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Chapter 264: Chapter 264

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    When the zombies re-launched their offensive, Zhang Xiaoqiang could still remain calm. He believed that the firepower of his team members could seal the road, but when the real zombie sea tactics were displayed, Zhang Xiaoqiang couldn't take it anymore.

    Countless zombies were torn apart and crushed, and countless zombies were filled in again and then shredded by machine guns. After a minute passed, all anti-aircraft machine guns stopped firing, and all the bullets in the belt were shot empty. While the anti-aircraft machine guns were replacing bullets,  The sea of ??corpses rushed forward tens of meters.

    A series of thin light chains continued to sweep through the group of corpses. The zombie in the front row had both legs broken and just fell down, and the zombies behind stepped on its back and stepped over. This zombie stepped over the corpses on the ground.  Two light chains that passed by each other smashed its head, and the headless zombie fell down, and more zombies stepped on its body and continued to move forward.

    When the anti-aircraft machine gun sprayed hot gun flames again, the zombies' progress was slowed down, but the continuous stream of zombies behind them continued to replenish the depleted troops, even if one bullet tore five or ten, they would continue to follow up with twenty  Forty, when the zombies finally approached the absolute warning line of 50 meters, Zhang Xiaoqiang finally ordered to shoot at the abandoned cars,

    The 14.5mm bullet sandwiched between the armor-piercing incendiary bomb and the flare bomb hit a six-wheeled truck. Several clusters of flames exploded on the truck one after another, and then the car burned and exploded. Countless metal fragments and parts crowded around the truck.  The corpses were twisted into minced meat, and the zombies were emptied in an instant, but in less than ten seconds, the crowded corpses would be filled with the cleared space.

    After this truck, cars continued to explode and burn in the crowd of corpses. Except for the strongest part of the body, which can still maintain its shape, other relatively fragile parts are constantly exploding, and the burning metal fragments are nailed into the flesh and blood of the zombies  The dry skin burned, the flames spread on the zombies, the burning zombies were still walking forward, and fell to the ground as they walked and were burned into a ball of coke, the burning zombies lost the panic and struggle of the day, they were like a group of  The moving wood keeps moving forward and ignites the same kind around him until he is reduced to ashes.

    The speed of the sea of ??zombies came to a halt for a while because of the explosion of the car in the middle, but with the sound of a bone-crushing audio coming again, the speed of the sea of ??corpses rushed in vainly, and countless burning fires were like light bulbs that were turned off  It quickly disappeared into the dense sea of ??corpses, and it didn't feel like a long time. The zombies at the beginning and the end were connected together again and rushed towards the center line between the hills.

    The new changes in the zombies made Zhang Xiaoqiang's heart almost pop out of his throat. He kept naming, firing, firing, and firing, and even pulled down a machine gunner to operate the machine gun himself. Zhang Xiaoqiang's ability became stronger, and his bullets never missed.  But no matter how powerful he is, he is still alone. No matter how fast his shooting speed is, he can only fire 80 bullets per minute. The zombies are still approaching and approaching.

    Wang Le led his men to open the long wooden boxes one by one, took out a light machine gun from the inside and shot it down on the sandbags they had already built.  The Type 5 and 6 squads used machine guns to continuously throw out empty shell casings, and the scorching bullets shot out from the muzzle and quickly penetrated into the corpses hundreds of meters below.

    These light machine guns were all taken out of the arsenal together by Zhang Xiaoqiang, just because this kind of machine gun had to wait for the barrel to dissipate heat after firing 300 rounds of bullets in a row, so it was not equipped by Zhang Xiaoqiang to the team members, but Wang Le brought it out unexpectedly.

    With the addition of ten light machine guns on the two hills, the zombie attack was temporarily stabilized. The zombies were hard to stop at a distance of 100 meters. Seeing that the situation in front of him was still on his side, Zhang Xiaoqiang just took a sip of water from the water bottle.  The rhythm of the zombies' sudden attack suddenly became faster.

    Those zombies were no longer as dull as before, and their speed returned to the usual speed all of a sudden, that is to say, their forward speed nearly doubled, the speed of the zombies increased, and the formation began to be scattered, but the zombies were originally  Can we only focus on advancing in the space of more than 100 meters? Scattering will not affect them.

    The speed of the zombies is speeding up, but Zhang Xiaoqiang's vitality can't be increased anymore, it is already at its maximum vitality, and the heavy machine guns of the continuous shooting team have suffered too much damage, although Wang Le made some spare parts for the barrels of heavy machine guns in the machinery factory, but  Zhang Xiaoqiang is still not at ease. The three-no products that have not been tested mean a term "parallel imports" that has been circulating for 20 years.

    A hundred meters ahead, which is the main bullet point of various machine guns, pieces of meat and bones are gradually piled up with soil between them to form a gentle slope, which is formed by the torn corpses of dead zombies  A small slope, although metal bullets continue to flatten this gentle slope, but with the continuous addition of parts from zombie corpses, the small slope is slowly rising.

    The zombies keep using their corpses to form a slope, and the zombies behind keep walking on the gentle slope, trampling the loose fleshy soil with the soles of their feet, one after another was smashed into pieces by large-caliber bullets, and was shot by a heavy machine gun.  The one who was swept in two by the middle was blown out of his head.The corpses of the zombies rolled down the gentle slope, and the zombies stood on the gentle slope again and continued to be shot and killed by various firepower.

    When half of the anti-aircraft machine guns stopped to change the belts or barrels, hundreds of S-shaped zombies suddenly rushed out from behind the gentle slope, and more than a dozen S-shaped zombies were torn apart by the chaotic bullets on the spot, but still  Dozens of them rushed past the 100-meter fire interception point with their sudden acceleration and agility.

    Dozens of s-shaped zombies ran fast on solid ground. Their targets were two quadruple anti-aircraft machine guns parked between the hills. Countless bullets hit their front and back, and the metal bullets  They kept digging small pits on the concrete road, and the flying cement slag kept jumping onto their skinny skin.

    An s2 had its knee broken by a long light chain, and a jet-black calf separated from it and fell into the distance. The zombie that lost its calf fell to the ground and rolled to one side, and a fast-running zombie jumped violently.  Getting up and passing over the zombie rolling on the ground, a large-caliber bullet crushed the head of the zombie that was still in the air, and the bullet that smashed its head tore off its upper body and shot into the chest of the zombie rolling on the ground.

    The anti-aircraft machine gun in Zhang Xiaoqiang's hand kept shooting at the zombies running below, and the Type 5 and 6 squad machine guns on the hills on both sides also kept shooting down. Finally, the S-shaped zombie left half of the corpses and arrived directly below the hill.  The anti-aircraft machine gun's depression angle was not enough, and he couldn't hit the remaining zombies.

    "Damn Zhang Xiaoqiang threw away the trigger of the machine gun, pulled out the horn cone, pulled out the mouse king blade, and ran down. With sharp eyes, he saw two people running ahead. (Remember this site  URL:
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