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Chapter 381: True or False

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    Outside the capital, on the left side of the official road, a carriage parked there quietly.

    There was a dead silence around the carriage. More than a dozen people either rode horses or stood there, staying there motionless like sculptures, not even turning their eyeballs.

    And the closest space inside and outside the carriage compartment is already completely two completely different scenes.

    Inside is a large piece of miserable green will-o'-the-wisp tumbling, and outside is scarlet flames burning.

    However, at the clear boundary between the two-color flames, there are faint green star dots rapidly penetrating into the depths of the red flames, and gradually gathering towards the most intense place of the red flames.

    At the peak of the red flames, in the middle of Gu Juan's eyebrows, all the green star dots that seep in have merged together, and are constantly changing shapes, gradually covering his entire face.


    Gu Juan suddenly opened his eyes from the darkness, rubbed the aching between his brows, so that he could wake up faster from the dizziness, and then he froze suddenly, observing everything around him in disbelief.

    In front of his eyes was a soft white light that was not dazzling, but what surprised him was that it was able to make him feel again that this kind of power that should not have existed in the Great Wei Dynasty, this kind of at least the second industrial revolution  Then there is the blazing light of existence.

    While thinking about it, Gu Juan quickly turned his head to look, and saw an energy-saving desk lamp on the wooden table next to him emitting a faint white light, and beside the energy-saving desk lamp, an old laptop computer was buzzing, still working tirelessly.  running.

    This is a small room of less than ten square meters. There is no furniture other than a table, a chair, and a bed. Gu Juan just sat up straight on the messy bed. After a moment of silence, he suddenly lowered his head.  Laughed low.

    This is really a long time ago, a memory that he has almost forgotten.

    What's more, whether it's the bed, or the table and chairs, or even the desk lamp and the computer, since he got up and "woke up" to regain consciousness, he quickly changed from illusory and blurred to real, until they all looked so real, even  The tiniest textures are clearly visible.

    He frowned in some doubts, reached out and touched the buzzing laptop, the real touch and slightly hot temperature seemed to remind him all the time that this was real reality, not  His own illusion.

    Perhaps thanks to his idea of ??"discovering problems and solving them", because after realizing that his resistance ability is too low, he will be easily dominated by hallucinations and fall into the trap of enemies who are good at this.  I have been working hard to solve this problem, and I have put in a considerable amount of effort for it, so I was able to maintain a clear consciousness, not completely caught up in this situation, and took all the illusions as reality.

    However, being able to present the hidden memory in the deepest part of his consciousness in such a straightforward form, the cat-faced woman's ability in this aspect really exceeded his expectations.

    Moreover, his deepest secret may have been touched by the cat-faced woman, and it may also be exposed to her sight.

    He thought about it, and then laughed again. In fact, there is no need to think about the answers to these questions now. He just needs to find the catwoman who doesn't know where she is hiding at the fastest speed, and then kill him with an axe.  Even if it's over.


    An uncontrollable thought suddenly appeared in Gu Juan's mind, he quickly got off the bed, walked a few steps on the ground with his bare feet, feeling the cold floor tiles that were completely different from the hot computer, went to the other side of the table, took  Picked up the large-screen mobile phone that had been left there for charging.

    After the fingerprint was unlocked, looking at the familiar but unfamiliar icons on the screen, he took a deep breath, and suddenly felt as if he had passed away.

    The next moment, Gu Juan slowly stretched out a finger, and clicked on the game icon that he thought he would never see again.

    If even this works, he needs to revisit it

    He waited silently until more than a dozen breaths passed, but there was still no change on the phone screen.

    Then he threw the phone on the table with some disappointment, shook the mouse and clicked on the player hidden in the corner of the table.

    There are many of his "cloud girlfriends" stored there, together with Xiaozuo and Xiaoyou, they have helped him solve the problems of emptiness, loneliness and coldness on countless cold nights.

    Unfortunately, after the player icon is clicked, there is still no response.

    Gu Juan squeezed his eyebrows?, fell into thinking again.

    From this point of view, this is the limit that the cat-faced woman can do. She can create corresponding illusions through his memory, but it is only a superficial layer and cannot reach a deeper level.

    But even so, it is already quite a terrifying ability, because even Ji Hou, who was also known for his powerful and weird mental attacks at the beginning, has no ability to break through the blood-brain barrier of his soul and truly pry into the depths of his heart.

    Then the problem arises, the strength of this cat-faced old lady is obviously a level lower than that of Ji Hou, and now he has made great strides in improving his energy resistance compared to when he first collided with Ji Hou, so even if she has  With a special secret method, it shouldn't be so easy to break through layers of defenses, and directly achieve such an astonishing level.

    No, maybe we need to analyze and consider the problem from another angle, that is, the cat-faced woman didn't really pierce the depths of his consciousness, and the ability she possessed was not like that, but was similar to a pulling and inducing ability, allowing him to  The caster himself creates the illusion, thus trapping it in it.

    If this conjecture is correct, she must still have a backhand, and that is the murderous intent that will suddenly erupt from nowhere.

    What he needs to do at this time is to find out where the hidden murderous intent exists, and at the same time follow this clue to peel off the cocoon, and then pull out the cat-faced woman, or get himself out of this illusion.


    Gu Juan pushed open the door of the single dormitory and came to the corridor outside.

    He turned a corner and saw the still familiar corridor, the same familiar foyer after going downstairs, and even the two large vases at the door were exactly the same as he remembered.

    Gu Juan pushed open the glass door, and the noisy human voice and the dazzling sunlight penetrated into his eardrums and eyes at the same time.

    "This is really unbelievable."

    "Even if it's an illusion, even if it looks rough, it's far beyond my imagination to be able to reproduce the scene from the previous time and space to such an extent."

    He sighed leisurely, and looked outside at the bustling streets, dense traffic, tall buildings, and lively crowds.

    After watching silently for a moment at the exit of the hall, he slowly walked down the steps and blended into the crowd, like a drop of water flowing into a river.

    Shuttle among the pedestrians, Gu Juan's eyes were filled with smiling faces of men, women and children, and he heard all kinds of cheers in his ears. He kept walking until he walked out an unknown distance, but he didn't meet any of them.  any attack.

    Everything seemed so normal, just like an ordinary day in a big city.

    But the more normal it looks, the more abnormal it is.

    He walked casually among the half-illusion and half-real street crowds, wandering seemingly doing nothing, but he was already on high alert in the dark, always on guard for possible attacks.  (Remember the site URL:
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