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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Sci-fi -> The world has entered the age of the Great Flood

Chapter 413 The power of the third body (first update)

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    "Good!" Su Li praised lightly. Seeing the giant titan insect approaching within a hundred meters of everyone, its mouthparts opened slightly and let out a weird and terrifying insect roar. The granite on the surface of its body completely melted and turned into boiling water.  of fiery red magma.

    A large amount of magma rose up along its body, and soon condensed to form magma bombs one after another. At a glance, there were at least ten bombs, and they were all shot towards everyone at once.

    Everyone¡¯s expressions changed.

    Although Xu Xuehui's "Green Shadow Arrow" was accurate, it had just been shot and could no longer be used for a short period of time. Ding Longyun was still condensing the "air burst bomb" and failed to take shape.

    Although Su Li mastered several long-range attacks, he was not sure that he could intercept ten magma bombs twenty meters away at once.

    The most terrifying thing is that a magma bomb detonates. The range of the explosion is about thirty meters. If the ten bombs explode together, what is the scope of the explosion?

    Even if Su Li can intercept these ten magma bombs from 20 meters away, the power of the explosion will still swallow everyone.

    Ten magma bombs flew together, the water lin beast stood up from the water, and the most powerful golden lightning erupted from the horn of Lei Ze above its head.

    It also knows that the situation is not good.

    The two blood rings on Su Li's left hand are flashing with light. With the addition of "Black Thunder Energy", "High Voltage Electric Shock" and "Black Mysterious Light", he has instantly turned on the "Beyond Limits" state and activated the "Devil Barrier".

    The third form of "Devil Barrier" can summon a six-armed demon phantom holding six weapons, and its defense power is greatly improved.

    And now that Su Li has entered the state of "Transcendence", this "Devil Barrier" has been upgraded from the third form to a more powerful state of Transcendence.

    The demon summoned in the over-limit state still has six arms and holds six weapons, including swords, spears, spears and two shields. The only change is that the six-armed demon has changed from a phantom to a liquid.

    Not only the six-armed demon liquefied, but also the six weapons it held in its hands, all liquefied and turned into real physical existences.

    This ferocious demon was more than ten meters tall. It looked like it was made of condensed water. It had six arms and six weapons, all spread out. It blocked the crowd from behind and took the initiative to meet the ten magma bombs flying over. It was extremely powerful.  He opened his mouth and let out a faint roar.

    The demons summoned by the "Devil Barrier" in a super-limited state have undergone qualitative changes.

    The thick lightning summoned by the Water Linmon struck one of the magma bombs, causing an earth-shattering explosion.

    Su Li shot out the two blood crystal cannons in the blood ring through the air, followed by a thick blue-black lightning and a black mysterious light.

    Behind these attacks was the liquefied demon with six arms spread out. It met all the remaining magma bombs with its huge body.

    All this happened in an instant, Jiang Shuijue also let out a shout, and suddenly, two identical versions of herself appeared on both sides of her.

    She activated the special ability of the big water droplet, splitting it into three parts, and each one became her true self.

    She suddenly thought that when she was divided into three, each one could use the spiritual source technique and special power. Although she had just cast the "Fog Maze" and could not use it again for a short time, she was still in the state of being divided into three.  In this state, the other two selves will not be affected by this and can still continue to use "Fog Maze".

    "I'm so stupid, I should have thought of it earlier." Jiang Shuijue watched as the magma bombs were blocked by the liquefied demon and then exploded.

    The other self she had just separated immediately activated the "Fog Maze".

    Su Li is holding the Red Moon Dragon Slash in his right hand. He can activate the divine power. In the state of being a superman, he can instantly enter a three-second invincible state. No matter how powerful the magma bomb explosion is, it cannot hurt him.

    But he couldn¡¯t protect his mount or the safety of others.

    I didn¡¯t want to be here, but suddenly the clouds and mist rolled in, suddenly covering everything. The terrifying big explosion seemed to have exploded in half, then stopped suddenly, and all the sounds disappeared.

    Su Li took a long breath and felt cold sweat on his forehead.

    At this moment, he really didn¡¯t know how to protect everyone¡¯s safety. The only way was to use the monarch skill: Dragon¡¯s Wrath.

    Use the power of the dragon's fury to explode with all your strength to resist the explosion of ten magma bombs.

    But no one can predict the outcome.

    Fortunately, Jiang Shuijue's "Fog Maze" can be used again.

    As soon as the "fog maze" came out, a hundred meters in radius was instantly covered with billowing clouds and mist. In this maze formed by clouds and mist, even the powerful magmaThe water lin beast also returned to its position and lay down on the back of the vacated Crocodile Turtle No. 1, and began to rest.

    "Shuijue, thank you for your hard work." Su Li said with concern. Jiang Shuijue should be the first to be able to escape from "Nanjiang City" today. Without the "fog maze", the consequences would be disastrous.

    Hearing Su Li's concern, Jiang Shuijue was in a good mood. He smiled sweetly and said, "It's good that you know. Then how are you going to thank me?"

    Ding Longyun was listening on the side, and he laughed and said: "Yes, Su Li, I think you have to set a table when you return to the ancient city later. Today's great event should be celebrated."

    Su Li knew that Ding Longyun had misunderstood. He still thought that he and Jiang Shuijue had just had a relationship, so he saved Jiang Shuijue, but now it was difficult to say clearly that they only shook hands.

    Thinking of the previous scene, Su Li felt a little depressed. After all, he had been holding it back for a month, so he would inevitably have impulses. What a great opportunity just now. If Xuehui hadn't added that sentence, or hadn't brought Gong Xiao, what would happen today?  If you make a mistake, it will definitely work out.

    "By the way, if there is a similar opportunity next time, you should not bring them together. Either bring Gong Xiao or Shui Jue, otherwise even if you have a chance, you will be fooled by the other one."

    She was thinking about Feifei in her heart, and said with a smile: "What's the point of celebrating? I don't know what will happen tonight. By the way, Brother Ding, you haven't found a new partner these days?" He didn't want to be here anymore.  When he elaborated on this issue, he immediately changed the topic and brought it to Ding Longyun.

    With Ding Longyun¡¯s lust, why hasn¡¯t Zhong Rongrong been found since her death to this day?  Su Li didn't quite believe it.

    Ding Longyun chuckled and said: "I've caught one, and I'm launching an offensive these days."

    "Oh? Which girl is it?" Su Li said casually at first, but he didn't expect that there was one, so he became a little curious.

    Gong Xiao and Jiang Shuijue also looked at Ding Longyun. With Ding Longyun's character, if there was a situation, he would have taken the initiative to tell them. However, they did not expect that they had not received the news today, and they were all a little curious.

    Seeing several people looking at him, Ding Longyun felt a little embarrassed and said, "Don't look at me like that. The main reason why I didn't say anything is that the matter hasn't been completed yet. As for who the other person is, maybe you all know him."

    "Tell me, who is it?" Jiang Shuijue looked curious.

    "Her name is Li Xiaoya."

    "Li Xiaoya?" Jiang Shuijue and Gong Xiao both looked confused and said they had never heard of this name. Su Li felt that the name was familiar, but couldn't remember it for the moment.

    Ding Longyun said: "Wang Xu, you should know."

    Hearing him talk about Wang Xu, Su Li finally remembered and knew who Li Xiaoya was, and lost her voice: "Are you talking about Wang Xu's girlfriend Li Xiaoya?"

    It¡¯s simply unimaginable how these two people who had almost nothing in common could get together.

    "That dead Wang Xu?" Gong Xiao's expression moved slightly, and he finally remembered.

    "Yes, Wang Xu, the former leader of the Financial City, and Jiang Xiaodong were good brothers. Later they moved to Building A of Golden Eagle No. 1 together, and they were one of the two leaders of Building A."

    When Ding Longyun mentioned Wang Xu, his expression was very calm, and he continued: "Li Xiaoya is his girlfriend. Later we encountered the mirage. Didn't we enter the world in the shell cave? When looking for treasures, this Wang  Xu is dead, and I saw it when Wang Xu was killed by a monster."

    Su Li hummed and said, "I know that Wang Xu is dead. What I'm curious about is how did you hook up with this Li Xiaoya?"

    Ding Longyun rolled his eyes at him and said: "Don't say it so harshly. We haven't hooked up yet. I just said that I have a good impression of her. Now it seems that she has a good impression of me. Anyway, after Wang Xu died, those so-called  Good brothers, Qin Xin, You Zhenghao, etc. Before, Wang Xu was fine, and the whole sky was full of brotherly loyalty. Now that Wang Xu is dead, the brother's wife is really rude. The boss said that he would take care of Wang Xu.  She, to put it bluntly, covets her beauty and often pesters her." (Remember the website address:
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