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Chapter 714: Inside the Universe

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    A series of thoughts flashed in Long Yu's mind.

    She lowered her head and glanced at the bright yellow firebird dancing cheerfully in the "red magma" below, and the guy who swallowed the "red magma" in the depths of the firebird's package, and suddenly felt a little headache.

    Because these magmas are not real magmas, but the heart fires and fires that appear in the method of opening robbery from the virtual to the real in the inner world.

    One way of practice is to go against the sky, so there is a saying that people behave in the right direction and become immortals in the opposite direction. Therefore, since she was implanted with jade bone and ice muscles, the empress mother taught her more than once. The method taught to her is to cross  Several levels, directly stepping into another way to build the inner world, one must not be greedy for success, so as not to suffer backlash when the inner world is first formed in the future.

    It's just that she was arrogant and talented at the time, so she didn't take these words too seriously. In addition, after the jade bone ice muscle secret method was first completed, the level of the realm rose suddenly, so she forgot what the mother said for a while.  if.

    The result is that all the way up and all the way is cool, and the performance of Kai Jie is tearful.

    According to the records of the true method she practiced, when the realm of cultivation reaches the level of opening up the inner scene of the universe, the next step is to transform the inner world into reality, which is the realm of virtuality and reality, and the next step is to open the method of robbery, which is the method of robbery  Realm, this process requires five kalpas.

    They are the four kalpas of earth, water, wind and fire, and the last thunder kalpa.

    There is no definite reason for the first catastrophe after entering the catastrophe, and the beginning of the catastrophe for different monks is also different. Some people will start from the ground catastrophe, some will start from the water catastrophe, wind catastrophe, and of course they can also start from the fire catastrophe.  beginning.

    In the end, they will all come to the same goal by different routes, facing the final and strongest thunder disaster.

    Thunder means destruction, but it also breeds infinite vitality.

    Just like in nature, after the severe winter, spring thunder shakes the earth, and everything begins to recover.

    Begin to grow and give birth, and continue to reproduce.

    This is the beginning and process of turning into a real inner world and starting to give birth to a new life.

    Only after passing through the thunder calamity and realizing the metamorphosis of all things from the thunder, can the inner world get rid of the shackles full of dead things, truly step into the vibrant world of spirits, and move towards the eternal source of immortality.  step forward.

    Now what Long Yu is facing is the calamity of fire among the inner world, earth, water, wind and fire.

    Originally, she was majoring in the ice-cold technique, but with the addition of the jade-bone ice muscle, she advanced by leaps and bounds, without any hindrance, until she pushed open the door leading to the opening of the inner universe, building and condensing out a special  Its own world of ice and snow.

    After that, he has stagnated since then, stuck in a quagmire and unable to extricate himself.

    The most important and most fundamental reason is that she entered the progress of opening up the inner scene prematurely because her previous practice progressed too quickly, she did not lay a solid foundation, and she did not make complete preparations.

    As a result, after the fire catastrophe came, it could not be resolved, and eventually it accumulated bigger and bigger, forming a spectacular "red magma" scene.

    This is also the main reason why she dispatched her subordinates and even came here in person after she got information about this world by accident, in order to find a way to resolve the catastrophe in her heart, so that she could pass the catastrophe smoothly.

    But having said that, in any case, this is also a higher level of fire from the source of power, at least for the creatures in this world, it should be at an absolutely crushing level of power.

    This kind of power is not only difficult for her to absorb and resolve, but also can directly crush other creatures who have not reached the level of opening up the inner universe. Even practitioners who specialize in fire attribute spirit elements cannot resist.

    If a practitioner who specializes in fire gongfa is drawn into it, all his powers, such as spirit yuan, demon yuan, and magic yuan, will be transformed into the nourishment of the fire disaster.

    This is suppression on the realm, suppression on the level of power of the same category.

    But now she is facing Gu Juan.

    Not only does it have incomprehensible high temperature resistance to flames, but it also has extremely strong physical strength.

    So now a situation that makes Long Yu unbelievable has appeared, the flames of catastrophe accumulated by her practice of the true law seem to have no effect on this guy!  ?

    ? Even she herself was struggling, she had to rely on the help of the secret treasures given by the queen mother to survive the stalemate fire disaster, how could it be impossible to melt away a native in this world?

    This dealt a great blow to Long Yu's proud heart.

    What's the situation with that guy below?

    Long Yu held her breath and concentrated on it, perceiving it carefully.

    Finally had to come up with a??She feels helpless to the conclusion.

    The situation with the guy below

    seems fine.

    It's not a small thing.

    It's great.

    Let her be helpless, fighting against the fire of destruction every moment.

    It didn't bother him at all.

    On the contrary, he seems to be at ease.

    Happily wandering around in the magma that symbolizes the fire disaster.

    And keep eating all the time.

    Long Yu opened her mouth, wanting to ask a question.

    Such a dangerous and terrifying thing can really be eaten!  ?

    And looking at him, it looks like he hasn't eaten for many years. Whether it's the bright yellow fire bird or his wide open mouth, it's like a bottomless black hole.

    No matter how much magma is filled in, the belly will not bulge too much.

    She endured and endured, and finally swallowed the words that had come to her lips.

    At the same time, he even held back his plan to show his true body and personally suppress Gu Juan.

    ?Because with the passage of time, as the number of fires devoured by Gu Juan increased

    She actually felt a little bit of relaxation and comfort very strangely, after a long absence.

    The damage and pressure caused by the fire of robbery to her are weakening.

    Although it was only a slight weakening, Long Yu was keenly aware of it.

    Since the fire of catastrophe began to ignite the inner scene of Qiankun ten years ago, she has endured more than three thousand days and nights.

    A few times, she even almost lost her mind, and was burned out of her inner universe by the fire of robbery, and ended up in the same tragic end as other sisters who failed in robbery.

    This kind of pain is really too deep, so deep that it is unforgettable.

    That's why she likes to pull the enemies she meets one by one, whose realm is lower than her, into the inner world, to see them howling in pain under the attack of the fire, let them also accept the "baptism" of the fire, and experience together what she has experienced in the past ten years  inhuman torture.

    This is the best way for her to vent her emotions and calm her mind.

    Now, the best outlet has failed.

    But Long Yu didn't feel too angry.

    Because as Gu Juan was devoured, the pain she suffered was also reduced.

    If it continues at this rate.

    Maybe it won't take too long before she can face the pain caused by the fire of catastrophe alone, and no longer spend a huge price to keep the secret treasure bestowed by the envoy mother again and again.

    Long Yu is hesitating, but also a little bit uncertain and worried.

    Although the pain is weakening, whether this kind of situation that she has never heard of, let alone experienced, is the correct way to resolve the fire of calamity, or something that has not been verified.

    She squinted her eyes, quickly rummaged through the content of the robbery in her memory, and nervously calculated and deduced.

    It must be made clear which category this situation falls into.

    Will it shake the foundation of her practice?  (Remember the site URL:
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