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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Horror -> Bureau 749 secrets

Chapter 468 Food Court

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    After telling this story that seemed familiar, Sanpang looked at me and said: "Sijiu, do you think that these children who go to parties in abandoned buildings every night are a bit like children who are attracted to the flute player? Otherwise,  What¡¯s so interesting about an abandoned building that would make those kids go there in the middle of the night? They wouldn¡¯t even listen to the adults¡¯ advice?¡±

    I frowned and asked him: "Why, do you suspect there is something strange in that building? But didn't the policeman who posted the post say so? He had already checked there and found nothing suspicious."

    "There really is something, do you think a small policeman in a place can see it?" The third fat man asked me back.

    I hesitated for a while and shook my head. After staying in Bureau 749 for a long time, I naturally know that some things are beyond the imagination of ordinary people, and some weird things may not be possible even if they are placed in front of ordinary people.  Recognized.

    The third fat man finally typed the information and said: "Just because I thought this matter was a bit complicated, I classified it as suspicious information at that time. Finally, I mobilized resources to check the true identity of the little policeman who posted the message.  The compiled information was handed over to the investigation office. Unexpectedly, the case turned around and ended up back in my hands."

    I smiled and said, "Isn't that just right? Since you thought this case was suspicious at the beginning, it's just right that you are responsible for the investigation now."

    The third fat man also laughed. After that, we each went back to the room to pack our luggage and prepare to leave.

    Because the place where the crime occurred is not far from Donghai City, this time, San Pang and I chose to drive there directly. Almost a few hours later, we arrived at the city where the crime took place.

    According to the agreement between San Fatty and I, he will be responsible for leading the next case, so after getting off the highway and entering the city where the crime occurred, I asked this guy in the car, where should we start next?

    The third fat man sat in the passenger seat, thought seriously for a long time, and finally said, because the relevant content of the entire case at the moment only covers the content posted by the young police officer, so our first destination should be  For the police station where the young police officer is located.  He planned to first confirm the authenticity of what he had published on the Internet with the young police officer.

    When I was at the intelligence office, San Fatty had already found out the real information about the young police officer and the police station where he worked. So after hearing San Fatty's instructions, I naturally drove the car to the address of the police station without hesitation.  .

    When we got to the place, we changed into police uniforms in the car, got out of the car and went straight to the police station.

    With the ID of the Ministry of Public Security, the director of the police station was coaxed by the three fat men. He hurriedly called the little policeman over and asked him to fully cooperate with our work.

    This little policeman¡¯s surname was Jiang. After hearing the order from his boss, he was still a little confused and didn¡¯t know what happened.

    The third fat man first made an excuse to send the director away, and then said to Officer Jiang: "Comrade Jiang, the reason why we are here this time is actually about the post you recently posted on the xx forum."

    "Post? What post?" Although Officer Jiang said this, his eyes kept looking left and right. It was obvious that he already knew what the third fat man was asking.

    Seeing through his lie, I whispered something to him in the ear of the third fat man. The latter smiled and continued: "Comrade Jiang, Xihu Xu Xian is your online name, no need to pretend to be confused, we should  We already know everything we know. You are also a police officer, so you should know that if we really want to investigate the identity of a person on the Internet, there is no chance that we will not be able to find out."

    Officer Jiang's face suddenly seemed to be constipated. He glanced at us from side to side and said awkwardly: "Okay, I'll confess, I posted that post but I just posted a post, nothing else.  Why do you still need to alert the people in your department?¡±

    Seeing his appearance, the third fat man said with a smile: "Officer Jiang, just posting a post will certainly not make us come all the way, but if the secret is leaked, it will."

    "Secret?" Officer Jiang asked with wide eyes, "What secret? I just posted the contents of a small case online that is not even a criminal case. How could I leak the secret?"

    I saw that the third fat man still wanted to make a joke, so I couldn't help but punch him in the back. Then I stood up and said to Officer Jiang: "Sorry, he just made a joke with you. In fact, the purpose of our visit this time is to investigate you."  The content of the case posted online.¡±

    "Are you talking about those children?" Officer Jiang suddenly became suspicious. His eyes moved back and forth between the two of us, and then he looked at me.They stretched out their hands and said, "I'm sorry, can you show me your ID?"

    "It's not what I said, but your leaders have already seen our IDs. Don't you still believe in your leaders' eyes?" Although he said so, the third fat man still handed over his Ministry of Public Security IDs.

    I didn¡¯t say anything and handed the ID to Officer Jiang honestly.  After the latter looked at our IDs carefully, he said with some doubts: "Okay, can you tell me why the big leaders of the ministry are interested in the pranks of some children?"

    The third fat man took back his ID first, and then said: "Our reason is actually the same as yours, which is to find out the reasons behind the strange behavior of these children. After all, the incident involves the safety of dozens of children, and no one can be tolerated.  main idea."

    Officer Jiang looked at the three fat men in confusion, and then muttered in a low voice: "But my leader doesn't think so."

    "It's only natural for him to think that way. After all, on the surface, what happened this time does seem a bit like the naughty behavior of ordinary children."

    Hearing what San Fatty said, Officer Jiang's face became more confused, but before he could ask a question, San Fatty explained in advance: "To tell you the truth, I actually saw your post accidentally.  After seeing your post, I also felt that what you said was a bit weird, so I used some resources in the ministry to investigate your identity. After knowing that you were really a police officer, I went to our leader to apply.  I hope to come to you to investigate the affairs of those children. Needless to say, my leader, like your director, feels that those children are just a little naughty, and no one has had any trouble, so there is no need to call in the police to investigate. This  This time it happened to be my turn for my colleagues and I to have a holiday, so we came to you specifically to have a look. This is the truth of the matter. Of course, in front of your leader just now, I said something else."

    "Three Fatty's explanation was half true and half false, but because of the real elements in his explanation, when he told this lie, it was as if he was telling the truth, and Officer Jiang was convinced by it.  Moreover, what San Fatty mentioned in his explanation made Officer Jiang feel like he was in the same boat. So after San Fatty finished speaking, his attitude towards us suddenly changed a hundred and eighty degrees.  .

    Next, Officer Jiang told us all the information he knew about the case. In addition to the information we already knew, Officer Jiang also showed us some photos.

    The content of these photos is of a building that looks a little dilapidated, as well as photos of what appears to be the interior of the building.

    Officer Jiang pointed at these photos and said: "You two, this is the abandoned building where the children go every night. This building used to be a nearby food court. The business there used to be good, but due to a fire accident, the building was destroyed.  All the shops in the building were shut down by the fire department. In addition, the developer of the building was experiencing an economic crisis at this time, with poor cash flow and no money to repair the equipment damaged by the fire, so the food court in the building was completely closed.  It¡¯s gone. Now this building has become a semi-abandoned building, and I don¡¯t know how long it will take for it to be renovated and opened.¡±

    "Is the food court" The third fat man looked at the photo, raised his head and said to Officer Jiang: "Comrade Jiang, we hope to go there to conduct an on-the-spot investigation. Can you lead the way?" (Remember the website address: www
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