Fa Xiao and Dr. Yin were in their sweet period, so they ate together. Fa Xiao often gave Dr. Yin supper.
Xie Wanying smiled and said, "Yes, the hospital arranges for doctors to take turns attending the emergency room."
"Isn't he from the ward? How do your doctors work shifts? He's not an emergency doctor, so why would he go to work in the emergency room?" As a layperson, Wu Lixuan didn't understand the doctor's duty system.
"There are very few doctors in the emergency department because we have not established a regional emergency center in China. Each hospital has its own emergency room. Maybe this is more economical," Xie Wanying said.
The medical construction system of each country is different, and each has its own advantages and disadvantages, which can only be said to be suitable for each country's national conditions. The domestic population base is large, and the establishment of regional emergency centers may not be able to meet the conditions of too many patients. There are so many hospitals now that cannot solve the problem of people having difficulty seeking medical treatment due to the large number of people, let alone building some emergency centers to meet people's needs.
Each hospital builds its own emergency department. If it recruits emergency doctors specifically, it is equivalent to paying another labor cost. Domestic economic conditions are average for the time being. Without this capital, hospitals have to operate at low costs, and the calculation falls on doctors again. Allocating some of the doctors who normally work in various departments to work in emergency departments saves manpower costs. The emergency system that has been operating in this way in China has not worked, so it has continued. Anyway, for cases that cannot be handled by emergency doctors, specialists from above will still be asked to come down for consultation.
The competition between departments for business is already very strong. How about a dedicated emergency doctor competing for business with other departments? The hospital leaders need to think about whether it is necessary. Including the National Association, most hospitals will not consider this strategy at this stage.
Unless the economy develops and moves closer to developed countries, people’s living standards improve, and the cost of medical care increases, it will not be too late to talk about it.
Specifically speaking about the personnel returning to the National Association’s emergency department, the doctors on emergency duty assigned by each department are resident doctors and attending physicians.
Yin Fengchun is the chief physician. He has to be on duty in the emergency department unless he is deputy chief.
"You don't have to work the night shift until you become deputy senior." Wu Lixuan heard this news for the first time and asked, "Yingying, where is your senior brother Huang?"
"Senior Brother Huang is not a deputy senior, but an attending physician, the same thing. He is always busier in hospital this year. When he returns to the department next year, he will continue to take night shifts in the ward and arrange emergency room shifts."
"In this way, there is no difference between attending treatment and hospitalization, right?"
of course not. The main force in the emergency department should be first-year residents or above who need to accumulate clinical experience and training. However, most of the medical students recruited by the National Association of Medical Sciences are Ph.D.s, and doctors are promoted to attending physicians very quickly. As a result, in the National Association of Emergency Medicine, residents and attending physicians can each account for half of the staff on duty.
"How often do you have to go to the emergency room with him like this?" Wu Lixuan asked again.
How often it takes depends on how many doctors in the hospital are in the emergency department. Specifically which department dispatches emergency personnel on duty, we can only say that the emergency department of the National Association of General Hospitals is the same as most general hospitals. The emergency department is only divided into two departments: internal medicine and surgery. Regardless of the size of the department, whoever meets the conditions will be required to be on emergency duty according to the principle of fairness.
The specific situation of the shift schedule is that the department whose turn it is will prepare a list of personnel in advance and submit it to the director of the emergency department, who will make a specific duty list.
Purple Pen Literature (remember the website address: www.hlnovel.com