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Chapter 5. The Bamboo King Sends His Son

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    Like all nations that yearn for prosperity, reproduction is the top priority of the Yelang royal family.  After the Buyi men and women in Jinzhu Dazhai got married, they would pray to the Bamboo King to send their children.  For couples without children, the prayer ceremony is held four or even twelve times a year, at the beginning of each season and month.  The praying ceremony is done quietly and presided over by Bumo (the scripture teacher). It is grand and mysterious. It only prays to King Yelang and the gods of heaven and earth, and does not disturb the world.  But to fulfill one's wish after having a son, one must do so with great fanfare, and all the people will enjoy it together.

    After giving birth to Aha seventeen years ago, Lingli became pregnant twice, and each time she was pregnant within three months, she dreamed that meteors would blow up the reef in Lake Aha into pieces.  After calculation, Bumo found that Lingli was pregnant with a girl, which was not good for their daughter Aha, so he made a medicine to make her have an abortion, and she never had a child again.  Year after month, Jin Ding and Ling Li prayed, and the elders and villagers also secretly prayed: Since the Han people and Buyi are already a family, may the ancestor Zhu Wang send a noble son as soon as possible, so as to keep the Yelang royal family incense and the family name lasting for a long time.

    In the winter of the Wuchen year, Lingli, who was nearly forty years old, finally became pregnant, and it was a boy.  Jin Ding took good care of him, and he and his daughter Aha took care of all the big and small things in the village.  In the tenth month of pregnancy, Lingli gave birth to a fat son this autumn, with a high nose and vertical eyes, a broad forehead, and firm lips. Bumo named him Bang.

    Artists from Yunnan and Guizhou came here for the ceremony of the Bamboo King sending off his son.

    The next morning, the sky was full of fog, and there was no one within three steps.  In the dense fog, people could be heard yelling and exhorting each other, and in the silence, the oars and oars of the boatmen collided and crackled.  At dawn before the fog, Aha and Yan Ruqing fell asleep next to the haystack.  When the thick fog came, their clothes and hair were completely soaked, and they woke up from the cold, and found that the people in the village were almost empty.  Those artists who slept in the straw piles all got into the depths of the straw piles in the middle of the night and there was no one there. Aha and Yan Ruqing picked them out one by one.

    The gate of the village has been opened.

    In the mountains of the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, heavy fog always brings warm and sunny days.  After a while, the sun rose, and the forest on the top of the mountain was exposed, as was Jinzhu Dazhai.  The fog is like a white cloud, receding all the way down, retreating to the Aha Lake, then retreating down the mountain, and finally dissipating in the water of Huaxi.

    On the bank in front of the village, there are more than a dozen wooden boats gathered side by side on both sides of the big wooden boat.  Bomo, wearing a scarf on his head and a long gown, stands on the bow of the big boat, dancing in the air and praying to heaven.  I saw him stretching his long sleeves, waving a feather fan, and the big wooden boat left the shore silently, heading towards Kailong Island in the lake.  In the middle of the big wooden boat sits the white and beautiful Ling Li. She smiles and looks at the mountains and rivers, with tears streaming down her cheeks. Her slender and ruddy lips are squirming, singing silently and expressing her gratitude to the gods of heaven and earth in a low voice.  She held the baby boy Bang in her arms, who had been sleeping soundly, and the noise of the world could not disturb him.  Jin Ding's elderly parents, kind and gentle, sat on both sides of her.  Behind them stood the heroic Jin Ding, holding a huge red oil-paper umbrella in his hand, covering the heads of his parents, wife and children.

    The fresh sun's rays shone on the lake, and the lake was covered with waves as bright as corn.  After the big ship sailed a hundred meters away, a dozen small wooden boats on the shore suddenly set sail amidst the sound of drums, and chased after the big ship.

    The small boats quickly lined up in a semicircle and supported behind the big boat.  There is a row of suona hands standing on the bow of each boat, and in the cabin are well-dressed mountain people and guests from afar.  The guests had novel and excited expressions, and the mountain people danced according to the rhythm, and the bells on their hands and feet made melodious and crisp sounds.

    Bumo waved his feather fan and issued an order, the suona blared, the gongs and drums beat the sky, and Aha Lake was full of joy.  A flock of migratory birds from the north flew over the lakeside forest. They circled in the sky for a while, and then took advantage of the wind to continue flying down the mountain and south.

    After all the ships landed, an incense table was set up on the huge altar on the island, and the cleanly dressed mountain people placed pork, tofu, sweets and snacks, as well as beautiful and bright berries in the mountains one by one.  After the offerings are arranged, the open wooden jars are filled with clean white rice, and then red wax incense candles are inserted.  The bamboo chopsticks and wine glasses are also set up, and the big red rooster is also ready. The green bamboo shoots are still covered with fresh soil.

    The joss sticks were lit, and Bumo began to pray¡ª¡ª

    Buyigen lived in Yunnan and Guizhou,

    The ancestor was originally the king of Yelang.

    King Yelang is descended from a god,

    Hide your body inside the golden bamboo pole.

    The bamboo pole walks along the mountain stream,

    Find the Queen of Huanyi Bamboo.

    The bamboo lady takes the bamboo and breaks the bamboo,

    Bamboo King jumps out to face the wind.

    The bamboo pieces for body protection grow into bamboo,

    In a blink of an eye, thousands of hills are green

    The beasts in the Bamboo King Forest,

    Hubao was also perverse when he saw him.

    There are wild cattle and horses all over the mountains,

    Since then, he has been farming and producing rice.

    When Bumo was praying, Jin Ding's mother held the baby Bang, and Jin DingDing and Lingli stood on both sides respectfully.

    Bumo continued to recite the meritorious deeds of King Yelang. He opened terraces, planted grain, cleared barbarians, fought powerful enemies, built sentry forts, and protected his hometown

    ? After prostrating and prostrating, Lingling hugged Guobang, Jinding took the bamboo seedlings, and followed Bumo to the place designated by God to plant them.  Everyone shouted loudly: "Xie Zhu Wang sent his son!"

    ? Sacrifice wine and kill chickens, the suona whimpers, and the drums and gongs sound together.

    After the ceremony, Aha, on behalf of his parents, invited the guests from afar to eat dark red glutinous rice and drink sweet wine.  Everyone gave small gifts to Baby Bang.  The artists from Yunnan and Guizhou did not understand this custom, so the host asked them to pick a fresh leaf and put it in the baby's bamboo basket to express their blessing.

    When the bamboo basket was delivered to Yan Ruqing, he hesitated for a moment, feeling that a leaf was too light, and he had nothing else on him, so he quickly slid down a string of beeswax beads on his left wrist and put it in.  Ahha, who was holding the basket, bowed back, then turned his head to him with a smile, put the bead chain that still had his body temperature on his wrist, and raised his hand triumphantly to him.

    Yan Ruqing saw her put on her bead necklace, and felt a sweet excitement in her heart.

    After the meal, the mountain people and the guests held hands and danced in circles. Yan Ruqing's hand was held tightly by Aha, and she yelled and circled along with the crowd.  He felt dizzy, watching Aha whirl around him, her smiling face was beautiful and bright.  (Remember the site URL:
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