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Chapter 005 Indulging in the Ocean

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    Ji Fan walked slowly towards the door of the classroom, and Xiao Lan felt more and more that this boy had something different from others.

    She stared at him silently.  His skin is not so white, which shows that he is not a delicate child who stays at home all day.  His lips were slightly pursed, as if a little unhappy.  His nose is a bit big, but it fits nicely on his face.  his eyes

    not good!  He even looked over!  The moment the eyes met, Xiao Lan was so flustered that she didn't know where to put her eyes back.

    She was deeply attracted.  But he didn't know what it was that was attracting her, he just felt that his eyes were like a deep pool.  That look seemed to sink her into a deep pool in an instant.

    Perhaps it is more like an ocean, with a little bit of turbulence, which makes people feel extremely broad.  It seems that as long as it falls into his eyes, everything can be swallowed up in the boundless vastness.

    At this moment, Xiaolan was awakened by the ringing of the class bell, and she ran back to the classroom in a fright.

    In this class, the teacher decided to arrange the location.  The teacher said: "Everyone stand up first, boys line up in a row and girls line up from short to tall."

    After standing up, everyone talked about their heights.  Xiao Lan was not too tall, but she stood at the back of the team.  She didn't want to stand in front of everyone and felt inferior for no reason.

    However, everyone pushed her forward one by one.  until a similar position.  She turned her head and glanced at the girl behind her, who seemed to be a little taller than her.

    She saw that the girl had short hair and looked lively and cheerful, unlike her long hair, who was listless.  She really liked this girl, so she summoned up the courage to say hello, "Hi, my name is Su Xiaolan, how about you?"

    "My name is Zhu Xiaoling, hehe." Zhu Xiaoling replied to Xiaolan with a smile.  Her voice is really as beautiful as a silver bell.  Like her name.

    Then the teacher arranges the position.  The teacher arranges the seats one by one in order of height.  Since there are single desks and the classroom is not very big, the desks are divided into two groups.  That is, three single tables form a long table.

    When it was Su Xiaolan's turn, she was in the second row, and she sat anxiously in her seat, waiting for the teacher to arrange a tablemate for her.  When she saw Zhu Xiaoling was at the same table, she was very happy.

    Maybe, this lively and generous girl can help her get out of the fear in her heart.  She thought that she could overcome that invisible wall of heart.

    However, the following cleaning made her trapped in the high siege again.  A boy didn't have a dishcloth and asked Su Xiaolan to borrow it.  In the spirit of helping others, Xiaolan lent him her rag.

    She thought she would have one more friend this way.  Unexpectedly, the rag never came back.  Until the teacher came to class, he picked up a dirty rag on the podium with two fingers and said, "Whose is this? Why don't you wash it after using it? It's still on the teacher's podium?"

    Su Xiaolan recognized at a glance that it was her rag.  And many people also noticed that it belonged to her, and everyone's eyes began to gather on her.  She became uncomfortable all over, wishing she could find a hole in the ground and get into it.

    She turned her head, and immediately saw that gaze that could give her peace of mind.  She didn't know if Ji Fan was laughing at her, but she bravely stepped up to the podium and admitted: "This is mine." Her voice was as soft as a mosquito's, because her heart also sank into the dust.

    She lowered her head and walked back to her seat. She really didn't know how to get along with people in the future.  The only thing she expected was to find a true friend among so many people.

    On the first night of living in school, Su Xiaolan stayed up all night.  It's not that she's not used to the feeling of leaving home, but she's not used to being in the same room with so many strangers.

    Most of the people had insomnia at night when they first arrived.  There are various reasons.  So everyone appears chaotically on the playground before the wake-up bell rings.

    A few days of simple military training is over, and many students have found friends who are in pairs. Su Xiaolan is still alone.  The only thing she can feel relieved is that she can see Ji Fan every day.

    Although Ji Fan didn't seem to notice her, she still believed without hesitation that it was the feeling of a friend.  She thought, if Ji Fan was her friend, he must understand her!

    The first week of school.  In just five days, it seemed as long as five centuries.  Some students asked for leave because they couldn't bear the feeling of homesickness.  However, Su Xiaolan couldn't bear the feeling of being so lonely with so many people and went to the teacher with a leave note.

    When she found Teacher Ma with the leave note, he showed a bright smile and said, "Do you miss home?" This bright smile suddenly made Xiaolan want to cry.  Perhaps, no one would show such a bright smile to her mournful face.

      This smile gave her great courage.  After she softly said "um", the teacher's leave note has been approved.  This math teacher gave her a refined feeling similar to that of a Chinese teacher.  Maybe it was this feeling that gave her the confidence to keep going back to school.

    Ji Fan was also the one who gave her this belief.  When she got home, she saw the diary soaked in water on the desk at a glance.  The handwriting on it could no longer be read clearly, and she couldn't remember what she had written down.

    Since life has given her a chance to start again, she will rewrite this diary.  Although the dried paper is crumpled and there are thick and faint ink blots from time to time, she still wants to record the day of rebirth in this diary.

    The first name written in the diary was Ji Fan.  No one knows how powerful a look can be.  Only Xiaolan knows that Ji Fan's look can make her live or kill her.

    Friends, always so elusive.  Xiaolan lay on her bed with the diary in her arms and gradually fell asleep.

    Maybe it's because two people share a bed at school, she can't sleep well.  The girl in the same bed is a very lively and active person, even if she sleeps at night, she is not so well-behaved.  She often wakes up to be pressed tightly by that girl.  Then there was the endless joint pain.  But she didn't want to talk about it, for fear of being annoying.

    During this sleep at home, she slept very soundly.  She is dreaming.  I dreamed about Ji Fan.  He took her by the hand and ran out of the classroom, down the stairs, and across the playground.  They just ran looking at each other, smiling

    Suddenly, Xiao Lan was awakened by her grinning.  Regarding this dream, Su Xiaolan kept recording it in her diary.  She thought, maybe Ji Fan is really an angel.  Maybe Ji Fan can lead him to find friends.

    Xiao Lan, who was looking forward to this, returned to school the next day.  This time, she took the diary with her.  She plans to keep a diary for him.  Even if it is brief, we must record every bit of him.  (Remember the site URL:
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