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Chapter 70

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    Slytherin Code of Conduct Fifty-six: Respect women and always remember chivalry

    The third game, the maze obstacle course.

    Before Draco finally touches glory, they still have a slight chance to buffer, and his parents are here to encourage him before the game!

    Just after breakfast, Draco was called by the professor to the small hall behind the auditorium, and was surprised to see his parents there. Oh, well, in fact, he can go home as soon as today is over.  Of course we can meet up soon.

    Draco hugged them.

    Narcissa chatted with her son for a while, unable to hide her worry, "Oh, I really don't understand why the game must be held in the evening. I just went to see the venue. It was simply too big. To be honest, even during the day.  You may not be able to find the direction either¡ª¡ª"

    "Okay, Mom!" Draco, holding his mother's arm, "This is a challenge to exercise the courage and ability of the warriors, and it is an obstacle course. How can it be done in the daytime? There are many dark creatures in it -  "As soon as Draco said this, he realized that he was wrong. Narcissa's face suddenly turned pale. Although she implicitly covered half of her face with silk, she was obviously more worried.

    "Don't be like this, Mom, I'm not young anymore." Draco even felt ashamed that he was participating in this unfair competition with his mature mental age. "Look, I even fought a dragon before, so  ¡ª¡ª" Draco closed his mouth in regret and lowered his head. He knew that he was wrong again, and his father was already beating his back with the snake-headed cane.

    "Okay, Sissy! It's not as bad as you think. Our son is the best, and those little bugs are a piece of cake for him-" Lucius glared at his son, and went up to hug his wife, "Oh,  Come on, since we have arrived at Hogwarts, we have to pay a visit to Sev. According to the habit of our dear Potions Master, he must be waiting for us in the office."

    Look at what he said - Draco looked at his father's back. The godfather was probably in the office now, spraying venom over a pile of final exam papers filled with the pus of a troll whose brain was filled with the pus of Bamboo tuber. I'm afraid he was in a different mood.  It's as simple as waiting.

    But this was a good opportunity. In the professor's office, Professor Snape did not show any impatience. Instead, he took out his own wine collection. The two old friends seemed to want to drink it to 'celebrate Draco's early victory'.  A cup, so Draco took his mother very knowledgeable and asked Harry to walk around the campus together.

    Anyone who has studied at Hogwarts has an inseparable affection for it. Even the Dark Lord chose to hide Ravenclaw's diadem here. Probably, for him, this place is also  So important, so beautiful, such a place worth remembering.

    They walked through the tower and the lawn. Draco and Harry tried hard to tell Narcissa all kinds of interesting stories tacitly, but after wandering for a long time, Narcissa suddenly said calmly, "  Draco, are you and your father hiding something from me?"

    "Huh? Mom, what do you mean?" Draco rolled his eyes and smiled, "Okay, actually I was a little nervous. And when I faced the Swedish Brachysaurus, the scene was indeed quite thrilling.  Dad was so nervous, but I have to admit, I was fascinated by it at first sight."

    Narcissa also smiled and said, "Xiaolong, I am your mother. Don't ever forget that it was me who raised you from such a small child to this big. Don't ever forget that I shared the same bed with your father for more than ten years, and even  You can tell whether the person outside the door is Lucius just by hearing the footsteps, so something very - very - special is about to happen, isn't it?"


    "Never underestimate a Black." Narcissa stood up on tiptoes and kissed her son's forehead. It seemed that at this moment she truly realized that her son had to stand on tiptoes to kiss her, and he was no longer the one she held in her arms.  Protect her, she will cling to her and cry for a little fire rose thorn.


    Narcissa was very pleased, but also very disappointed, "I think I have to admit that you have grown up." Her mother's eyes were full of worry, but she compromised.

    "Mom," Draco thought for a while, hugged his mother, and comforted softly, "My body is filled with the blood of two ancient families, Malfoy and Black. Malfoy will always fight for dignity and glory; Black will always persevere.  My beliefs will not change my original intention because of other people's opinions and difficult circumstances. Mom, I am very proud of all this. I will not let down the expectations of my family. I have been working hard, and you should be proud of me."

    "Then - okay!" Narcissa touched her son's head,, unknown traps, monsters, spells In an unknown direction, you may be safe one moment, but maybe the next step will be fatal danger waiting for you. You can never relax your vigilance. You must stay alert at all times, just like  Professor Moody's warning, you must be completely on guard as if you are surrounded by seventeen or eight fire dragons.

    Moreover, Draco looked up at the sky, and the afterglow of the sun could not penetrate this inch of land. Perhaps before encountering any man-made danger, the first thing the warrior faced was this kind of silence that forced people to lose their composure, this kind of silence that seemed to be able to  It brings out the most anxious loneliness in the heart, as well as people¡¯s instinctive fear when facing darkness, and perhaps, those directions and roads that seem to change forever.


    ¡°Perhaps this level is to allow warriors to find themselves and the right path in the midst of loss and darkness.

    But the first thing to do is to stay calm.

    Draco stood there without moving forward in a hurry. He spent quite a while to calm down and adapt to the silence, loneliness and darkness. Then he used a direction spell to determine the position, held up the fluorescent wand, and strode forward.  .

    Along the way, Draco used [Obstacles], [Fire] and [Broken Bones] the most. When he accidentally discovered that his [Fire] was useful for hedgerows, Draco set his direction and headed all the way.  If you block the gods, you will kill them. If you block the Buddha, you will destroy the Buddha.  After dealing with a fire crab, a troll, and the road that was almost enchanted by the tempting voice of the evil bird, Draco vaguely heard a sharp whistling, hazy, and he couldn't distinguish it through the high wall.  Was it the second whistle coming in or the girl's frightened scream from Fleur.

    Time becomes meaningless here. Draco can only experience the passage of time through his tired legs and thirst. The road under his feet also confuses his sense of direction to the greatest extent. Draco often feels that  He was going straight, but after walking for a while he always found himself deviating from the established direction. The direction curse became a curse that needed to be said at all times, and the family crest necklace on his body became the most useful tool to warn him of dangerous approaches.

    Draco suddenly stood up and threw a light spell at the bushes in front of him. The bushes disappeared like smoke. It was indeed an illusion.  Draco followed up with big steps, but stepped into the swamp. Two swamp diggers jumped up quickly and grabbed Draco's ankle hard. Draco immediately used two petrified  The curse was thrown away, and when Draco floated himself out, his right foot was dripping with blood.

    Before I had a chance to utter the Hemostatic Curse, I suddenly felt a noise behind me. I turned around and saw a griffon (Gryffindor), probably smelling the smell of blood, rushing out. It was as big as a lion, but it was carrying a giant eagle.  With its front legs and head and the torso and hind legs of a lion, a gryphon is not even inferior to a small Peruvian Venomtooth in terms of attack capabilities.

    "I hate Gryffindor!" Draco roared, first using a barrier to give himself room to retreat for a moment, and then before the barrier spell was torn apart by the sharp eagle claws, he used an enhanced version of the blazing flames.  Throw it away!

    This [flame] was like a big fireball. The moment it hit the griffon's body, it made a huge explosion sound and burned the feathers of the griffon's forelimbs. The griffin screamed sharply.  , quickly escaped from the fork in the road next to it. After the powerful explosive fireball grazed the gryphon's eagle claws, it continued to slide forward, burning through the fence at the end, and finally hit a foot on the other side of the wall.  There was a huge ten-foot-long blast-ended snail on his body, uh, and he also saved Krum who was separated by a wall from him.

    Seeing that Krum was sweating profusely and his clothes were torn, Draco was shocked to realize that so much time had passed. The second group of contestants had already arrived, and it seemed that they had been fighting for a long time.  Not a sound was heard.

    Krum escaped from the smoke in embarrassment with his body covered in burns. He muttered in a low voice with a thick Bulgarian accent, "Powerful fire spell, I owe you once, and I will pay you back!"

    The two of them separated after crossing each other. Krum picked a place and left without looking back. Draco used the direction charm to confirm before starting to move forward.  He walked towards another passage and walked for a long, straight way before he encountered a fork. When he turned a corner, he unexpectedly bumped into someone.

    The tall and thin adult man was wearing a jet black wizard robe and his back was facing Draco. The top of his head was hairless and the veins on it seemed to be clearly visible.  Looking at this man's back, he seemed familiar yet strange. The fear he felt for a moment made Draco suddenly feel unable to breathe.

    Then, the man turned around bit by bit.

    It is familiar, the skin is as pale as a skull, the eyes are as red as blood, flashing with the aloofness and contempt of treating everyone as slaves and dirt, the nose is as flat as a snake's face, and the nostrils are two slits¡ª¡ª

    It's him!

    In his previous life, Draco had knelt down fearfully and kissed the hem of his robe.

    "The Dark Lord¡ª¡ª" Draco couldn't help but take a step back, his face turned pale, but he held the wand in his hand tighter.

    He¡ª¡ªis resurrected!  (Remember the website address:; In his previous life, Draco once knelt down fearfully and kissed the hem of his robe.

    "The Dark Lord¡ª¡ª" Draco couldn't help but take a step back, his face turned pale, but he held the wand in his hand tighter.

    He¡ª¡ªis resurrected!  (Remember the website address:
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