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Chapter 11

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    Two days later, Huaizhiheng was working in the office as usual when he heard a noise coming from outside the door.

    Male secretary-general: "Mr. Xu, even if you are a shareholder, you cannot break into the president's office without making an appointment!"

    "Go away! Who are you, and you dare to teach me a lesson? Believe it or not, I will fire you immediately!"

    Huaizhiheng couldn't help but chuckle and said in a deep voice: "Let him come in."

    Hearing this, the Secretary-General no longer stopped, and the next second the door to the CEO's office was kicked open.

    Huaizhiheng then saw Xu Zhian's current appearance. It was only a day or two later, but he seemed to be ten years older although he was not young to begin with.  His fat face had droopy eye bags, black eye circles, and bloodshot marks from slaps and scratches on his face. His hair was messy and greasy enough to reflect light, as if he was going to explode and hurt someone in the next second!

    The Secretary-General was afraid that something might happen to Huai Zhiheng and did not dare to leave. He stared at Xu Zhian warily.

    He is not the secretary-general for nothing. He is good at Taekwondo and can handle Xu Zhian, a middle-aged obese man whose body has been drained by tobacco, alcohol and beauty all year round.

    Xu Zhian stepped forward and landed a heavy palm on Huaizhiheng's desk, knocking the pen holder on the table to the ground.

    "Tell me! Did you, a little bastard, record the sound! How dare you send it out to me? Are you tired of living?"

    Huaizhiheng calmly dodged the spit that came in front of him and stood up. His height of more than 1.8 meters was enough to look down on Xu Zhian. His expression was extremely calm, and he looked down at the middle-aged man reservedly and arrogantly: "Uncle, even if you are  What can you do to me if I do it?"

    The original person, Xu Yayan, was still too kind. Even when faced with the malice from his best relatives, he still thought that these were his relatives after all, bound by blood ties. He rarely even fought back, mostly just to break up their malicious plans.  But just because he thinks this way doesn't mean that the other party appreciates it.  Therefore, Xu Yayan was extremely resentful after her death, and the wish in the fragments of her consciousness was to break their dog teeth.

    Now that the soul of the body has been replaced by Huai Zhiheng, of course he will not have even a trace of affection for Xu Zhian, he is just thinking about how to let these things kill him without getting his hands dirty.

    ¡°Well¡­it¡¯s not difficult, is it?

    Xu Zhian's veins popped out, his face was ferocious and twisted, he looked at Huaizhiheng with sinister eyes, and made a rough "gurgle" sound in his throat: "My brother really has a good son! Nephew, as an elder, I, as an elder, should give you some advice.  Just tell me, be careful in the future!"

    "Haha, my nephew would like to give me some advice. It's better for my uncle to get rid of his bad habit of threatening others as soon as possible. He might get into trouble one day." Huaizhiheng glanced at Xu Zhian indifferently. He really couldn't figure it out: he is also a shareholder after all.  One, you can get a considerable dividend every year. As long as Xu's company continues to develop and make more and more money, the benefits will not be diminished.  Xu Zhian didn't know how to do business, so he always struggled with his nephew and made troubles everywhere, just for the immediate benefit, but never looked at the long-term future.

    Even if Xu Yayan fails, he can temporarily get a large sum of money, but what about other than that?  There will never be another Xu family defeated by him!

    ¡°It¡¯s really greedy and stupid.

    Huaizhiheng moved the corners of his lips, raising a sarcastic and cold smile. His demeanor changed completely, as deep and depressing as the coming snowstorm.

    "Uncle, my nephew finally gives you a piece of advice. After all, our surname is Xu. I hope you can think clearly. Secretary Li, see you off."

    Xu Zhi'an was so frightened by Hua Zhiheng's momentum that he took two steps back. Then he felt that he was showing cowardice in front of a junior. He said with a stern face: "You are young, but your tone is not bad! I just borrowed your father's influence to dare to do this."  Talk to uncle! Xu Yayan, don¡¯t think that you are the climate, I want to see if I can crush you to death with my fingers!"

    Seeing that he wanted to say some abusive words, Secretary Li half dragged and half dragged Xu Zhian out of the room.  Even if the door is closed, Huai Zhiheng can still hear Xu Zhi'an's endless dirty sentences.

    Well, next the entire company will probably know that the conflict between the shareholders and the president has reached an irreconcilable point.

    Huaizhiheng turned off the recording on his phone and listened to their conversation again to make sure there was no problem, then went to find the hot celebrity.

    ¡°Hey people never learn their lessons.  Even though he clearly thought that he might have done this, Xu Zhian still dared to threaten him with harsh words, which was tantamount to handing the handle to him.

    See you every day in hot spots: Yo!  Please tell me if you have any more news!  I¡¯m really sorry that it was free last time. How about I send you a red envelope~ I work in the new media operation industry.Reporters are different from unscrupulous paparazzi. Our revelations are just hammers and we don¡¯t spread rumors!

    Huaizhiheng used the trumpet to play the audio. Although using the trumpet at this time has no practical significance, anyone on the other side who is not stupid can guess his true identity.

    zzasx123: Red envelopes are not needed. You can use titles like "President Xu was threatened by his uncle, the rich family's family ties are weak", "Uncle and nephew fight each other, why is the uncle so cruel to his brother's orphans", I personally saw Shi Zhui, this is  Hard work fee.

    It was the first time that Hotspot Tiantian saw someone who paid for his hard work, and he immediately became happy: The water in this wealthy family is really deep, but as a journalist, of course he can only report based on the facts!  By the way, how much is this hard work fee

    ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? When I saw the red envelope opened every day, I was immediately shocked by the amount: Oh my god, it¡¯s 50,000 yuan!  This is his salary for several months!  OK OK OK!  Uncle, it¡¯s whatever you say!  I will definitely describe Mr. Xu as a delicate and kind-hearted little flower who has been tortured since childhood. He is strong and forbearing and now he finally escapes from the devil's cave!  But he received a life threat from his uncle!

    "Huaizhiheng didn't know the hot spot and was rubbing shoulders with each other every day. He wanted to write about his life experience in an extremely tortuous and moving way. After pairing it with photos of his good looks, it almost made people cry when they saw him.

    ¡ª¡ªIf something happens to Huai Zhiheng or the company, the first suspect targeted by the police will undoubtedly be Xu Zhian and his "accomplices".

    Hotspot Tiantianjian undoubtedly used a lot of resources and connections at hand to make himself worthy of this bonus. Just eating and not working is not what a professional and ethical news media person should do!  People who eat melons are obviously most interested in this kind of thing. For a while, it even surpassed the news of a celebrity's pregnancy, and it rushed to the top of the trending search.

    The news that my uncle killed his nephew is so heartbreaking and shocking to hear!  This news immediately attracted the attention of employees who saw it every day, and swept the entire company at a rapid speed.

    ¡°I¡¯m just going to say that fat guy has bad intentions!¡±

    "It's so terrible! It should be humanely destroyed!! I can't imagine that after the death of our parents, our president was treated so coldly!"

    "Haha, people's hearts are not as old as they used to be Mr. Xu treats his employees so well. Now Mr. Xu treats us just as well, but Xu Zhian, the shareholder, is just a slacker and a white-eyed wolf! I feel sorry for both Xu  I always feel worthless!¡±

    "Didn't you see that fat man just threatened to be harmful to Mr. Xu? Look at his face tsk tsk tsk."

    "I can't understand this weird brain circuit. Does he think that after the company changes hands, he will get more benefits than he does now?"

    Employees all fought against Huai Zhiheng. Most of the company's management were biased towards Xu Yayan, so they did little to stop the employees' discussions. A storm of public opinion spread out from City Z and the Internet and quickly took shape!  (Remember the website address:
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