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Chapter 586 Sending away the beloved daughter to travel, the wife has been chasing her whimsically

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    Early the next morning, Nasha and the others left.

    The wit also left the house in Hasshungerili's new car. The two of them went to the Tai Chi gym to practice Tai Chi. Not many people came to practice today.  After asking, I found out that many people also took advantage of the 11th Golden Week to travel.

    ? After leaving the Taiji Hall, Caizi and Hashungerili went to the Jinbing Tofu Nao Shop for breakfast as usual.

    Hasshun Gerili asked: "Genius, why don't we go on a trip too?"

    The talented man looked at Hashungerili, blinked his eyes, and felt that what Hashungerili said made sense.  He smiled and said, "Go, where do you want to go?"

    "Xilamuren Prairie."

    The talented man was shocked when he heard it!  Originally Hashungerili had always been hostile to the Xilamuren Prairie, why would she propose to travel there today?

    The talented man looked at Hashungerili's expression and said, "Hashungerili! Do you really want to go to the Xilamuren Prairie?"

    "Nonsense, I don't want to talk about why there?"

    "Okay! Let's go then."

    Returning home and making preparations, Caizi arranged the company's affairs and booked the plane ticket. It was the plane at 8 o'clock in the morning the next day.  The two of them didn't drive there because the wit thought it was too tiring to drive.

    The clouds in autumn are white everywhere, and the sky is blue and blue. The plane flies over Hohhot. Looking down from the sky, the mountains and the land under the white clouds are getting greener, some are fresh and tender, some are deep, and the undulating mountain ridges and the waves  like a flock of sheep.

    When the two got off the plane, the wit immediately called the Grassland Story and asked the editor-in-chief for a car.

    The driver, Xiao Liu, quickly arrived in the small jeep that Caizi bought for the newspaper office. After taking over the car, Caizi was not in a hurry to go deep into the grassland.

    Because at this time, Lao Hai's car hadn't arrived yet.  He wanted to join Lao Hai's car and go to the grassland together.

    The talented man picked up the phone and was about to call, but was stopped by Hashunge Rili and said, "Are you calling Nasha?"


    "Let's go alone! Let the children play freely."

    The wit blinked and thought, yes, after finishing with Nasha and the others, Hasshungerili and himself couldn't let go, the wit nodded.  Look at Hasshun Gerili and ask: "Then where should we travel?"

    "Go to the Xilamuren Prairie! By the way, let's see my sister again!"

    The wit was surprised when he heard this!  Could it be that Hashungerili is here to make trouble?  The talented man was unhappy in his heart¡ª¡ª

    At this time, Lao Hai's car also drove into the edge of the Xilamuren prairie. Nasha took out the tourist map, and everyone began to discuss where to go first and then go there.

    Sitting in the back row of the car, Bao Si Ri Gu Leng looked at the scenery outside the car window, full of new trends!  Because she is so familiar with this land!  How familiar she is with the grassland!

    "Oh, is this the grassland where you wandered among the green grass and flowers a few years ago, enjoying the vast and endless grassland?"

    A long-lost nostalgia and closeness to the grassland suddenly jumped from the bottom of Bao Siri's cold heart.

    Here she can't get her name, looking at the generous, profound, and thought-provoking mountain, Bao Siri's cold heart is heaving.

    When the mountains were gradually left behind, the broad grassland began to spread to the horizon, and the number of cattle and sheep began to increase. This is the Xilamuren Prairie!

    Xilamuren is like a mother who spread her shoulders to welcome these people.  Near the end of autumn, the grass is no longer green, but it is full of golden seeds, ready for the next spring.

    There is a wide pasture in front of him. Lao Hai stopped the car and asked everyone to get out of the car for a while, and then went to the shepherd's house not far away to see the life of the shepherd.

    This group of young people full of vigor shouted and scrambled into the embrace of the grassland.

    ?Stepping on the soft grass, and greeted by the breeze accompanied by the scent of grass, Bao Si Rigu Leng's psychology is the most complicated.

    She looked around, the wilderness was boundless, and the white clouds set off the blue sky.  On the ground level, the yellow and green pastures are pure and elegant in front of your eyes.  These people rushed to the grassland, they were really happy lambs, Boss Rigu Leng suddenly felt broad-minded, and his melancholy scattered.

    It's been six or seven years, and she hasn't been here for six or seven years. She is like a fish basking on the river bed. Today, she finally got sweet water!

    In front of the yurt of the shepherd's house, Bosi Rigu looked at the girls in Mongolian costumes singing and dancing, and his heart seemed to bloom.  This is the scene I want to see so much!

    A male classmate of Nasha came to Bosi Rigulen and asked, "Bosi Rigulen, can you dance the Mongolian dance?"Bosi Rigu shook his head coldly. She was not like other Mongolian girls since she was a child. She rarely went out of the yurt, she rarely contacted the outside world, and she did not learn Mongolian dance. He felt very sorry for this.

    "What about Mongolian songs?" A male classmate of Nasha continued to ask.

    "I can sing."

    "I'm talking about pure Mongolian songs, not Mongolian songs sung in Chinese."

    Bos Rigu sneered and said, "I know a few."

    "Then you can understand the songs they sing?"

    Boss Rigu nodded coldly.

    While listening to the melodious prairie folk songs, while tasting the milk tea held by the enthusiastic prairie girl, the hospitality etiquette of the prairie has infected each of us. These reception staff, regardless of age, can dance and have fun.

    Like other students, Nasha and Bosiguleng are learning from the Mongolian reception.

    After all, they are all beginners, and their clumsiness made the onlookers laugh out loud!

    Lao Hai, the logistics parent, is indeed qualified. They are finishing, but he is arranging meals!

    Afterwards, these young people rode horses and shot arrows again, and after a lot of tossing, they were exhausted.

    Dinner is ready. Roast lamb leg, fried lamb chops, boiled lamb heart, boiled lamb liver, lamb lung, and lamb blood sausage are all delicacies from the lamb.

    The male student was holding a large bowl of kumiss, and tried to persuade the girls around him to drink some too.  Some girls couldn't help persuading them to start drinking.

    After drinking for three rounds, the matouqin sounded, male and female singers took turns to present songs, several girls came to the table, and offered hada and fine wine to each guest.

    One of Nasha's male classmates took the kumiss from a little Mongolian girl, and said thank you, he was about to gulp it down.  He was stopped by Bos Rigu Leng.

    Bosi Rigulen said: "If you drink like this, the little Mongolian girl will pour you wine until you drink it."

    The male classmate looked at Bao Si Rigu Leng with a smile, and said, "Hey! Are there still rules for drinking here?"

    "Well! I'll teach you."

    After finishing speaking, Bao Si Rigu Leng took over the full wine bowl, dipped the ring finger of his right hand in the sake and flicked it up, then dipped it, flicked it down, dipped it three times, flicked it forward again, and then touched the girl's forehead,  Kiss her face lightly, and then say to the boy: "You can drink it after finishing these, and you'll be fine while you're drinking."

    The boy nodded, and the little Mongolian girl followed Bao Siri Guleng's words and said: "This kind of drinking is to respect the sky with the upper ball, respect the earth with the lower ball, and bless the people with the forward ball. Lighting the wine and kissing the girl's forehead means  You are beautiful, and we all like you."

    Nasha came to the front and snatched the wine bowl from another Mongolian girl, brought it to another boy and said, "Come on, I'm here, this is the Mongolian girl, I respect you a bowl of wine."

    The boy looked at Nasha, blinked and said, "Nasha! Are you trying to drink me too much?"

    "Fool, if you don't drink it, I will drink it!"

    The boy looked at everyone, picked up the wine bowl in embarrassment, followed what Bosi Rigulen said just now, and took a big sip of wine after finishing.  Then started coughing.

    Ha ha ha ¡ª¡ª everyone burst into laughter ¡ª¡ª

    For thousands of years, this land has always continued this simple folk customs, pure folk sentiments!¡ª¡ª

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