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Chapter 139 Smoking

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    In Huang Yi¡¯s view, what this player said was just his personal opinion, and there was a lot of partiality. The threat from Thor was actually very great.

    Thor is also a rising star, but he has reached the top 10 in the China level list. This growth rate is very amazing, and he must have accomplished many secret feats.  What outsiders see is always only superficial things, and there are some private secrets that cannot be seen.  For example, Huang Yi's "Eye of Time" is an ability that no one knows yet. It is a private secret of his.  Thor must have similar secrets, and must have performed some feats that no one has ever seen. These secrets can be hidden from outsiders, but not from the system. The system will also take the player's secrets into consideration when selecting the winner. These secrets can't be hidden from outsiders.  Secrets will directly affect the results of the awards.  Huang Yi didn't know how many secrets Thor had and how many feats he had accomplished in private, but the other party had spent much more time in the second world than he had, and he must have accomplished a lot of feats. It is estimated that some of the feats were not weaker than crossing the continent.  Things, these are uncertain factors.  There is no way to predict who will win the prize.

    Next, Huang Yi retreated and looked at other posts.

    Suddenly, he saw a familiar name - "Poet", which was the bard player he had seen in the forest village before.  This poet is one of the celebrities on the forum. Because he often looks at some issues from a new perspective and is able to justify himself, he has cultivated a group of loyal readers. His posts often attract responses from many people.  Have a relatively large influence.

    His current post is called ¡°The harm of national honor to a country.¡±

    This title alone is enough to attract a lot of criticism.  National honor is the highest honor of a country. Whoever gets 1 point can increase the attributes of all players in the country by 1% and immediately become a national hero.  But it is almost unreasonable for this poet to say that national honor is in danger.  Huang Yi clicked in and took a look.

    "As we all know, national honor is the highest honor for a country. Many players want to get some national honor and become a national hero. However, is national honor really that good? I personally think,  After the national honor value reaches a certain amount, it will bring hidden harm! The national honor value can improve the strength of players in that country. In this way, the more national honor values, the stronger the players in that country will be. Secondly,  The progress of the world has been accelerated across the board, and the precious resources possessed by each continent are limited. For example, the proven reserves of precious minerals such as World Stone are only about 1,000 tons on each continent. Such precious resources are indispensable.  For regeneration, use less and less. The stronger the player's strength, the faster these precious resources will be consumed and the earlier they will be exhausted. Once they are consumed, this continent will become very  It is barren. If you want to obtain more resources, you can only invade other continents. And invaders usually have no good end. The first country to provoke a war will be reviled by the entire world and be targeted by the public, regardless of  It is in an awkward position both morally and strategically. In addition, invading other continents requires crossing some dangerous places, either a vast ocean full of dangers or an uninhabited land with harsh conditions, which the expedition force must overcome  After overcoming many crises and reaching the destination, how much strength will be left? It is not certain who will annihilate whom by then"

    This post was very long, and the poet gave several reasons. After reading it, Huang Yi felt that it made some sense.  The country that shoots the first bird and is the first to use up its resources will inevitably take the initiative to invade other continents. This is simply unbearable. No one will want to stay in a barren continent. They must invade, and  The identity of the invader is usually dishonorable and will become a public enemy of the world, not to mention that aggression itself is a very dangerous thing.

    But having said that, national honor is still something that every player must fight for. After all, compared to the benefits of national honor, this harm is negligible. After all, the overall strength of the country must be stronger, the better.

    Huang Yi browsed other posts for a while, and then went offline.

    At this time, it was late at night in the real world, and all the criminals in Rose Prison had fallen asleep. The world was quiet, without any sound, like a forgotten time and space.

    Huang Yi stood up, opened the door and walked out. This is what public cells are like. In this building, criminals are relatively free and can open their cells and walk around in the corridor.

    When he came to the corridor, Huang Yi held on to the railing and looked at the first floor below. What he saw was hazy. In reality, he did not have as strong dark vision as in the second world. He could not see specific things clearly. He could only see.  to a rough outline.

    "Squeak!"At this moment, there was a sudden sound of opening the door from a cell not far away. Huang Yi turned around and saw the prison bully Lei Shen. At this time, he frowned and seemed to be in a bad mood.

    Lei Shen soon saw Huang Yi in the corridor, his face was slightly startled, as if he didn't expect anyone to be awake so late.

    He smiled slightly, walked over to Huang Yi, took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, handed it to Huang Yi, and said, "You're still not going to bed so late?"

    "Isn't it the same for you?" Huang Yi took out a cigarette from the cigarette case and put it into his mouth.

    "Ta!" Lei Shen opened the lighter, lit a cigarette for Huang Yi, and then lit one himself.

    "How about it? This public cell is comfortable, isn't it? Compared to the solitary cell you were in before, this is paradise! At least you can't smoke there." Lei Shen took a long puff of cigarette with satisfaction, and then enjoyed it  He closed his eyes as if.

    "It's indeed much better. I'm in a solitary cell, and I can't even open the cell door. It's relatively free here." Huang Yi also took a deep drag on the cigarette. The cigarette butt suddenly became brighter, and then quickly dimmed and illuminated.  His figure was illuminated in a small circle around him.

    "It's a pity that this kind of freedom is too insignificant. Just like this small cigarette butt, it is almost negligible compared with this endless darkness. The range it illuminates is too limited and the time is too short.  It will be gone after you smoke it." Lei Shen sighed and blew out a smoke ring.

    "You are the last death row prisoner in the world. You will be executed in two years. Have you thought about the future?" Huang Yi leaned against the wall and turned to ask.

    "Hey, what else can I think." Lei Shen shook his head and smiled, "This is Rose Prison, no one can escape. Even if we get out, is there still a place for us outside? Maybe the situation is worse than Rose Prison, at least  No one discriminates against us here. This is already a place forgotten by the world. We will live, grow old, sick and die here forever, and we will not even be able to enter the virtual second world." As he spoke, Lei Shen took a deep breath.  Youyou said: "I only hope that the brothers in Rose Prison can enter that wonderful second world to have a look and feel that brand new world. I want every brother to have the right to enter the second world.  , we have already lost a world and cannot lose another world. For this goal, I will try my best for the rest of my life to fight for it."

    "Why do you fight for it?" Huang Yi asked a very realistic question.  He knew very well how difficult it was to send a virtual device to the Rose Prison. Their organization worked hard for a long time and sacrificed many people before they finally sent the gold ring to the Rose Prison.  There are thousands of criminals here, and it is completely impossible for everyone to have a virtual device.

    When Lei Shen heard this question, he immediately fell silent and smoked silently.

    Neither of them spoke anymore. The air was filled with white smoke, and the cigarette butts flickered, illuminating the two most special criminals in Rose Prison.

    After smoking, Lei Shen flicked the cigarette butt, drawing a red parabola and falling on the ground. After flicking it a few times, a few sparks flashed, and then it dimmed.

    "Life is like this cigarette, it flickers on and off, ebbs and flows, and is smoked out quickly. Unfortunately, in the end, only a few sparks can flash out, struggle for a while, and then die forever!" Lei Shen sighed,  He turned around and went back to his room, leaving Huang Yi with a lonely figure.

    Huang Yi lowered his head and smoked his cigarette, only to find that he had only smoked half of it. His cigarette was burning at its peak.  (Remember the website address:
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