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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Prose -> Ghost police

Chapter 128 Corpse Refining Formation (Part 1)

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    Boss Ding thanked both of us a thousand times.  Coming out of Boss Ding's shop, I asked Wu Dan, "Master, what's your idea, I don't know how to write calligraphy!!"

    Wu Dan looked at me helplessly, and said, "I didn't want you to write it either. Do you think this Buddhist scripture is useful for anyone to copy?"

    I was surprised and said: "Then what are you talking about?"

    Wu Dan said: "I want to stay in his store at night, and when the people in the wholesale market have left, I will go to the vacant store behind his store to have a look."

    I scolded: "Damn it, master, then the solution you mentioned is useless?"

    Wu Dan said: "It's useful. I still have to copy it, but I don't need you. Let your fairy sister copy it. She has a peaceful temperament and has learned orthodox Taoism. I went to her shop last time to see her painting ice sculptures."  The patterns are carved in traditional Chinese characters. The calligraphy is well written, and it is relatively easy to copy a volume of Buddhist scriptures."

    I clicked my tongue and said: "Master, you have already made up your mind."

    Wu Dan smiled and said: "Your master, I have always been far-sighted. For example, what happened to the Daily News Building last time, if I hadn't predicted many years ago that there would be a big event in the future, and suggested that the barbecue city be built, the people of Tianjin would now  It's all over, right?"

    I made a water-spraying emoticon [see post bar emoticons for details]: "Master, you were fooled by your intuition at the time."

    Just at this moment, a little Mi tucked into my backpack poked its head out and said, "I'm hungry, buy me French fries."

    I was speechless: "Where can I buy it??"

    Xiao Mi said: "Go one hundred meters ahead, turn right, there is KFC."

    "Cio, have you ever been here? How do you know?" I asked.

    Xiao Mi raised her nose and said: "I smell it, it smells good, go!"

    I thought to myself that your sister's master is too dishonorable.  Turning the corner, I saw that there really was a KFC store.  But it was clearly overcrowded and there were too many customers in the store.

    Xiao Mi urged me to go quickly, so I had no choice but to move over. Just as I was about to open the door, Xiao Mi suddenly whispered: "Look behind you, that crazy woman is here again."

    At this time, I passed through the huge glass of the KFC store door, and I saw that crazy woman standing not far behind me, still dragging the garbage bag containing the bottles and paper shells.  I was a little surprised, turned around to look, and saw that she was looking at me with a grin, still with that vicious, weird and crazy expression.

    The others frowned and walked away when they saw this dirty crazy woman.  I was a little happy, because I felt that the old woman had no malice towards me, and she reminded me many times inadvertently.

    I smiled and stepped forward and asked, "Grandma, why are you here? Last time I wanted to see you, but I couldn't find where you live."

    The crazy mother-in-law smiled and said nothing.  If I met her for the first time, I would probably be frightened by her expression now.  Although she was smiling, that smile, coupled with the wrinkled face and few teeth left, had an indescribably ferocious feeling.

    I felt goosebumps all over my body when she laughed, so I had to ask, "Grandma, what are you laughing at?"

    As soon as I finished speaking, I felt a flash of light before my eyes.  Looking down, I went, and the nuwa stone, which I had been coquettishly sipping soy sauce and almost forgotten by me, suddenly burst into light.

    I was startled and couldn't help but take a step back.  My time, what does this mean, the old lady in front of me suddenly turned into a ghost?

    But when I took a step back, I realized that the crazy granny was dragging a sack with her right hand, but she was holding something with her left hand.  This thing is white, but it seems to have been dipped in red dye, which is so red that it hurts the eyes.

    I felt a chill in my heart, thinking that something was wrong.  So he rushed up immediately and pulled the thing from the crazy mother-in-law's hand.  After seeing this object clearly, I was taken aback.

    Sure enough, it was just as I thought, it was a blood kite, the original background color was white, it was the common white kite we often see.  But now the kite's body was covered with blood, soaking a large area.

    I hurriedly asked: "Mother-in-law, where did this thing come from?"

    The crazy mother-in-law smiled and pointed to the side.  I looked in the direction of her finger, but saw a river not far away.  There are many tourists by the river, but now there is a large group of people around the river, as if watching something.

    I hurried over and squeezed into the crowd to have a look, and saw a group of people surrounding a child.  The child was pale and lifeless, and appeared to be dead.  However, he held a kite tightly in his hand.  The blood on the kite was not dry yet, dripping on the ground.  The child's mother cried sadly while holding the child.  I looked up, and sure enough, I saw a cloud of blood mist hovering in the sky.  AndThinking of this, I asked Wu Dan: "Master, what do you mean if I confess my love to the girl and she kicks me and neither refuses nor agrees?"

    Wu Dan smiled and said: "It means you are too old. Women, you have to be reserved. It doesn't seem to be interesting to agree so easily. Keep chasing. If you don't refuse, it means that you are interested. If you can't, just give it to me."  She did it."

    I was speechless for a moment: "Master, if you were so fierce, why did your wife run away with someone back then?"

    Wu Dan said: "Because of me, Master, I have been entangled with too many little girls, and there is nothing I can do if the peach blossoms are too prosperous. My wife can't stand it anymore, so I left."

    What he said suddenly reminded me of Shen Can's signature: "Mother loves the world, life brings peach blossoms."

    So I asked Wu Dan: "Master, what do you mean by applying for Canna's signature? She will replace the mother of the country?"

    Wu Dan thought for a while, and said: "If there is only the first sentence, then maybe it is. But the latter is destined to have peach blossoms. That is to say, her fate is uncertain, and maybe this peach blossom catastrophe will mess up her mother Yi Tianxia's life."  gone."

    I sighed: "Everyone has his own fate."

    Wu Dan laughed: "For example, you can only do this kind of hard work."

    We chatted like this, and the time passed bit by bit.  Soon, I heard complete silence outside the door, and the time jumped to 22:00.  (Remember the site URL:
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