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Chapter 129: The Newest Legion

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    ¡¡¡¡ Wolverine was taken aback: Orcs are also involved in human wars?  Is the sky going to fall down?  At this time, the half-orc's sturdy, tall, beast-like body slowly emerged from the darkness, approaching the wolf soul knights waiting in full force with big strides.

    ¡¡¡¡Wolverine's eyes were like wild beasts, shooting fierce light, gritted his teeth and shouted: "Charge!" He leveled his spear, snow-white fighting spirit enveloped his whole body, and he urged the wolf to charge first.  The Knights of Three Thousand Wolf Souls pushed their mounts without any hesitation, and charged towards the half-orc.

    ¡¡¡¡The most powerful infantry unit in the world met the most valiant cavalry unit in the world. For a short while, there was a loud bang, the dust mixed with blood, and meat sauce splashed, playing an extraordinary symphony of tragic war.

    ¡¡¡¡The half-orcs wielded heavy maces, growled and hissed, and killed the slender human cavalry.  Often with one blow, blood splashed everywhere and brains burst, smashing the wolf soul knight's armor and body into a bloody mess.  Its tall body, bulging and powerful muscles, full of ferocious attack power, in comparison, the wolf soul knight looks very slender.

    ¡¡¡¡However, wolf soul knights are not helpless. They ride on top of demon wolves, and their height is comparable to that of half-orcs. In addition, they are well-equipped and have excellent defense.  , wielding giant spears and other heavy weapons, for a while they were evenly matched with the orcs.  The giant spear of the Wolf Soul Knights, with the help of the impact force of the demon wolf, was able to pierce the thick body of the half-orc in one fell swoop; and the half-orc swept the wolf soul knight off the horse with a stick, and was often followed by the silver crescent demon.  The long fangs of the wolf pierced through the chest that was only wearing a piece of leather armor with the impact!

    ¡¡¡¡The wolf soul cavalry formed a battle formation, coordinated operations, and cooperated with each other, which undoubtedly greatly increased the attack power and greatly enhanced the defense strength. In contrast, the half-orc formation was extremely loose, and they often fought alone  , it is difficult to cope with the complex and dangerous battlefield environment.  Therefore, as the war progressed, the situation gradually leveled off, and the two sides formed an extremely tragic war of attrition for a while, and it was difficult for anyone to gain the upper hand and make substantial progress.

    ¡¡¡¡This half-orc army is naturally a rebel brought out by Yu Lian from the half-beast clan. He ordered Lengchuan to oversee the stormy bear army to invade the Shengyuan Empire, but he was afraid that Lengchuan would fall into the trap of Yunyi, so he led the half-beast army day and night  But fortunately, he arrived in time. If he was successfully attacked by the Wolf Soul Knights half an hour later in the evening, the Violent Bear Legion would be defeated, and it would be too late.

    ¡¡¡¡Wolverine, who slashed and killed the half-beast warriors, his cheeks were as cold as iron, and his nerves were tense. Every wolf soul knight fell to the ground and died under the mace of the half-beast warriors, his heart twitched.  Yu Lian, who was watching the battle behind the half-orc formation, also had a dull pain in his heart, secretly clenching his teeth.  The two coaches originally planned to use the Orc Legion and the Wolf Soul Knights as elite soldiers, and they cherished it very much in their hearts. They hoped that they could shine in the upcoming war, create a brilliant record, and give the opposing army  With a fatal blow, neither of them expected that the two armies had the same fate. When they first went to the battlefield and fought for the first time, they encountered the most elite army of the other side!

    ¡¡¡¡Now the two armies are caught in a tragic battle of attrition. Whether it's Wolverine, who kissed the battlefield, or Yu Lian, who watched the battle from the back, they both complain and regret endlessly, but they have no choice but to retreat.  Now the situation is like two evenly matched wrestlers, who are exhausting all their strength and wrestling desperately. If one of them suddenly relaxes and retreats, the other party will definitely take advantage of the momentum and knock him down in one fell swoop, winning the final victory.

    ¡¡¡¡Wolverine and Yu Lian had no choice but to know that if they continued to fight like this, they would die together.  However, the two coaches had the same idea in their minds: capture the thief first, and if you can kill the coach commanding the battle in one fell swoop, even if you can't make the opponent's army retreat in a panic, at least you can.  It can disintegrate the fighting spirit of the opponent's army, but it will be much easier to win in that way.

    ¡¡¡¡ Wolverine cut off the half-orc who was fighting in front of him in one fell swoop, and the snow-white dou-qi brilliance transpired all over his body. The spear formed by pure dou-qi stretched forward flatly, aiming at Duke Yulian who was watching the battle on horseback behind the half-orc formation.  His eyes were murderous, full of blood. He sat down and was stimulated by his murderous aura, and the wolf was furious. He raised his head to the sky and let out a long and miserable howl.  go.

    ¡¡¡¡Yu Lian had already noticed the extremely brave Wolverine. Seeing him rushing towards him at this time, he smiled slightly, and said to the three big warlocks with strange clothes, including the warlock in earthy yellow clothes, who were serving as guards beside him: "Here  In the barren hills, the earth elements are unusually excited and lively. I wonder if adults can give it a try. ?The life and death of Wolverine is uncertain.

    ¡¡¡¡At this time, the battle between the two sides was also coming to an end. Both the Wolf Soul Knights and the Orc Legion suffered heavy casualties, more than half of them died, and almost completely lost their organizational structure.  The head of the Wolf Soul Knights ordered the only remaining wolf soul knights to guard Wolverine, withdraw from the battlefield, and retreat to the direction of Xiling City, while he led dozens of knights who still had a little fighting power to fight to the death.

    ¡¡¡¡ Seeing that the Wolf Soul Knights had finally retreated, Yu Lian's face was gloomy, and he did not see joy at all. The half-orc army formed by 3,000 people lost more than 2,000 in one battle. There is really nothing to be happy about, but the key is  The half-orc army has no replacement soldiers to replenish, and any loss is a permanent loss, which cannot be made up or recovered at all.  Yu Lian was filled with hatred, and immediately ordered the remaining half-beast warriors to chase down the fleeing Wolf Soul Knights.

    ¡¡¡¡Dozens of cavalry warriors led by the head of the Wolf Soul Knights only stopped the half-beast army for a cup of tea, and finally all died in battle. The half-beast army trampled on their corpses and continued to chase the retreating wolf soul knights  group.

    ¡¡¡¡Just as the retreating Wolf Soul Knights were about to be caught up, an elite human cavalry suddenly rushed out obliquely, and rushed towards the orc army.  The half-orc army fought in the middle of the night, suffered heavy casualties, and was extremely lacking in physical strength. It might be barely enough to chase the wolf soul knights who were also in a panic. Facing the elite and powerful human cavalry, they immediately paled in comparison. They were rushed by the human cavalry and suffered casualties.  Everywhere, almost the entire army was wiped out.

    ¡¡¡¡Yu Lian saw the Sheng Yuan army coming to meet him, and hurriedly ordered to retreat, but it was too late. In the end, only dozens of half-orcs escaped safely. So far, Yu Lian has painstakingly created the elite and trump card "  The half-orc legion" was completely destroyed.

    ¡¡¡¡The human cavalry chased for a while, and were also afraid of encountering the rescue army of the Violent Bear Legion, so they stopped when they saw it, and immediately turned their horses, escorting the heavy casualties of the Wolf Soul Knights, and returned to Xiling City.

    ¡¡¡¡This cavalry was naturally dispatched by Marshal Yunyi.  Marshal Juyi heard the scouts assigned by Wolverine, and knew that the sneak attack would not be successful tonight. At this time, the former army cavalry had already engaged with the Violent Bear Legion.  In desperation, Yunyi had no choice but to issue an order to withdraw the troops, and personally led the army to respond, bringing the former army cavalry who had withdrawn from the battle back to Xiling City.  And the head of the Lengchuan Army of the Violent Bear Army was also cautious in using his troops. The night was shrouded and the enemy's situation was unknown, so he didn't dare to pursue him suddenly.

    ¡¡¡¡ After the former army cavalry retreated safely from the battlefield, Zunyi immediately dispatched a cavalry to meet Wolverine's wolf soul knights.  However, even with this delay, it was already a step too late. The Wolf Soul Knights had already suffered a devastating blow, and the establishment was completely wiped out. Of the three thousand wolf soul knights, only seven or eight hundred survived, including injuries,  Disabled.

    ¡¡¡¡Seeing ten years of painstaking efforts and their failure to do so in one day, Zunyi was extremely heartbroken. At the military meeting, in front of all the officers, she conducted a deep self-criticism, and punished herself by serving 30 days and nights of military service without delaying her official duties.  .

    ¡¡¡¡The battle of Xiling City's sneak attack was a tie, and the Wolf Soul Knights and Orc Legion, which entered the battle for the first time this time, can be described as brand-new arms in the history of human warfare. Unfortunately, after a flash like a shooting star,  Then he sank into darkness again.

    ¡¡¡¡However, everything has a beginning, and there must be a follow-up. The confrontation between the two new arms is just a small prologue of the upcoming battle between the two countries and the complicated and powerful new arms that will appear in it.

    ¡¡¡¡After this battle, the coaches of both sides chose to act cautiously, and no longer took the initiative to launch an offensive, but instead vigorously assembled troops, prepared military supplies, and actively prepared for war.  The logistics departments of both sides are busy with their hands and feet, desperately accumulating every bit of strength for the upcoming war, lest they fail.  But under the Xiling City, the confrontation between the two armies unexpectedly calmed down temporarily.  However, everyone knows that the peace during this period of time is as short as the darkness before dawn, and another large-scale battle between the two countries is imminent (Remember the website URL:
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