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Chapter 549 She Started Dressing Up, Just Because She Was Guilty

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    The genius picked up the phone and said, "Hashun Gerili! Is there anything wrong with calling so late?"

    On the phone, he said, "Are you still in Dalian?"

    "Well, I didn't go anywhere else."

    The phone said: "Ah! Who did you go with?"

    When the wit heard that Hasshungerili's tone was a little different from usual, the wit rolled his eyes and said, "Does Lao Hai still have Li Jingmei?"

    Said on the phone: "Ah! It's nothing, I miss you a little bit. When will you come back!"

    "We went back in half a day. The business here went smoothly, and China Merchants has agreed to our participation in the bidding."

    Said on the phone: "Okay, we will chat with you when you come back!"


    When the phone was dropped, the wit felt something was wrong. After all, he used to travel far away, and Hasshun Gerili seldom called her like this.  Especially such an ambiguous phone call.

    The wit thinks, it must be that Hasshunge Rili is a little worried about herself, after all, Li Jingmei came with her, and Li Jingmei is not only beautiful, but also a divorced single woman!

    Just when the love between her and Li Jingmei was getting stronger, Ha Shungerili suddenly called.  This means Hashungerili has drawn attention to this matter.

    But at this time, Hasshungerili at home is doing what the wit thinks. She is indeed suspicious of the wit. He feels uneasy when he takes Li Jingmei to Dalian this time. He feels that the wit must have something wrong with Li Jingmei now.

    There are a few points here that made her doubtful. First, Cai Zi took Li Jingmei to Dalian without discussing with her. Cai Zi and the people in the company said that she took Li Jingmei for public relations needs, because Li Jingmei could drink.  Hashunger Li does not agree with this point, after all, Li Jingmei is a woman in her thirties, although she has been freed from the embarrassment of the divorce in the past few years, she has not yet returned to her original state.  Second, it is suitable for government departments to discuss investment with talented scholars in Dalian. This is not negotiating business with enterprises, and there is no need for too much public relations here.  Third, I am already a forty-year-old woman, and I feel that my body is gaining weight and gradually becoming bloated.  Her coquettishness is about to pass away, and she is about to be a young woman, and the crow's feet and bags under the eyes have bothered her.  But now the wit's body is still very strong, she began to doubt whether she can still conquer this superb man.

    During this time, Hashungerili has learned to chat online, and already has several friends of the opposite sex. Through the Internet, she dared to talk about herself and her husband with those strange friends.

    After all, the people on the Internet are very messy, and there are all kinds of people, plus it is nonsense that they don't meet, many people will tell the truth.

    This is also an impetus for Hasshun Gerili's transformation.

    Hashun Gerili also thought that the love between herself and the wit is so sweet, she should not doubt him.  But when chatting online in the market, she still unconsciously shared her true thoughts with her friends.  Several friends, including the male friends, said that this is not acceptable. After all, the husband is excellent, and many beautiful women will miss such a man. If the husband can't control it, it will be too late to regret it.

    That night, Hashungerili sent a text message to the wit, but the wit didn't hear it because he was watching TV, so he didn't reply to the text message.  Hashungerli was a little anxious, so she called him directly, and the call was connected quickly. Hashungerili said, "What are you doing? Why didn't you reply to my message!"

    When the wit heard that Hashunge Rili was upset, he hurriedly said, "Did you send me a message? I didn't hear the message!"

    Hashungerili said, "What are you doing now?"

    The wit said, "Watch TV!"

    "What show are you watching?"

    The wit said: "Animal world!"

    "Which station is performing 'Animal World', let me see." Hashungerili finished speaking, picked up the remote control, and prepared to dial the station after the gifted scholar finished speaking.

    The wit smiled after hearing this, and said, "Are you testing me? Take a look at 'It's the Central Ten'!" Hashungerli did not speak, and quickly dialed the channel.  Quickly dialed to "Central Ten" Ha Shun Ge Rili saw that she was playing "Animal World" and smiled slightly, and then said to the phone: "Ah! It's nothing, go to rest early, don't be tired."

    The talented man smiled triumphantly and said, "Thank you! Go to bed early, too."

    "Well! Come back early after finishing the work, Nasha misses you!" The wit realized that it was the introduction of Nasha Hashungerilina, but she actually missed herself!

    The talented man said: "Okay, I will go back soon."

    Putting Hashungerli on the phone, the talented man frowned and said to himself: "Hashungerili! The more you are like this, the more I will stay here for a few more days. Until you are exhausted.?I'm going back.  After talking to himself, "Humph!"  "Sounded.

    In fact, for a woman, facing her husband, when she feels that there are other women by his side, the more she feels threatened, the more she will have such thoughts.

    At this time, Hashungerili's concern and miss for the gifted scholar was real and from the heart.  Just like the last time the old girl recovered, he didn't tell the talented man to get pregnant on his own, it was a self-protective response.

    She misses him, wants to talk to him face to face, she wants to hold his hand and keep him from leaving her.

    ? These days, Hashungerili is feeling bored. She spends chatting on the Internet to pass the loneliness, and stays up until the middle of the night every day.

    These days, Hasshun Gerili's phone call arrives almost every less than an hour, and she often receives text messages from Hasshun Gerili, the content of which is ambiguous.  Originally, the genius wanted to stay in Dalian for a few more days to make Hashungerili feel tired, so she would not stay like this.  But unexpectedly, Hashungeri's phone calls and text messages became more and more frequent, and the wit felt something was wrong.  Decided to return to Shenyang this morning.  After all, it was less than 5 hours' drive, so he felt that he couldn't tease Hashun Gerili anymore.

    Before getting in the car, the wit called Hashungerili and told her directly that he would go back today.

    But it was also strange, after I made this phone call, Hashungeri's phone calls and text messages disappeared all of a sudden.

    At noon, the three of them returned to Shenyang, but Cai Zi didn't go back to the company but went home directly.

    Back home, the talented man looked at Hashungerili and felt that her face was a little pale and she was a little thinner.  Since the two nannies were at home, Cai Zi didn't ask.

    The two nannies were also very knowledgeable, and they took the talented son out to play.  The remaining two naturally talked casually.

    The wit asked: "Hashun Gerili? What's wrong with you?"

    Hashungerili looked at the gifted scholar, then at herself, and said, "What's the matter?"

    The talented man said: "It's not a big deal, you look thinner, and your face has lost all color."

    Hasshunge Rili pretended to get up, went to the mirror and looked at her face carefully, and said, "Nonsense, why didn't I see it myself!"

    The wit didn't continue to question, Hasshungerili came to the wit who was sitting on the sofa and snuggled into his arms.

    Then it was a natural thing, the kiss was very deep, and the two were very tight.

    The gifted man knows that he has ghosts in his heart. After all, he has had an outrageous behavior with Li Jingmei. Who has never had a deep-seated relationship with a man and a woman, but that kind of ambiguity has deviated from the moral bottom line.

    Strictly speaking, it was also a kind of extramarital affair, although the extramarital affair between him and Li Jingmei did not have that kind of deception, but was sincere.

    The wit still feels that he is deceiving Hashungerili in his heart. He has been lying to Hashungerili these days, although Hashungerili cannot get what she wants by calling and sending short messages.  Something, but it also touched a nerve on the emotional bottom line of the wit.

    In front of Hashungerili, if she pressed, the wit would naturally not admit anything, absolutely not.  Fortunately, Hasshungerili was just a premonition without any real evidence, so Hasshungerili chose to remain silent, so that it did not cause any harm to the gifted scholar.

    Within a few days, Hashungeri returned to the past, and she no longer suspected that the wit and Li Jingmei were having an affair.

    However, she has formed a habit of chatting online, but she doesn't chat until midnight every day.  Because she has all the time, she doesn't have to go to work, because the meat and poultry processing plant and breeding farm she is in charge of are under construction.  He doesn't understand many things about building a factory, and An Lei and his second brother are responsible for everything.

    The genius didn't watch TV that day, and when he went to the study, he saw Hashungerili concentrating on chatting with netizens, and she didn't even notice that the genius entered the room.  The gifted man sneaked a few glances at Hashungerili's chat with a male netizen, and felt that it was meaningless, so he went back to the lobby to watch TV.

    Chatting again, Hashungerili said that she added a female netizen, she is also a noble lady, but his husband is not divorced, and almost openly lives with the mistress.

    Because of this, she was in great pain. She wanted to divorce but dared not. After all, leaving her husband would mean that she was nothing.

    The company belongs to her husband, and she cannot get the management right of the factory after the divorce. Although she can get a considerable amount of comfort money, it is of no use.  Losing the aura of a noble lady now, so many people will no longer be envious of her, and so many people even stay away from her because of this.

    Hashun Gerili chatted with her for many days, and they talked about this topic almost every day.  Gradually, Hashungerili felt that her fate was more and more like that netizen.

    She was thinking, she was thinking about the wit and the old lady, even she was thinking about the wit and Li Jingmei.  He felt that Lao Ya and Li Jingmei were already threats to him. After all, he and the talented man shared weal and woe, and they worked hard to achieve this success today.

    Now I have become a real lady, the envy of thousands of company employees, and the pride of my natal family.

    One night, Hasshungerili and the nanny took his son out. He turned on the computer and logged on to Hasshungerili's QQ. By accident, the wit saw the chat records between Hasshungerili and that netizen.  (Remember the site URL:, even she was thinking about Cai Zi and Li Jingmei.  He felt that Lao Ya and Li Jingmei were already threats to him. After all, he and the talented man shared weal and woe, and they worked hard to achieve this success today.

    Now I have become a real lady, the envy of thousands of company employees, and the pride of my natal family.

    One night, Hasshungerili and the nanny took his son out. He turned on the computer and logged on to Hasshungerili's QQ. By accident, the wit saw the chat records between Hasshungerili and that netizen.  (Remember the site URL:
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