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Chapter 171 Forcibly charged with murder

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    "Who are you?" Dui Wang looked at Jiang Di.  The silly boy couldn't help holding Jiang Di's hand.

    "I am his wife, and he is my husband!" Jiang Di nudged the silly boy with her elbow.

    "Your words can't prove that he is not guilty. He stole this car. Can you not kill people if you can steal a car?"

    "This car belongs to my mother, I drove it, and I changed cars with my teacher!"

    "Who can prove that what you said is true?"

    "I can prove it!"

    "You proved invalid!"

    "My mommy can prove it!"

    "Who is your mommy?"

    "Liu Yuehe, deputy director of Public Security Bureau of city b!"

    So, he immediately checked the IDs of the silly boy and Jiang Di, and called Liu Yuehe to confirm that they were correct.

    Although the silly boy kidnapped the goblin who caused the trouble, he received a call threatening a ransom of 1 billion, and he made a detailed account of the call to Long Changkong, Wang Dui still said to the silly boy and Jiang Di: "At present, Long Changkong has come out.  If you don't catch the real murderer, you can't rule out the suspicion of Long Changkong's murder. Your junior sister was kidnapped, and you were threatened. Why didn't you report it? This is the problem! Moreover, Long Changkong and Mrs. Diao have a relationship, and in City A  Many people know it!

    Therefore, Long Changkong did not dare to report the crime, he must have been involved in more things!  Well, thank you very much, at least we don't have to bother to find out who owns the BMW!  We all knew Long Changkong, did we often go to the Merlin Hotel for dinner?  Oh, the car you drive is indeed Long Changkong's Ferrari!

    Well, you can go, remember, you have to believe in the ability of the police, you can save your junior sister!  The kidnappers are threatening you not to report the crime. That is only intimidation. If you report the crime, will it implicate Long Changkong as a murder suspect?  Legally blind, how ignorant and ignorant!  If your teacher is contacted, or your teacher contacts you, report to the police immediately, or persuade your teacher to surrender!  Understand?  Such a smart Long Changkong, how did he do such a stupid thing?  "

    The silly boy nodded, and returned to the car with Jiang Di, reluctantly watching the BMW being hoisted away.

    "What should we do? The kidnapper called from your junior sister's phone. Now it's turned off. If they don't contact you, we can't get in touch with the kidnapper. Now we're reporting the case indirectly, and the teacher doesn't know what to do? Take it quickly."  Idea, Asi?" Jiang Di squeezed the silly boy's shoulder, wishing to swallow him.

    The silly boy was regretting that he should have rushed over to recognize the car, and couldn't help complaining to himself: "What kind of foolish did I do? I charged the teacher with murder for no reason. If I didn't come to recognize the car, the police would investigate  Didn't the teacher drive the BMW? Even if I chased the car out of city b, I insisted that the car was stolen from me, and a living god would not be able to quickly find out whether the BMW was  The teacher turned over the bridge under the Liulin River! How can I be so stupid, should I really be called a bastard? Am I born to be called a bastard? Am I really a mummy? Damn, damn!  "The silly boy beat his head desperately as he spoke.

    Jiang Di wept and took the silly boy's hand: "It's a coincidence, I can't blame you, Asi! Because you have too much affection for the teacher, so you recognize the car without thinking, anyone would do the same  Don't blame yourself too much, the truth will always come to light!"

    "Damn me!" The fool shook his head in pain.

    Suddenly, the phone rang, and it was Long Changkong's number.  This time, the silly boy looked behind the car vigilantly, and there was no trace of the police car, so he dared to answer the phone: "Hey, teacher! I'm sorry, I did another wrong thing!"

    "Don't worry, talk slowly!" Long Changkong actually knew the whole process of the silly boy and Jiang Di passing by the Liulin River bridge through the monitor installed in the silly boy's ear, and he called because he was afraid that the silly boy would blame himself too much.  .

    On the contrary, Long Changkong thought that the idiot was playing the wrong game. This time, a large number of plainclothes policemen would definitely appear in the 89 Merlin chain hotels, waiting for his entry and exit. It was equivalent to hiring policemen to help him manage the hotel and take care of his home, especially the treasury.  Even if the police investigated his situation with the staff, they dared not close the normal operation of the hotel.  If he secretly arranges the store managers and his brothers, it won't affect any business!

    So, after he reported this new change to Zuo Guangyao, he hurriedly called the idiot.

    When he patiently listened patiently to the silly boy repeating what he already understood, he comforted the silly boy and said, "Oh, that's it? It's okay, apprentice! Don't worry, I thank you for your trust in the teacher, and the truth will always come to light."  , I'll go out to play temporarily, to avoid the limelight, and when the police solve the case and clear the charges for me, I'm still mine, ah? Isn't it? No.?, you drive the car back now, about 500 meters, opposite the Xinyuan battlefield, in front of a public toilet, there is an old man with a white beard, wearing a felt hat, that is my elder brother, you just call him uncle,  You want him to get into your car and help rescue your junior sister, that's fine!  go!  Tell him something in detail.  "

    The silly boy was overjoyed, and hurriedly turned back to the front of the car. Sure enough, he saw an old man with a white beard on the side of the road near the public toilet, with a small bag in his hand, hunched over, walking slowly towards the light.  The idiot just slowed down the car, and it hadn't come to a complete stop when he got close to the old man. The old man had already approached the back door of the car, quickly opened the door, and stepped into the car.

    'Good skill!  ¡¯ The silly boy couldn¡¯t help admiring him secretly.  Even if the old man with the white beard brought an unpleasant smell into the carriage, the silly boy couldn't care less about it at the moment, and shouted excitedly: "Master, where are you going now?"

    "Go to the Meilin Hotel in City A!" The uncle said with an authentic Hubei accent, "I listen to you and tell me what happened after you broke up with your junior sister? Turn left at the intersection ahead, turn right at the intersection before you, and enter Daqiu  Go straight for 1000 meters. Although Mrs. Diao was not killed by your teacher, you still have to guard against Mrs. Diao's subordinates blindly seeking revenge and fishing in troubled waters, so be smart!"

    The Meilin Hotel in City A is still gathering diners. On the small stage in the lobby on the third floor, it seems that a certain unit is booking the venue to hold a thesis award ball to celebrate a top figure.

    On the stage, the follow spot lights were spinning and flickering. The silly boy was shocked by Jackson's music, and forgot the important matter that his uncle had just explained, especially because he appeared in front of the hall door on the third floor. He was dressed in Jackson's costume and was waiting at the hall door  The beauties on the side mistakenly thought that it was a specially invited Jackson imitation show to participate in the performance, and received a warm welcome.

    Immediately, she was ushered onto the stage, and the beauty used a funny and cute gesture to fly a mosquito to the audience: "Well, everyone, friends, gentlemen and ladies, the long-awaited Mr.  The finale of the award-winning celebration ball for the thesis "The Bastard Romance of the Post-90s" has begun! (Remember the website of this website:
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