its production capacity was too small, and it started the large-machine production model.  In the Tang Dynasty, there was no foundation for the industrial revolution. The market and production capacity were basically balanced, and there was no need to urgently expand production capacity.

    Although we have mastered two trade routes and made a lot of money, the money was still spent on wars and spectacles. In addition, it was controlled by various local vassals and towns, and no money was spent on industrial upgrading.

    When everyone in the Western Zhou Dynasty had extra money, they would find ways to open up wasteland, because the more wasteland they open up, the more food they will have.  But in the Tang Dynasty, everyone had money. Apart from fighting wars and building large-scale construction projects, and saving a little money for emergencies, they had no other ideas at all.  Anyway, the stall is getting bigger and bigger, and I can definitely spend whatever money I make.

    Once the stall is spread out, it will be impossible to upgrade, because then it may seem like you have money, but in fact you have no money, because every penny has been divided, and it belongs to someone. If you want to gather the money that has been divided,  It¡¯s difficult to get up and do practical things.

    Therefore, it is necessary to upgrade as early as possible. Yunyao was thinking about what to do to upgrade smoothly.  After all, upgrading costs money. Even if Yunyao can avoid detours and recover the cost as quickly as possible, it still requires capital.  It was only the first year of Zhenguan, the Tang Dynasty had just finished the Unification War, and the Turks in the north were eyeing her. Yunyao was just a baby, and she suddenly asked for money to upgrade industry and develop technology. Even if Li Shimin loved her again, he couldn't let her run wild.

    ? Then there are only two choices. One is not to upgrade the industry first, but just promote technology, just like the Mohist family.  The second is to make money by yourself and upgrade yourself.

    To make money is still very simple, Yunyao can just refine some elixirs, such as the elixirs that are not suitable for children, which can make men regain their youth and glory. If they sell them casually, they will definitely make a lot of money.  It's just unseemly, but you can find an agent.

    You can also borrow money directly and raise funds.  As the most beloved daughter of Tian Khan, I still have some dignity.  Of course, you can also create a name for yourself, for example, it's your fourth birthday, so let everyone give you gifts.

    Although it is said that frugality is required, there are many wealthy people in Chang'an City nowadays, and things like annexing land and raising outhouses have already occurred.

    So making money is still very simple. Yunyao thought that if she just promoted scientific knowledge, she would inevitably repeat the mistakes of the Mohists, so she might as well just develop technology and make money by herself.

    Aquarius stood beside the princess and quietly observed her expression. It was not the expression that a three-year-old should have at all. She was so wise and calm, just like your majesty.  In the entire palace, Aoping thought that only the emperor would be so meditative. He seemed to have a difficult problem and seemed to have it under control.

    Three-year-old Yunyao¡¯s reincarnation is going to do big things, and she feels that the royal energy in her body is getting stronger and stronger.  The five qi in her chest were completely gathered by Yunyao after her reincarnation. Because she was reincarnated into the human emperor's home and became the daughter of the human emperor, she is now extremely precious and the emperor's qi is generated by herself.

    Spiritual energy, murderous energy, humility, true love, and finally royal energy.  The five qi in the chest are the power of the immortal soul and are what make the immortal outstanding. Therefore, every immortal must find the five qi in the process of cultivation to enrich his soul.  Many immortals have never found all the five qi in their whole life of cultivation, but Yunyao has already collected the five qi without even surviving the catastrophe. It can be said that this is inseparable from her active participation in the world.

    Therefore, when some gods are in bottlenecks, they will also enter the world to experience. In fact, it is the same principle. Through the colorful mortal life, they can replenish their souls and perfect the five qi in their chests.

    Without the five qi in the chest and the three flowers on the top, you can't even think of becoming an immortal, let alone a higher realm.

    Anyway, because of this reincarnation, Yunyao received the five qi as a blessing in disguise.  In return, she should also repay Datang well.  Regardless of whether there is an industrial revolution or not, at least one idea of ??¡®industrial upgrading¡¯ must be left behind.  Let everyone realize that to make money, you do not have to use force to expand territory, but you can also gain stronger power through technological upgrades.

    "Make money." Yunyao said.

    Baoping was stunned. She understood these two words, but it was really inconsistent to say them from a three-year-old child.  threeThe 6-year-old child suddenly said that he wanted to make money. What did the princess want money for?  As the emperor's most beloved daughter, the princess had no worries about food or drink, so how could she suddenly think about money?  What stimulated you?

    "Your Highness, why did you suddenly mention making money?" Aoping has to be responsible for taking care of the princess. Although the princess is smart, she is only three years old after all. She has to prevent the princess from being led astray.

    ¡°I just have some things to do and need some money.¡± Yunyao said.

    "If your Highness wants to do something, please let me know and see if I can help." Aoping felt that the princess did not need money. If there was a small problem, she, the palace maid, could solve it.

    Yunyao said: "Go find an alchemy furnace, and help me find some herbs and other ingredients. I will make an order for you."

    As expected, it is easier to make money by refining the ¡®Invulnerable Pill¡¯.  It is said that when women make money, it is easier for men who are not as strong as they want to make money.

    "When you refine the elixir, you can sell it to the prince's brother. When the income is 91 points, he can just take one point."

    Yunyao made a decision and started immediately. She wanted to tell the Tang Dynasty royal family not to build spectacle buildings when they were rich. Wonders would harm the country. Although these luxurious carved towers and palaces could become works of art, they were of no use to development, so they should still build them.  The money spent on creating wonders should be used to upgrade industries.

    Although there is no money now, Yunyao knows that there is more and more money. Twenty years after Zhenguan, everyone has already started to perform spectacles.  It was during this period that the second prince Li Zhi built Ci'en Temple. After Tang Monk came back, he built the Big Wild Goose Pagoda. This became the headquarters of Tang Monk Weishi Sect.

    Ci'en Temple and the Big Wild Goose Pagoda are both wonders of architecture, both of which are supported by the people. It would be good to have the money to build more ships and more cannons. It would be even better if they are used for infrastructure construction. It is best to build trains and roads.

    In short, we need to act quickly, otherwise after twenty or thirty years, the Tang Dynasty will enter the dynasty cycle again, entering a cycle where the princes and nobles do not know how to make progress, but only know how to enjoy themselves.  Yunyao knew very well that these people were not stupid, it was just that the environment was like this. The environment did not give them a way to develop other than fighting, and they naturally deteriorated over time.  We need to give them a direction for upgrading and let them know that only by continuously improving industries can Datang become more prosperous.

    When Baoping saw Yunyao making alchemy, he thought that the princess was too smart. She started making alchemy at the age of three. What if the alchemy was successful?

    Yunyao not only made alchemy, but also made glass, so she found all kinds of sand.  And the fuel and combustion chamber were improved to increase the temperature of the alchemy furnace. Only when the temperature is high can the technology in "Laojun Alchemy Notes" be used.

    Everything is in order.

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