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Chapter Five 2. The Replacement of Lovers

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    Zhang Han was tired of the fast food on Huaqiang Road, but when it was time to eat, he still had to go back to this road.  What's the point of such a life?  Having to do things you don't like, having to eat meals you don't like.  Such a life should be disgusting!

    However, everything has to go on as usual, year after year, day after day.

    When I first married Joan, for a month, he was very satisfied, and his whole body was light and light, which is called spring breeze!

    It's a pity that the spring breeze is proud of only one month, and that month is better than the thirty years he has lived.

    A month later, he clearly felt Joan's dislike for him.  Although she has been restraining, he still feels it.  It is more frightening to find oneself hated by others than to loathe oneself.  Also, they can't communicate about this issue, he can't ask her for evidence, and he can't let her know that he has felt it

    Why should she hate herself?

    Zhang Han didn't dare to ask himself this question.

    He has low self-esteem in his bones.  He really loves her. This kind of love is like a collector of antiques getting a rare treasure. He and her cannot communicate.

    He couldn't get into her heart, he didn't know what she was thinking.

    She has always been suave.  However, she began to become indifferent.  She is still gentle and refined, but she is indeed indifferent.  When he spoke to her, she was often out of hearing and absent-minded; when he tried to reach out, she turned away just in time.  In the long night, he rolled on the bed, but she made no sound, as if she was already fast asleep.

    In fact, she didn't sleep at all.

    The child has brought some changes to her, and the maternal smile has been floating on her face, like a cloud before the moon.  But this change is not in favor of Zhang Han.  Instead, they became more alienated.

    The child is another way out for her, she only looks at him and talks to him - the child just started to laugh, and she talks to him all day long, talking softly, loving infinitely, as if he is really an angel, yes  Her real dream.

    Sometimes, Zhang Han was fascinated by listening to her talking to the child.  She is really a good woman and a good mother, and he was also very touched.  But the problem is, she either turned a blind eye to him, or put on a calm and indifferent expression.

    Zhang Han seemed to have lost even the ability to express his dissatisfaction.  Because she was like a puddle of water, she was not at fault, nor offended him.  She is perfect, impeccable, works hard, manages the housework perfectly, and educates her son wisely and elegantly, like a full-fledged nobleman.

    He became transparent air.  Her attitude seemed to never forgive him, even if he planned to reincarnate and start a new life, she would never forgive him!

    He really felt helpless.

    Every day, every day, the taxi went around the city, his face was blank, and these unclear questions were in his mind.  Through the rearview mirror, he saw that "Lao Boy" had a thin face and a very capable appearance.

    He didn't start the car, and Lao Zai didn't look up, he was still busy with something.  He waited to see what he had to say before thinking about throwing him out of the car.

    Lao Zai raised his head and said, "Boss driver, please take me to Caiwuwei, I'm in a hurry."

    Zhang Han likes to hear northerners call him "you".  This tone reminded him of when he first met Joan, the tone of Joan's speech, the words that came out of her mouth, her soft and feminine voice, made his heart beat.

    Zhang Han said kindly: "No matter how anxious you are, you are not as hungry as I am, right?"

    He really didn't want to drive the Yankee anymore.

    "Really, it's extremely urgent, I have to do something!"

    "Really?" He felt a little funny, besides homicides, fire alarms, and the streets of this city, what else is there to worry about?

    Zhang Han smiled: "Is it urgent? Send a chicken feather letter!"

    He became humorous, acting as if he had just left tunnel warfare or gun warfare.

    "Ah, master, you really have to gossip!"

    Zhang Han turned his head and looked at the guy behind him, it didn't look like he could be joking.  He doesn't want to be a serious and steady government official, nor a pretentious company white-collar worker, nor an impatient small business owner, nor a food deliveryman, salesman or real estate agent running around the street.

    He is also not like a magician. Magicians are all actors, and they are getting more and more fake.

    "Tell me about it," Zhang Han said, "Why is it so urgent that the driver has to sacrifice his lunch to send you?"

    "Laozi" smiled slightly: "To tell you the truth, I am doing Sherlock Holmes' work.code.

    twenty two

    The light in the studio has changed, as if dusk has come.

    "How is Zhang Han?"

    Luo Zi didn't want to ask this question intellectually, but he asked it anyway.

    Maybe he has to face it.

    "That's all I'm worried about," Joan said. "He's got feelings for me, and he's acting weird to me. I guess he's got to prove it." She paused. "I want to tell him!"



    "I don't want everything to be a mess."

    "You thought it would be a mess?"

    Joan fell silent too.  No one would easily accept such a reality, let alone Zhang Han!  As for Luo Zi, she absolutely didn't want to disturb strangers or be disturbed by mundane affairs.  He only asked her to meet him in the studio, in spirit, in passion, that is to say, they meet in mid-air, and return to our earth, in the city, and he quit.

    But for love, although Joan does not ask for proof, like all women, she asks for giving.

    "I want to divorce him!"

    (She means: I want to marry you!)

    "Freud said: 'The husband is at best a substitute for the lover, not the lover himself.'"

    (He meant: You don't have to make me your husband.)

    Joan sat up beside him and looked him straight in the eye.

    When he slowly turned his head to look back at her, her big eyes immediately filled with tears.

    "Ah, little girl, did I hurt you? Don't cry!"

    She was really like a little daughter, buried her head on his chest.

    Joan wept a long time in his arms.

    Joan is actually a traditional woman, and her rebellion will never be complete.  Her request is also the same as that of most women.

    Perhaps because she has a little boy, she is a mother.

    Luo Zi never thought of getting married, he was a man who refused to marry.

    For him, to get married, unless it is also a compromise, a compromise with the world.

    He believes that marriage, the church and private ownership should all be denied.  In the process of human civilization, this is an important stop in the future.

    Thinking of his ideals and pursuits, he immediately became a warrior: "Of course, the wheels driving towards this bright future can only run over our bodies first"

    The phone rang again.  In the huge space, this small voice was like a knife, making them feel irritated and uneasy.

    "I remember I had unplugged it!" he said.

    Joan panicked.

    Luo Zi's mobile phone was turned off, and her mobile phone was also turned off.

    When the computer is turned off for too long, interpretation becomes difficult.

    Luo Zi's mood was also extremely depressed, and he leaned over to pick up the phone receiver.


    "I said, don't go too far, kid!"

    It is Chen Heng, Director of the Art Research Office of Luo Zi.  He didn't want the doctors in the next office to hear him, so he lowered his voice.

    "What's the matter?"

    "You tell her to go home quickly!"

    Luo Zi felt that the worry in his heart might have turned into some kind of real event.  Even a person like Chen Heng who has no information knows about it, but does that mean that half of the city knows about it?  He ignores Zhang Han too much, Joan may not know Zhang Han that well, every husband is a hundred times more sensitive and resourceful in such matters.

    He covered the microphone and asked Joan to get dressed, then leaned closer to the microphone and said, "Old Chen, what's the problem?"

    "Let's talk again when you come!"

    Not reconciled, he asked again: "What do you know?"

    "I don't know much, but I know some."

    Chen Heng, who likes to joke, didn't mean to joke at all this time.  (Remember the site URL:
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