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Chapter 47 Failed to usurp the throne of the fish

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    The Grand Prince's army attacked the palace unstoppably.

    Many people along the way joined their ranks.

    Because for a long time, Shan Ying has given the impression to the people that he loves the people very much and is very frugal, while Yu Fu gives everyone the feeling that he is a little greedy for pleasure and disregarding the suffering of the people. Therefore, the people are worried that if Yu Fu becomes the king, everyone will suffer, so  , all support Shan Ying to regain the throne.

    The fourth prince was finally defeated. When the eldest prince and his soldiers invaded the palace area, the fourth prince thought that he would not lose.  They were all held, but when he came to the place where the shouts of killing were the loudest, his men were no longer able to resist the eldest prince's men.

    In the end, he could only run away, and finally disappeared.  Some people say that he died among the rebellious soldiers, and some people say that he fled to the distant tribal neighboring country of Ba.

    That day, the day Yu ascended the throne, was the day Shanying's troops stormed the palace.

    That morning, when the sky showed a hint of fish white, the fish had finished bathing and changing clothes early. He wore the king's clothes of incensed silk and the tall king's crown, which was made of gold. He also tried  He took off the king's golden mask, and he thought it fit his face very well. He remembered that this set of crown and mask was left by his father. He said that he and his father looked very similar, but why did his father not  Pass the throne directly to yourself. If that is the case, there will be no such trouble now, and you have to mobilize the army to deal with your brother's army.

    However, according to the generals under their command, they are capable enough to wipe out their brother's troops, and they hope that after destroying his brother's troops, they can confer higher titles on them.

    I agreed on the spot.  Because, if you can successfully defeat your elder brother and ascend to the throne, then you don't have what you want, the title, whoever can keep his country, he will give it to him, there is no need to be stingy.

    This morning, when the sky just dawned, the fish was ready. He walked through the long corridor of the palace, took his wife, guards, and his men, and then came to the shrine.

    There will be a sacrificial ceremony before I ascend the throne, and then I can successfully ascend the throne on the palace throne.

    When he came to the shrine, he saw that the high priest was already preparing there.  He said to Priest Hao, High Priest, if you preside over the priest and make great achievements this time, the king will definitely use you more in the future.

    The high priest smiled wryly. He had no choice. Some ministers who sympathized with the mountain eagle were thrown into the big pit of the sacrifice by the fish, as if their wailing could still be heard now.  Their families, too, were enslaved by fish.

    When the gong sounded in front of the shrine, the surrounding people and officials were all rushed to attend the enthronement ceremony of King Yufu.

    Everyone saw that in front of the tall shrine, King Yufu, civil and military officials, were all standing there!

    It's just that because of such a change, people are a little uneven, and many upright ministers were either killed or fled.  Many people hid if they could.

    The common people also have grievances in their hearts.  It's just that no one dared to speak, just watched the beginning of this ceremony.

    The ceremony began, the majestic horn sounded, and the high priest announced that the enthronement ceremony had officially begun.

    First of all, offering sacrifices to heaven, I saw a large pile of sacrificial offerings piled up on the altar, including whole cows and pigs, placed in a large plate, covered with red silk, and many plates of ivory.  Gold, jade and other precious devices.

    ?After the sacrificial ceremony was announced, the high priest began to mutter a lot of words, to the effect that he was born in Shu, got this virtuous king, admired by all people, and everyone is safe and so on.

    After the recitation, several shrine staff came over and threw the tribute into the sacrificial pit.

    Then, the high priest put a golden crown and a golden mask symbolizing royal power on the head and face of the fish respectively.

    Then Yu got up and spoke to the people.

    He said: "I, Yufu, was enshrined here today because of the blessings of my ancestors. My ancestor was wise, and he climbed over the mountains and came here from the Central Plains. After going through hardships, he established this country. My tribe is already a member of the Central Plains and this place."  People become one, regardless of each other, we have experienced a glorious history, a prosperous culture, a kingly way and love for the people, and our future will definitely be more prosperous and stronger!"

    Under the stage, the former subordinates of those fish were shouting vigorously, "I am Wang Yingming, I am Wang Qiangqiang! Shout out, shout out!"

    It's just that before Yu Fu's words fell, a long arrow shot over, Yu Fu hid, and then, he saw not far away, the sound of killing was getting closer and closer.

    He turned pale with fright, and hurriedly led his men towards the palace.  Because there is strong? The palace wall can withstand a burst of attack.

    The coerced officials and common people looked at them coldly.  They walked in the direction of the Mountain Eagle Troop.

    Then, they all joined that force.

    When Shan Ying's troops and people surrounded the palace, Yu Fu knew that the situation was over.

    Many of his soldiers quietly put down their weapons and fled the team.

    The sound of killing was getting closer and closer to the core area of ??the palace.

    When Prince Shanying led the warriors into the main hall, Yufu's people had no resistance, and they searched for Yufu and core members everywhere.

    However, they searched all over the palace but could not find Yufu.

    Until later, I saw the clothes Yu Fu left behind, including crowns and other things.

    They knew Yufu escaped.

    After Shanying just came to the throne, he sent people everywhere to find the whereabouts of the fourth prince, because it was a hidden danger after all, and there were so many vengeances to avenge!

    It's just slowly, and many years have passed, but they can't be found. Everyone really thinks that the fourth prince died in the chaos.

    He didn't appear until many years later, when the ancient Shu Kingdom was destroyed.  However, he could no longer become the king of Shu.

    Then, King Shanying ascended the throne again. He found all the scattered ministers, pardoned the soldiers who followed Yufu, and also forgave the ministers and people who were coerced.

    ? On the day when King Shanying ascended the throne, the scene was lively, and crowds of people surrounded the shrine, which was completely different from the desolate scene on the day when Yufu ascended the throne.

    Everyone looked at the demeanor of King Sand Eagle.  Watching him put on the golden crown and mask, the people cheered together:

    "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, shout, shout!"

    That day, Lianggong's father also laughed and cried. He was happy that the people had such a good king.  He believes that under his leadership, the country will move towards stability and prosperity, just like the country has gone through for two thousand years.

    It's just that I didn't expect that in the end, the country was not brought to ruin by brutality, but was brought to ruin by wealth and comfort, which no one thought of.

    The reason is also because King Shanying is not good at martial arts.  (Remember the site URL:
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