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    As the governor of Fujian and Zhejiang, Jia Lian certainly would not send the old lady away with empty promises. In addition to issuing a free governorship order to the old lady's grandson Xiong Shitou from the county school to the provincial government, Jia Lian also rewarded the old lady's family with twenty acres of fertile land and a yard.  .

    The old lady excitedly kowtowed to the ground: "My kind lord Qingtian, I will definitely pray to heaven with a stick of incense every day from now on, to bless you, your descendants, and your long and prosperous life!"

    Jia Lian helped the old lady with his own hands: "Old lady, you are too polite. I am a herdsman, and it is my duty to ensure that the people under my rule have enough food and clothing. I cannot be my patron."

    The apprentice was still next, and the old lady was rescued that day and moved into a two-entry courtyard. It was the house confiscated by Jia Lian this time to punish the local tyrants and evil gentry.

    What Jia Lian didn¡¯t expect was that this old lady was really a strange person. During the autumn harvest of the next year, the old lady figured out a recipe for making sweet potato vermicelli and contributed it to Jia Lian.  Jia Lian suddenly became confused about this.  This old woman is either blessed by God with great luck, or she has a weird origin just like me.

    No matter what weirdness the old lady has, Jia Lian is not prepared to interfere.  Moreover, the old lady was kind to him, so Jia Lian had no reason to target her.

    Jia Lian was thinking, maybe even though Grandma Xiong is illiterate, she might be a legendary figure like Grandma Huang?

    Jia Lian decided to be a good person to the end and suggested that the county government eliminate the inferiority between men and women and hire the old lady as a village elder.

    What Jia Lian didn't know was that after receiving Jia Lian's appreciation, Mrs. Xiong went home panting and pale with fright. After closing the door, she pulled her eight-year-old grandson Xiong Shitou and trembled: "Stone, stone, it's terrible.  , This time grandma can¡¯t make peace. Mr. Jia said that from now on, if there are any difficult issues in the county or township, he will come to ask grandma for advice. Grandma doesn¡¯t understand anything, what should I do? "

    His grandson Xiong Shitou comforted him and said, "Grandma, don't be afraid. If you don't know what they ask you, just say you should think about it. My grandson will teach you when you come back!"

    Mrs. Xiong felt a little relieved and said: "Shitou, Mr. Jia is not kind to us. This time he not only made grandma a township official, but also rewarded grandma with 20 acres of mulberry field and 100 taels of silver. You have grown up.  Don¡¯t forget your kindness!¡±

    Xiong Shitou nodded in agreement, but secretly murmured in his heart that people who write novels from ancient times to the present are liars. He is obviously a governor of one party and has two children, but he just said that he is the second generation ancestor.  There is also Jia Yun. She is the prefect. He said that she is a poor relative of Qiufeng. When I come to Beijing in the future, I will check whether Qin Keqing is Jia Rong's wife?

    In August of this year, Baoyu was full of filial piety and went to Haijiang to join the common people and gain experience.

    Baoyu was not suitable for government affairs, so Jia Lian asked Baoyu to learn political science and go to the nearest county school to teach.

    When the county magistrate introduced Baoyu's name and said that Baoyu was a criminal with a criminal record, Xiong Shitou immediately exclaimed: "Cao Xueqin, you are a big liar!"

    Although he said it very quietly, Jia Lian knew it.

    Who is Cao Xueqin?

    Jia Lian later summoned Xiong Shitou for questioning.

    Xiong Shitou didn¡¯t expect that what he said so quietly would be heard by Jia Lian. They were about five hundred meters apart at that time, right?

    Xiong Shitou was not stupid either. He lied and said: "It was a down-and-out storyteller I met. He once told a story about a wealthy family in Kyoto. He said his surname was Jia. There was a young man in this family who didn't like reading since he was a child.  I just like to drink and play with sisters and girls.¡±

    Jia Lian immediately understood: "So you were surprised when you saw Jia Tanhua?"

    Xiong Shitou nodded.

    Jia Lian suspected that this man was reborn like himself, so he asked, "Aren't you surprised when you see this governor?"

    Xiong Shitou nodded and shook his head: "Yes, no"

    Jia Lian frowned: "Yes or no?"

    Xiong Shitou shrank his head in fright: "That man is talking nonsense, he said, he said, Governor, you don't have real talent or knowledge, that's"

    Jia Lian snorted: "What is it? The second generation ancestor?"

    Xiong Shitou was so frightened that he knelt down: "I don't dare, it's the down-and-out scholar who said it, not me. I have never been to Kyoto. Your Excellency, please check clearly."

    Jia Lian waved him away.

    Afterwards, Jia Lian sent people to investigate. Their former neighbors said that the family was harmed by Japanese pirates, and Shitou's father and mother protected their grandson's escape. The grandson fell down while escaping and almost died. His grandmother  He almost jumped into the sea, but he survived.  After coming back to life, the boy was smarter than before. He had never been to school, but he knew a few words, but he couldn't write.

    Jia Lian understood everything immediately.

    Mrs. Xiong¡¯sAll the achievements probably came from her grandson, but Jia Lian was not prepared to expose it.

    After all, the bear stone is too small, and if it is abnormal, it is called a monster.

    Jia Lian guessed that there was only an adult soul in this boy.  At present, it seems that Xiong Shitou has done no harm, and Jia Lian is happy to support him.

    This Xiong Shitou is also very smart. After studying in the county government school for one year, he successfully passed the county examination when he took the childbirth examination.  Although the county examination admission is wider, only those who can write fluently can apply.

    "However, this Xiong Shitou only studied for one year.

    Baoyu told Jia Lian about this.  Jia Lian became curious and looked at his test paper carefully.  The county school examination is very simple. Generally, the upper sentence is written and the lower sentence is left blank for the candidates to fill in.  This mainly tests memory.

    Another type of question is when the county magistrate proposes a topic with no standard answer and asks students to write impromptu, mainly to see the candidate's mind.

    Jia Lian read this question for the magistrate, and the county magistrate made a question about the importance of the existence of the city's boat division.

    Xiong Shitou¡¯s answer was amazing.

    He wrote that the imperial court¡¯s decision to reopen the city was an epoch-making decision.  He then talked about the many benefits of reopening businesses.  Not only that, he also elaborated on the necessity of reopening the city from both military and political aspects.

    "To the people, of course, it is to make profits," he said. "To make profits will make the people rich, and if the people are rich, the people will be safe, and if the people are safe, they will be happy."  When the people live and work in peace and contentment, the country will be prosperous and strong.

    "The importance of reopening the city's boat division to the imperial court, he said, know yourself and the enemy and you will never be in danger of a hundred battles. We didn't know the Japanese pirates before, so we always suffered losses at first, but later we suffered more losses. Finally, we found a way to deal with the Japanese pirates, so we won.

    Because of this, if our court wants long-term stability and prosperity, it cannot be closed to itself. It should open its doors to learn advanced technologies from Westerners and even the Easterners we hate, including medicine, industry, agriculture, military industry, etc.

    Finally, he talked about military affairs, saying that if you want to defeat a country or conquer a country, the best way is to use barbarians to fight barbarians.

    Jia Lian felt that this article was very insightful. If it weren't for the poor handwriting, it could really be the first case in the county.

    Jia Lian had a good deal in mind. I'm afraid this child was not a scholar in his previous life. Otherwise, why would his handwriting be so awkward?

    "However, Jia Lian cannot deny that this son is a talent.

    Jia Lian decided to encourage Xiong Shitou.

    Xiong Shitou came and was very respectful when he saw Jia Lian. He bowed his head and bowed down.

    Jia Lian raised his hand: "Excuse me! I'm looking for you today because of your county examination answer sheet. I want to ask, did others tell you those words, or did you realize it yourself?"

    Xiong Shitou said: "There are some I heard, I agree with it in my heart, and I also have my own thoughts."

    Jia Lian nodded: "However, you are very knowledgeable. I saw that you have a saying called using barbarians to control barbarians. What does this mean?"

    Xiong Shitou hesitated slightly before replying: "Actually, it's the same as learning various techniques from foreigners. However, the former is about using their good skills, and the latter is about using the outstanding talents of their nation.  Use it. Through these people, we understand them, learn from them, and ultimately defeat them."

    Jia Lian frowned: "Oh, why does it sound familiar to me?"

    Xiong Shitou was seduced by Jia Lian and hurriedly replied: "Sir, you must think that this approach is the same as the Japanese pirates developing local tyrants and evil gentry here to work for them?"

    Jia Lian nodded.

    Xiong Shitou walked up the slope: "To be honest with you, I learned this from those people too!"

    Jia Lian smiled: "Shall we learn from Japanese pirates?"

    Xiong Shitou thought that Jia Lian did not agree with his ideas, or misunderstood that he admired Japanese pirates, so he hurriedly explained: "My lord, please check it clearly, my lord"

    Jia Lian waved his hand: "You have already entered school. I am your parent official. I have also written inscriptions and lectures for your school. You can call yourself a student."

    Xiong Shitou was overjoyed when he heard this and paid homage: "Thank you, sir, for your support!"

    Jia Lian nodded: "Say it!"

    "The little ones don't worship the Japanese pirates, but hate them very much in their hearts. Therefore, the students think that we can learn from their methods and repay others with their own methods. However, the Fuso Island Kingdom, a tiny place, actually invaded our country Otsuki  This hatred must be avenged, and this hatred must be avenged. Therefore, the student thought that when our imperial troops are strong, we can send a surprise army straight to Fusang Island"

    Xiong Shitou said a lot, and Jia Lian concluded by saying that Xiong Shitou suggested that the court send troops to Fusang when the time is right to eradicate the Japanese pirates who have repeatedly invaded our sea areas!

    Jia Lian saw that Xiong Shitou hated the Japanese pirates so much that he wished he could eat meat and drink blood, so that they could be destroyed soon!

    Jia Lian can understand this. It is estimated that no one in Fujian and Zhejiang wants to destroy the Japanese pirate country.

    Next, Xiong Shitou seemed to have found a close friend. He kept lobbying Jia Lian and asked Jia Lian to support him in leading a study tour overseas. He said that he would guarantee better results than Zhang Qian.

    He also said that Zheng He¡¯s practice of giving away gifts everywhere and throwing them away in one place is not advisable.

    If it were him, he would occupy those places that he had conquered, establish a country, carry forward the culture of the Han nation, and tame the people to become a satellite state of the Dayue Dynasty.  (Remember the website address: one among the people of Fujian and Zhejiang wants to lose the Japanese pirate country.

    Next, Xiong Shitou seemed to have found a close friend. He kept lobbying Jia Lian and asked Jia Lian to support him in leading a study tour overseas. He said that he would guarantee better results than Zhang Qian.

    He also said that Zheng He¡¯s practice of giving away gifts everywhere and throwing them away in one place is not advisable.

    If it were him, he would occupy those places that he had conquered, establish a country, carry forward the culture of the Han nation, and tame the people to become a satellite state of the Dayue Dynasty.  (Remember the website address:
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