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The Sixth World 8

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    The sixth world 8

    Three years later

    After decades of seemingly peaceful but actually turbulent times, the war between vampires and the Holy See has reignited. Death, blood, fear, tears, and graves have all once again descended on this scarred land.

    But what¡¯s interesting is that not many people really know the reason for the renewed war.

    Everyone has different opinions and discussions, but the only thing that is undeniable is that this war undoubtedly started after the collective death of the vampire nobles and the top leaders of the Holy See two years ago.

    But other than that, everyone knows very little.

    After the war began, the vampires, under the leadership of the strongest among them, Count Los, slowly took over the top. So far, compared to the Holy See, the vampires have dominated both in terms of power and quantity.  An overwhelming dominant position.

    The vampire world is rejoicing, because this is likely to be the first complete victory of vampires in history, and it is more likely to end the war the fastest!

    Count Los's reputation had almost reached its peak at this time, and the vampires' respect for him reached a fever pitch.


    The night was deep and solemn, with thin iron-gray clouds floating in the dark sky. The pale moon was dim, and from time to time a cold white halo appeared from behind the clouds.

    The tall castle is built against the mountain, revealing a dark silhouette in the night. The castle's Gothic slender spire points straight to the night sky, and the icy night wind howls over the steep and sharp ridge.

    But the castle of Count Los was unexpectedly lively.

    A dance is taking place.

    The silver candlesticks placed throughout the castle are spirally carved with gorgeous patterns. The castle is brightly lit by warm and bright candlelight, and a huge crystal chandelier hangs in the middle of the hall, emitting a bright and dazzling light.

    The dark red carpet covering the entire hall is soft and thick, and there is no sound of footsteps when stepping on it.

    Roses of different shapes are carefully inserted into the delicate and exquisite ancient porcelain. The bright petals are still covered with night dew, revealing their fragrance in the warm and bright hall.

    The smell of perfume and powder mixed with the fragrance of roses lingers in the air, and the low conversation is accompanied by the sound of the silk skirt being rubbed, the fragrance of the clothes on the temples, and the hem of the skirt whirling.

    Half of the profile, a flash of eye, the red lips behind the feather fan, the starched tuxedo, the snow-white gloves, the shiny black leather shoes, all rotated and intertwined in the melodious music.

    The red wine is as luscious as blood, and the luxurious hall is magnificent.

    But the vampires are a little absent-minded, because the host of this dance has not arrived yet.

    The fourth floor of the castle

    Unlike the hustle and bustle in the ballroom, there was silence in Count Los's room, and only the rhythmic ticking of the simple clock in the corner could be heard.

    Count Lose stood in front of the mirror and looked at himself.

    The man in the mirror frowned, and his ruby ??red eyes were dim and unclear.

    While everyone was celebrating the upcoming victory, he was the only one who always felt something was not quite right.

    Although they always came back victorious in their battles with the Holy See, every time they analyzed and made statistics after the war, they would find that the loss of the Holy See's vitality was just a drop in the bucket.

    ¡°Moreover, every time they planned a sneak attack against the upper echelons of the Holy See, they always fell through due to various seemingly accidental events, as if the Holy See was unpredictable.

    Although they now have an absolute advantage and have won again and again, Count Los has always had a vague premonition lingering in his heart.

    ¡ª¡ªThe Holy See seems to be planning something secretly.

    Ah.  He looked at himself in the mirror and shook his head mockingly.

    ¡°So what if they are really planning something?  Facing absolute strength and overwhelming power, no amount of planning is useless.

    "As for his own strength, the Earl has never had any doubts.

    He adjusted his suit in front of the mirror, took one last deep look, turned and left the room.

    It¡¯s time to entertain the guests.

    Just after he opened the door, a thin and weak voice sounded.


    A hint of impatience flashed in Count Los's bloody eyes. He turned around and saw a slender young man looking at him steadily in the shadows in the distance.

    ?p; Therefore, his behavior can at most reduce the losses of the Holy See, but cannot reverse the entire war situation.

    ¡°Andif Snow really surrenders to the Holy See, then after he is completely victorious, the boy who left him without authorization can be left to his disposal.

    Count Loss narrowed his eyes dangerously and gently touched the shining ruby ??on the tail ring with his fingers, his eyes dark and unclear.

    Suddenly, the sound of carriages came from the gate of the castle. The iron wheels made a rhythmic sound on the cobblestones, which sounded quite loud.

    The gentlemen and ladies chatting on the side frowned without trace. Who could this person dare to be late for the ball held by Count Los?

    I heard the waiter at the door loudly announce the name of the visitor:

    "His Excellency Earl Zhou Bai has arrived!"


    This time should be considered a flashback?  In short, what Zhou Bai did in the past three years will appear in the next few chapters.

    Well~Thank you little angel for the thunder message (¨Rw¨Q)/

    Ze¡¾Landmine x3¡¿¡¾Bazooka x1¡¿

    Konoha [Landmine x1]

    Nanting¡¾Landmine x1¡¿

    Liuli¡¾Landmine x3¡¿

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