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Chapter 323: Trouble comes from the mouth

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    "We made a living by going to the mountains to cut firewood, pick mushrooms and make needlework. We couldn't afford clothes for the whole family. I went to buy some pieces of coarse cloth to make some clothes. After being seen, the next day, my grandparents  You just regretted it and asked us for rent. In that case, you stepped on our feet. Third uncle, you still said you were not heartless. In my opinion, your heart is as dark as Li Jiarong."

    "I didn't." Li Jiafu didn't expect that Li Jingwen even knew about this, but he would never admit it.

    "You didn't? Do you dare to swear to God? I remember that you stayed in the main room for an hour that day. You were really a filial son." Li Jingwen said coldly.

    "Jingwen, all this has passed. You can't always keep it in your heart and never forget the people who dug the well. Anyway, without us, there would be no father and you." Li Lianzhong didn't expect Li Jingwen to be so vindictive.  , she even hated Li Jiafu for encouraging them to collect rent.

    "You said it was over and it was over? Liu Bao's critical illness is a small matter to you, but to us it is a matter of life and death. How could we not keep it in mind?"

    "I've made it clear, you can leave." After saying that, Li Jingwen drove them away.

    "Li Jingwen, I have never offended you. Since you have potatoes as a favor, I want them too. I know you left a lot of seeds, but I don't want any more. Give me 10,000 kilograms of potatoes as a gift.  ." Li Li shouted.

    "You want 10,000 catties of potatoes? Do you have the nerve to ask for 10,000 catties of potatoes from me? I remember when my father broke his leg, didn't you want us to die? You said our second wife would be better off dead, at least we wouldn't be involved.  You guys, we were kicked out cleanly without causing any harm to you, so just think of us as dead." Li Jingwen said coldly.

    At first, I was afraid that their family would be involved in them, and I couldn't wait for them to die immediately, but now they come to be good, and the expensive seeds will have a hundred pounds. Who gives her such a big face?

    "I was just angry for a moment, and I didn't think through what I said. I didn't really curse you to death." Li Li stared and said, "Who told you to buy chicken at that time?"

    "My father's leg was broken, his internal organs were injured, and he lost so much blood. What's the matter with buying a chicken to replenish him? You guys can have a good family at home without doing anything. My father does it for the Li family.  The cow and horse that have been together for 20 or 30 years are seriously injured. Using the money lost by the employer to buy a chicken for him to eat is like ripping out your hearts. Tell me, do you regard him as a brother?"

    "My mother said that his life was not good and he was not qualified to eat such good food. It would be nice if I could give you potatoes and rice." Li Li said without hesitation that the Wu family sold it. If she had known that the second wife could do it so quickly  After turning around, Li Jingwen can be named the county head, Li Jiahua can be named a member, and even if she is killed, she will not say those words.

    "Humph, the main labor force in the family can only eat potatoes and rice and wear tattered linen clothes. Only parasites like you can eat well and wear well. The Li family is different." Li Jingwen snorted coldly.

    "You are right, my father is a long-term worker, and our whole family is a long-term worker, so we stay far away and live our own lives, so as not to burden you."

    "Li Jingwen, you are the imperial magistrate of the county, but you cannot be unfaithful or filial." Li Li gave Li Jingwen a big hat.

    "Why am I unfaithful and unfilial? The emperor said that I am loyal to the emperor and patriotic, but you dare to say that I am unfaithful? Do you mean that the emperor has seen the wrong person? When my father was seriously ill, I shouldered the burden of the family and tried every means to treat him.  After he recovered from his illness, because of my father and mother's contribution, the emperor granted him the title of Yuanwai and Anren. Do you dare to say that I am unfilial?" Li Jingwen asked with a sneer.

    "Then, as a loyal and filial person, what have you done for the country, and what have you done for your parents?"

    "I didn't mean that. How could the emperor be wrong? It was you who deceived the emperor." Li Li was shocked: How could she, a little peasant girl, dare to say anything wrong about the emperor? She really forgot about the imperial edict.

    "How did I deceive the emperor? Do you think the seeds I presented to the court were fake? Do you want to go to the Yamen and accuse me of deceiving the emperor?" Li Jingwen looked at her with a half-smile.

    "Li Li, don't talk nonsense. Jingwen's contribution is real. She is truly loyal and patriotic." Li Lianzhong also realized that he was afraid that she would say something treasonous again, so he quickly stopped her.

    "Jingwen, your sister-in-law is ignorant, don't argue with her." Li Lianzhong was afraid of what Li Jingwen would do to her, so he quickly apologized on her behalf.

    "Remember, trouble comes from your mouth, don't risk your life just to show off your words." Li Jingwen said coldly, "Let's go, forget it this time, if you do this again in the future, no one can protect you.  "

    ¡°You damn bitchhead¡¤¡¤¡¤¡¤¡¤"

    "Let's go, stop yelling, let's go, go back quickly." What Wu wanted to say, Li Lianzhong quickly pulled her away, but in his heart, these women are really short-sighted and very courageous. It seems they need to be educated well.  Just fine.

    Several members of the Li family hit a snag at Li Jingwen's house, and those in Wuting Village who were eager to give it a try also stopped: not even their close relatives were benefited, and they, the clansmen, would only hit a snag if they tried to find it, and they might even be left behind.  A good impression will help you get rid of them in the future.

    Li Jingwen knew that the opportunity was too good to pass up and that time would never come again, so she prepared to plant potatoes as much as possible. Not only did she plant potatoes in all the wasteland, mountains and valleys at home, but also planted half of the potatoes in Zhuangzi in Hewan Village.

    The season for planting potatoes has not yet come, but the preparation work is proceeding in an orderly manner. The vacant land has been plowed, and plant ash has been collected in the village. Although every family in the village wants to plant potatoes, the amount is not large. The Cao Hui family  The family has a surplus, so of course Li Jiahua cannot take such a good thing for granted.

    The villagers in Wuliting were also sensible and did not ask for a high price. They sold it to them at last year's price. In their opinion, plant ash has no use except fertilizing the fields. It is best to exchange it for copper coins. It is worth a penny.  Yiwen, they also know that plant ash is not only found in Wuliting Village, but also in other villages. If they wait for a price and sell it, they will only benefit the neighboring villages.

    After the autumn harvest, Li Jiahua was ready to build a house. The bricks, wood, etc. were all ready. After the corn and soybeans in the homestead were harvested, the construction started. Li Jingwen didn't have much experience in building a house, so he simply asked the general to build a house.  I made a preliminary design using the Mansion and the County Lord's Mansion as a template, and added some of my own opinions, and then discussed the final design with the craftsmen.

    There are not many people in the family. Although the yard she designed is relatively large, they do not want to build it so big at once. After all, having too many houses is not a good thing. Maintenance requires money, and the people in the old house are looking at them, so they  For the time being, only a main courtyard with three entrances will be built, and the cross-courtyards on the left and right will be built when Sanbao and the others get married.  (Remember the website address:
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