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Chapter 134 Let me talk casually

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    Tong Huanhuan had the last expectation, and hoped that when she saw Tong Qihui again, her father would touch her head like before: "It's okay, my father is here."

    But this time, Tong Qihui was lying in the hospital with a plaster cast

    Tong Huanhuan's tears fell all at once, she thought her father was only slightly injured, but she didn't expect the injury to be so serious, she ran over crying: "Dad, why didn't you tell me that you had a broken bone, you lied to me  ,you¡­¡­"

    Tong Qihui's originally jet-black hair has now been mixed with countless silver threads, and haggard wrinkles covered his forehead. Even Zhou Wenqing gasped and almost couldn't recognize it.

    "Didn't I tell you that you don't need to come back when you have nothing to do?" Tong Qihui was very helpless, and he was the last thing he wanted to appear in front of Zhou Wenqing in this posture.

    Tong Huanhuan threw herself into Xiaoyu's arms and cried loudly, is this all right?  Open your eyes and say you are blind.

    After coming out of the hospital, Tong Huanhuan was extremely depressed: "Wen Qing, do you think they will beat my dad again? Why are they so unreasonable? We are not an unlimited company, and the company has gone bankrupt. Whyhow?  Also come to us, woo woo."

    Zhou Wenqing sighed, because the law can't protect him, so he beat people!  20 million

    Tong Huanhuan wiped away tears, at a loss.

    "Actually, there is a way!" Zhou Wenqing took a deep breath, "If we can prove that your father attempted to withdraw funds before going bankrupt, he will go to jail. Prison is safer."

    Tong Huanhuan was dumbfounded, is this a solution?  She licked her lips three times in disbelief, and looked at Zhou Wenqing in horror: "You mean, you want to send my dad to jail?"

    Zhou Wenqing really thought so, but in the face of Tong Huanhuan's questioning gaze, how could he say it?  Quickly shrugged: "Let me just say it, let's raise money first, if it doesn't work, that's the last resort."

    "I don't want my father to go to jail, Wenqing, my dad, you don't send him to jail."

    "Okay, okay." Zhou Wenqing quickly squeezed Tong Huanhuan's hand, regretting that he had said such a bad idea, "Let's go back first and see if Lu Xiaodong can borrow money."

    When it comes to borrowing money, Lu Xiaodong is of course the best candidate.

    Zhou Wenqing calculated the bill, and wanted to pay back the money for biting the mad dog first, and got 20 million.  Tong Qihui deposited 5 million for him. He remitted 2.5 million last time, and he still has about 1.2 million in deposits. The total is 8.7 million, which is still 11.3 million short

    It's really an astronomical figure, and I don't know how much Lu Xiaodong can borrow from them.

    Lu Xiaodong really wanted to borrow money, but he assumed the title of the company's general manager out of thin air. All the company's large signing rights were in the hands of his father, the chairman of the board. After searching for a long time, he found 400,000 yuan.  Mai has all the money he can control.

    Song Mai stomped his feet angrily: "400,000, you're sending a beggar! I told you to save some money, but you don't take it to heart, so you can't ask Dad for somehey, forget it.  "

    She also knew that her stingy father-in-law would never pay at such a time!

    Zhou Wenqing didn't force it. He knew that Lu Xiaodong had tried his best. Chairman Lu had always been a pickpocket. The money sounded like a temporary loan, and he didn't know when it would be repaid. It was perfectly normal for people to refuse to borrow it.

    Zhou Wenqing could only grit his teeth and find another person he was least willing to find

    Tian Yu looked at him with burning eyes: "Zhou Wenqing, Uncle Tong never came to see me."

    "I know, but he doesn't know that I came to you." Zhou Wenqing looked at Tian Yu firmly, "He owes Rui Yilong Company 20 million, and the other party has a gang background. Tong Qihui was beaten and is still in the hospital. Huan and I  Huan was also beaten."

    Tong Qihui would not come to borrow money, because he knew that he would not be able to repay it, but Zhou Wenqing had to come, otherwise Tong Qihui would really have troubles, can Tong Huanhuan bear it?

    Tian Yu frowned: "I borrowed money, when will you pay it back?"

    Zhou Wenqing pursed his lips: "I will definitely pay it back."

    Tian Yu raised his eyebrows in disbelief, and circled around Zhou Wenqing twice: "Will you pay it back for him?"


    Tian Yu didn't speak, but just stared at Zhou Wenqing intently. It's not impossible, but he never dreamed that Zhou Wenqing would make such a decision. Zhou Wenqing really likes Tong Huanhuan

    This epiphany made him very uncomfortable, and he took a deep breath: "I can borrow the money. I don't have so much 20 million now, but 10 million is no problem. You don't have to pay it back. I just want you to divorce Huanhuan, how about it?"

    "Tian Yu!" Zhou Wenqing was angry, "You are taking advantage of the fire, you think I will sell Huanhuan for 10 million.??  "

    "I didn't let you sell her, and I didn't give you the money! If you divorce, I can give her 10 million, but Huanhuan must not let Huanhuan know about it, otherwise, there will be no money!"

    Zhou Wenqing snorted coldly, and didn't want to talk to Tian Yu anymore. There is nothing to talk about under such conditions!

    After thinking about it, he called Rui Yilong's boss, and he will give you nine million first, and the rest will be paid back later!  You can't get money even if you beat someone disabled. We are all adults, so we can discuss things, how about it?

    What Zhou Wenqing said was not unreasonable, but the other party was a rude person, and he only said: "9 million, what about the remaining 11 million? When will you pay it back? Give me a deadline, if you don't pay it back within a month,  I will kill your whole family!"

    After bankruptcy and liquidation, there will be even less money to be made. Rui Yilong is not a fool!

    "Damn!" Zhou Wenqing angrily hung up the phone, enough is enough!

    Returning home distraught, Zhou Wenqing saw Tong Huanhuan who was shrunk down and nestled in the corner of the sofa at a glance. His heart sank and he hurried up: "Huanhuan, you didn't ask your mother to borrow money, did you?"

    "Mom won't lend it to me." Tong Huanhuan looked up, with dry tears on his face, "Wenqing, Mom wants me to divorce you"

    The corners of Zhou Wenqing's mouth twitched, and he hugged Tong Huanhuan forcefully into his arms: "I told you not to go, why are you disobedient! Don't worry about what mom says, I'll figure out a way about the money, do you hear me?"

    "No, I kept something from you." Tong Huanhuan's tears fell on the sofa, "Actually, the doctor said that I might not be able to have children, I I never told you, I just  A hen that doesn't lay eggs."

    Zhou Wenqing raised Tong Huanhuan's head, trying to kiss her trembling lips, but Tong Huanhuan turned his head away, Zhou Wenqing simply used his strength to throw her down, pressed his lips tightly against hers, and sucked vigorously.

    Tong Huanhuan burst into tears and hugged Zhou Wenqing tightly: "Brother Zhou, I'm sorry for you, I shouldn't have kept it from you, I didn't know it was so serious"

    "This matter is not serious at all!" Zhou Wenqing said word by word, "Mom liking children doesn't mean I like children. I hate children the most. They are noisy and annoying. What's the point?" (Remember the website URL  :
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