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Chapter 1628

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    Haste makes waste, and Gu Juan still understands the reason why he can't eat hot tofu in a hurry.

    What's more, when it comes to things like finding a wife, it is even more necessary to uphold the mentality that good things take time, and the more hard work, the better, and do it steadily, one move at a time, and one step at a time.  Such a person who has experienced many vicissitudes can better understand the tedious and necessary preparatory work.

    Therefore, he was neither anxious nor panicked, just sitting quietly behind the counter, slowly drinking the inferior coffee in the huge cup, really resembling the laziness of living on a meager family property  shopkeeper.

    So until the big cup of coffee was finished, when he was clearing the cup, he finally determined the general principle of grasping with both hands and being firm with both hands.

    Grasp internal causes with one hand and external causes with the other.

    Grasping the internal cause is grasping oneself. It is necessary to carefully investigate and find possible supernatural power system cultivation methods. After finding it, you can try to conduct research and deduction, and then pour experience points without hesitation, and start the bulldozer to pile up your own strength level.

    ? As long as you can pile up to number one in the world in one go, and no one can beat you, you can naturally order the Quartet with your own power to carry out your will.

    Grasping the external cause is to find a way to establish your own power, the ultimate goal is to form a huge economic and military intelligence network, and then use this network to find clues that may be left by the old house in red

    When he was thinking about things, a rough voice sounded from outside the door, waking him up from his contemplation.

    "Brother Franken, bring me a barrel of beer!"

    A stout man with a full beard squeezed in, grinning and showing some yellow teeth.

    Gu Juan compared the memory fragments, paused for a moment, and squeezed out a smile on his face, "Do you still want dark beer, Mr. Wolfgang"

    "Well, the old rules." Wolfgang paid the money carelessly, and directly opened a barrel of dark beer, poured it into the cup he carried with him, and drank it.

    Gu Juan turned around and grabbed a handful of dried fruit, and put it on the table for Wolfgang as a snack with wine.

    "Hey, Franken, you are really weird today. Could it be that you are sick?"

    Wolfgang chewed loudly, staring at Gu Pan with wide eyes, "You used to be so stingy that you didn't even want to light the oil lamp at night."

    "That was before." Gu Juan said with a smile, "I suddenly realized that life is not easy for a person, if you don't bring it with you in life, you don't take it with you in death.  Woolen cloth?"

    "now it's right!"

    Wolfgang gulped down a big gulp of beer, patted the table and shouted, "It's not too late for you to figure it out, but it's still not as good as me. Ever since a bullet went into my shoulder on the battlefield, I told myself  , if you can live, you must enjoy it, don¡¯t wait until everything is cold to suddenly realize that you have never enjoyed anything in your life.¡±

    "It's a great tragedy that people die, and the money is not spent." Gu Juan took the wooden barrel that Wolfgang handed over, and poured himself a cup.

    "Uh" Wolfgang froze for a moment, then nodded after a long time, "That's what I want to say, Franken, you summed it up very well."

    Wolfgang is an officer who retired after being wounded on the DeLand battlefield. He can receive a small amount of retirement money from the government every month, but it is not too small, and he is now a town sheriff.  Salary, a single monthly income is at least five times the income of a Franken grocery store.

    Coupled with the wealth he secretly accumulated in the previous wars of empire expansion and aggression, Wolfgang can be regarded as one of the few people with the best life in the entire town.

    However, Gu Juan did not go to court because he was rich and powerful. What really attracted Gu Juan to Wolfgang was that he had served in the army and went to the battlefield, and his experience of wandering around for more than ten years.

    Maybe from Wolfgang, you can find some clues to strengthen yourself.

    Gu Juan and Wolfgang chatted more and more vigorously. After a while, the two of them drank up the whole barrel of dark beer. Wolfgang opened the second barrel without hesitation, and drank one cup after another with dried fruits.

    Under Gu Juan's intentional or unconscious guidance, the topic gradually turned to the direction he wanted to hear.

    And this aspect is Wolfgang's strong point. He has always regarded his experience of joining the army and participating in the war as his greatest glory.

    "Oh? What you are talking about is the kind of fighting technique."

    After the consultant asked a question, Wolfgang laughed disdainfully, "This thing was quite useful when the guns were still very backward, but now, apart from the basic gun assassination skills??Others are rarely seen.  "

    "Bang bang bang a row of muskets hit the past, no matter how strong the strength is, no matter how sensitive the skill is, it will not be directly smashed into a sieve."

    "Let's take a step back, even if it is so strong that it is like wearing heavy armor all over your body, so what if you are not afraid of bullets, a few shells go down, no matter how hard and thick the turtle shell is, it can be smashed into a pile of pieces for you, covered with flesh and blood.  One place."

    "Oh, I see¡­¡­"

    Gu Juan nodded slowly, refilled Wolfgang's empty glass with beer, and then asked, "I used to hear stories about witches, werewolves, vampires, etc., so these are all fake  Is it?"

    "Are those legends?"

    Wolfgang picked up the cup and took a big sip, frowned and thought for a moment before saying, "I dare not say whether these things are true or not, I can only say that I have been fighting here and there for more than ten years, but I have never seen them."  pass them once."

    "So, has Mr. Wolfgang seen a magician?"

    "The magician"

    Wolfgang raised his half-empty wine glass and stopped there. After a long silence, he said uncertainly, "Speaking of a magician, I seem to have seen one, but I haven't had close contact with him."

    "Oh? Mr. Wolfgang really has a lot of experience."

    Gu Juan shook the empty wine barrel, and opened another barrel without hesitation, "It's not like a guy like me who has been trapped in this small town for decades and never went outside  Once you leave, you will see a wider world.¡±

    "Oh, brother, what you said is wrong. You have to know that a peaceful and leisurely life like yours is the goal I bought by risking my life in the first half of my life. But when I finally came here, I found out that you are already here.  I've been lying on my target for decades"

    Wolfgang said in an exaggerated tone, and took another gulp of beer, "Back to the magician, in fact, I don't know if that old gentleman is a magician, I only know that he is a jazz nobleman, even  The head of the cavalry regiment must treat each other with courtesy, and only after repeated visits can he enter his manor."

    "As for me, I was just an entourage following the head of the group at that time, and I didn't even have the qualifications to enter the banquet hall"

    "Oh? How did brother Wolfgang know that the old nobleman might be a magician?"

    "When I was eating wine with other servants outside, I overheard a few men in black in the corner mentioning it. As for whether he is, and if so, so what, I don't know at all.  Know."

    "So that's how it is."

    However, just when Gu Juan was about to end this topic with some disappointment, Wolfgang suddenly frowned and said with a strange expression, "However, the chat with you just now brought back my long-standing memory, which was nearly twenty years ago.  A while ago, when I was a recruit, I did meet a guy who was a little bit different." (Remember this website URL:
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