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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Prose -> Nie Shengyuan

Chapter 62 Half a lie (3)

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    The doctor seemed to see Qin Lang's scruples, and took out a sheet from a blue folder, introducing the methods of detoxification and the effects of detoxification.

    Qin Lang stretched out his short fingers to take the doctor's introduction sheet, and looked at it carefully. Juzi knew that sooner or later she would come back here. There was no way for her to feel comfortable and at ease without taking drugs.  I didn't rush to ask, at least now I still have my favorite person by my side, no matter how much pain I have, it will be okay.  "It's fine, as long as you can quit the drug." Juzi looked at Qin Lang with a faint look.

    "We have many methods of detoxification here, which can be selected according to the patient's own conditions. Generally, patients will choose relatively comfortable methods, but the effect of these comfortable methods still has the possibility of relapse. Natural withdrawal methods are effective.  The best method, but few people can bear it. Natural withdrawal method, also known as cold turkey method or dry withdrawal method. It refers to the forced interruption of drug supply for drug addicts, and only provides food and general care to make them quit.  It is a detoxification method to achieve the purpose of detoxification by the natural disappearance of symptoms. Its characteristic is that it does not require medication, and its disadvantage is that it is more painful.

    The drug withdrawal method will not take too long. It refers to the method of giving drug addicts withdrawal drugs to slow down and alleviate the pain of drug addicts' withdrawal symptoms in a substitute and decreasing way, and gradually achieve detoxification.  It is characterized by the use of drugs for detoxification.  Many patients will choose this treatment method, which does not require the constant company of family members, as long as they have time to come and see it, so that patients have a concept of being cared for and loved.  There are other methods that refer to a method of detoxification that uses acupuncture, physical therapy equipment, etc. to reduce the withdrawal symptoms of drug addicts.  Its characteristic is to reduce the suffering of drug addicts' withdrawal symptoms through auxiliary means and "psychological suggestion" to achieve the purpose of detoxification.  The disadvantage is that it takes a long time and the consolidation is not complete.

    What needs to be reminded is that there is no panacea for drug addiction. Drug addicts should not be superstitious or imagine that there are any special drugs for drug recovery.  "

    "The doctor should make a treatment plan based on Juzi's own reasons. I am a layman and I don't know much about it." Qin Lang embarrassingly entrusted the doctor with full authority.

    The doctor picked up the pen in a very old-fashioned way, and scribbled something on the list, "Okay, go and pay some fees, just come over tomorrow morning and bring some happy underwear, the rest of the other things are here.  Everything will be arranged!" The attending physician seemed to have forgotten something, and raised his pen again, and hurriedly asked, "Is it better to live in a better ward or"

    Qin Lang heard the voice, and said with a smile, "It's better,"

    Juzi's health is not very good, Qin Lang is still counting on the road of happiness with her, so naturally he won't be stingy.

    Qin Lang took the list in his hand and looked shocked, "10,000!" "In 7 days?" I can't believe it, the hospital is really a place that eats people but doesn't spit out their bones.

    Juzi looked at Qin Lang's weird eyes, took the list lightly, and pouted her lovely lips, "Really, hehe, but don't be afraid, I still have some money if I have money. But you must wait for me to come out!  "Qin Lang's specious brown pupils flashed a little light, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised, "Of course, otherwise, why would you come here to suffer? I come back to see you every day."

    Da da, Juzi stepped on his sneakers and jumped in front of Qin Lang. In an instant, his long hair fell down to cover his blushing cheeks, and he said in a threatening tone, "But don't delay work." In Juzi's mind, Qin Lang will always be  It is the kind of person who lives in the ranks of high-level intellectuals and cannot affect his official career because of his own reasons.  Behind a successful man there should be a woman who loves him very much, Juzi always believes in this truth.

    Qin Lang pretended to be deep and ignored Orange, "Mmm" "Okay!" After speaking, he secretly rubbed Orange's delicate nose.

    ? For three lifetimes, my sister was invited back by Li Wei.  The crowd didn't know what happened, they gathered around and discussed in twos.  Sister Ah sat at the front of the conference room, Li Wei still had a stern expression, and his cold eyes were not to be touched.  (Remember the site URL:
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