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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Prose -> first love

Chapter 5 Seeing the True Friendship in the Game

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    After New Year's Day, many students became obsessed with the Half-Life game and Red Alert.  That's red alert.  This is the hottest game of 2000.

    Whenever you go to an Internet cafe, you can always hear the sound of guns.  Sounds like a lot of fun.  The sound of the machine gun I heard for the first time was really shocking.

    Later, it also proved that it will be difficult to hear such gunshots in the future.  I don't know why the students, especially the male students, like this game so much.

    After experiencing it myself, I also fell in love with this game.  Let those who like guns but have never touched a gun experience the joy of shooting with a gun.

    Especially the first-person shooter mode.  Many people fell in love with them.  As well as the later Counter-Strike, Ye Zi also played for a long time.  That's another story.

    There are also students who like "Stone Age", and Ye Zi actually likes that game quite a lot.  Not only to log and mine, but also to build farms, and manage the built mines and timber yards.

    After finding out that he also likes playing games and surfing the Internet.  Ye Zi also specially went to school to buy air tickets for surfing the Internet.  I specially registered the qq number.

    At that time, when registering qq, it was still an eight-digit number starting with the number 1.  After filling in a lot of messy things and waiting for a long time, I finally registered successfully.  I can't describe the excitement.

    It is almost impossible to go online in the school computer room at a high speed, as long as the connection does not drop.  Most of the time in the computer room is chatting, watching videos, and browsing the web.

    If you want to play games, you'd better go to an Internet cafe near the school.  There are many Internet cafes, and there are also people who will teach you from the beginning.

    At the beginning, everyone crowded to go to the school computer room to surf the Internet.  Start with the most basic chatting and browsing the web.  There is also the most basic typing to get started.

    ? Start learning from iHuman Online, learn about computers, and use computers.  Learn and use a computer from scratch.  Not to mention typing, many words even "hello" have been practiced for a long time.  Only then did I learn to type quickly without looking at the keyboard.

    Knowing his QQ number, I applied for friends many times, but was rejected.  Later, in a fit of rage, Ye Zi changed her nickname to "Qingquan on the Stone", which passed the verification.

    Because his nickname was "Mingyue Songjian", Ye Zi changed it to "Qingquan on the Stone".  It just echoes "Mingyue in the Song Dynasty".  Anyway, as long as he is not added by the nickname "Yezi" with the Q number, he will generally not be rejected.  It's so difficult to add a q number.

    Ye Zi pretends to be a novice who doesn't understand anything, but in fact she is almost a novice.  If you have any questions, ask him.

    He doesn't talk much, but speaks clearly in a few words.  If you ask too many questions, you can answer with "yes" at most, which is not bad.

    He is always so indifferent to others, but it is different to Ah Fen.  Always very patient, and very good at pleasing A Fen and making A Fen happy.

    This is the difference between people he likes and people he doesn't like.

    I learned from my deskmate that he is also a very restrained person.  At the same time, it is also a little dark belly.  If the generalization is not shown, the fox tail hides very deeply.

    Unfamiliar people, people who don't know, generally don't pay attention.  It's not that the style is high, or it's too lazy to talk to each other.  As long as you are good on the line, why bother with others.  Also very candid person.

    He also likes chatting online, playing Stone Age, and Half-Life.

    For a long time, when classmates met, they always said "Half-Life, gogo!"

    As long as he is not in the small classroom, he will play Half-Life.

    Ye Zi really wanted to play the game they were talking about.

    "Damn, you don't know half your life, what do you know?" the new squad leader said mightily.

    "Squad leader, are you playing well?" Ye Zi asked innocently

    "Damn it, it's drizzle!"

    Ye Zi was speechless, and said, can you speak more civilized, Mr. Squad Leader.

    "Teach me how to play, sir!" Asking for help should be like a begging, Ye Zi said very timidly.

    "Damn, the chicken skin is popping out." The squad leader waved his hand, "Come here!"

    It's not that I'm drowsy and worrying about not being able to find a pillow, here comes someone I don't want to look for.

    "Hi, hi" Ye Zi chuckled.

    "Squad leader, hello, I love you so much, good man!" Ye Zi said silently in his heart.

    The man moved over slowly, and taught Ye Zi how to play with a straight face.  As for what he said, Ye Zi didn't hear a word, only felt the bubbles of happiness in his eyes.  Finally having such a close contact, my nervous palms are sweaty.

    Don't reveal your secrets, and force yourself to be calm.  Listen to his command and fight in an orderly manner.

    It feels like time flies by so fast.  Before I knew it, an hour had passed.

    theFinally learned a little fur.  Just watch how he charges forward, how to hit others, how to use flash bombs, grenades, and stray bullets to hit others.  Listening to the screams of ah ah ah, I feel so sour in my heart.

    It's a pity that time waits for no one, and the happy time is always short.  Soon the time to be online is over.

    Today is the happiest day Ye Zi has ever lived, accompanied by the person she likes, and still by your side.

    In the "Half-Life" game, there will be another game fan.  Everyone is having a good time.  When playing games, you generally don't hide your secrets, and you don't want to teach you because you are a novice.  It is still very pleasant to play with such classmates.

    Some students are also fascinated by "Stone Age" and experience the feeling of being a leader.  Do everything by yourself.  Whether it is management or construction, as well as arranging troops and fighting, you need to worry about it.  When the scale of the town is getting bigger and bigger, not only the long-term development of the economy must be considered, but also the construction of the town and the maintenance of the stability and security of the town.

    This is completely a test, a test of a person's comprehensive ability.  To be able to build a town, one must also be able to defend the town, develop the economy of the town, and maintain law and order and security in the town.  Many people who like challenges have fallen in love with this game.  There are also games related to life, which are also very popular among students.

    Especially the "Sims" game, which is even more popular with everyone.  From "Red Alert", "Half-Life" to life-like "Sims".  Some male students choose Half-Life, and some choose Sims.

    Leaf finally fell in love with the more interesting Sims.  Ah Fen also likes this game.  Later, A Fen, Hu Yanzhuo, and the three of them played together and agreed to play this game.

    Ye Zi likes the degree of realism in the game, which is almost comparable to life.  Not only is there a good living environment, but there are also many jobs to choose from as well as the possibility to raise pets, go on vacation, and date.  It is even possible to become a superstar through hard work, as well as possess magic.

    More importantly, you can also find a partner, get married and have children.  As well as educating children and running a family, this is sacred to everyone.  For the only big thing you choose in life, you can't have a playful attitude, let alone treat it as a child's play.

    So everyone likes this game more. Girls want to experience the process from acquaintance to acquaintance, acquaintance to love, love to marriage.

    Boys want to learn more, how to increase girls' favor, how to date, how to pursue girlfriends.  And how to get married and run the family.

    The Sims became the most popular game in the class, along with Half-Life.  Those who have girlfriends prefer "The Sims", because they can learn from the scriptures, there are ready-made scriptures, why not use them in reality?

    Ye Zi took the initiative to find Hu Yanzhuo's game account, and wanted to have a date with him.  But he refused.  What he wants most is to date Ah Fen.  It's a pity that things don't go as planned, Ah Fen is dating someone else.

    Ye Zi saw his negative emotions in the game and asked him to go on vacation.  It's a sympathy for each other.  They are all lovelorn people.  So I went to the sunny beach with him to sunbathe, and finished volleyball, which I have never been good at.  For the first time ever, a lot of fish were dropped.

    I went to the snow-covered fairyland again, experienced the coldness of the ice and snow world, and had a very meaningful skiing.  Also built a snowman and fantastic castle.

    Just like a child, I made a merry-go-round and passed my childhood addiction.  While on vacation, forget your worries.

    I also bought a lot of weird things when I was on vacation.  Something I wanted a lot when I was a kid, but couldn't get it.

    This vacation not only had a very pleasant time, but also strengthened the friendship between Ye Zi and him.  Now he is no longer a stranger, but a friend who can talk.

    I got to know him more deeply.  I can also talk to him and communicate normally.  But only for friends.  He has someone he likes, and everyone knows that person.

    It's a good start, isn't it?  At least you can talk to him and get to know him better.  This is exactly what Ye Zi has worked hard for so long and wants most.

    I hope there will be unexpected developments, maybe this is it?  The ideal is plump, but the reality is skinny.  I want to really walk into his heart, I want to melt him with tenderness, even if the sun rises in the west and sets in the east.  Let the seas dry up, and the mountains fall with the wind like dead leaves.  I am willing too, but I am afraid that my life is limited and I cannot wait for that time.

    Just being able to get along with him is enough.  I'll talk about those later, at least now is a good start.

    It was mutually agreed that they could play "The Sims" when they had time, and he was responsible for teaching Ye Zi how to play Half-Life.  From not knowing how to shoot at the beginning, to being able to use guns and cannons to kill people.  In the end, you can freely shuttle on the battlefield, jump and climb by yourself, freely change guns, choose easy-to-use guns, and fight side by side with him.

    These also took a long time.  Besides, Ye Zi only has 246 who can play the game.  From one to three to five nights, I have to do tutoring.

    The days are spent in games, classes, reading, and tutoring.  What Ye Zi likes most is the time of playing games. It is the rarest thing to be able to experience the joy of games and play with the people he likes at the same time.

    Hope that days like this will continue.  Hope time stays at this moment forever.  This moment is the most memorable and Ye Zi's favorite.  (Remember the site URL: Beat people to death.  In the end, you can freely shuttle on the battlefield, jump and climb by yourself, freely change guns, choose easy-to-use guns, and fight side by side with him.

    These also took a long time.  Besides, Ye Zi only has 246 who can play the game.  From one to three to five nights, I have to do tutoring.

    The days are spent in games, classes, reading, and tutoring.  What Ye Zi likes most is the time of playing games. It is the rarest thing to be able to experience the joy of games and play with the people he likes at the same time.

    Hope that days like this will continue.  Hope time stays at this moment forever.  This moment is the most memorable and Ye Zi's favorite.  (Remember the site URL:
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