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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Prose -> Half a spoonful of time  half a spoonful of injury

Chapter 24: Mr. Liang is a nice person

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    Yanzi still left, but she passed her bad habits to Caixia.

    Caixia also drank alcohol these days, and was very drunk.  No matter how I ask her, she just won't listen

    The first time I bought wine, I got drunk in the dormitory. I snatched her mobile phone and wanted to call Zhang Xiaoyang, but I couldn't find his phone number.  Drunk Caixia smiled and said, "I have deleted his number. We broke up. I hate him to death. I hate him to death." Then Caixia yelled and vomited all over the floor and fell asleep.

    Caixia's leave of absence has expired, but it seems that her status has not been adjusted at all.  As far as I want to say, Caixia is now a typical "walking dead" after a broken relationship.

    I asked what happened between Caixia and Yanzi?  I asked her why she broke up with Zhang Xiaoyang?  But she ignored me and said nothing.  They always perfuse me with some drunken lunatics.

    I also approached Zhang Xiaoyang, but that person was even more silent.  That is, on the day when I went to see Zhang Xiaoyang, I went back to the dormitory and found that Caixia was still there, thinking that Caixia wanted to go out by herself.  I'm also glad that Caixia should want to open up, but I was wrong, Caixia didn't come back very late that day, and when I went downstairs to find her, I saw Caixia had already appeared outside the door.  As soon as Caixia entered the door, she still smelled of alcohol, and rushed to the bathroom to vomit violently.  That day Caixia stayed for a long time in the sound of water in the bathroom.

    In the past few days, I have been very busy at work, and my spirits are extremely poor, and I am depressed.  I was actually given the problem of having a headache whenever I move.  I extended Caixia's vacation, so naturally I have to continue to take more responsibility for her.  Sitting on the table at the end of the line, he yawned several times unconsciously.

    Section Chief Liang came over and knocked on my desktop, and I suddenly came back to my senses.  He couldn't help me to say anything, so he took my elbow and walked towards the conference room.

    Entering the public discussion room, Section Chief Liang motioned for me to sit on a chair.

    "Didn't sleep well for the past few days? Does your complexion look bad?"

    I couldn't help but reached out and pressed my face: "I didn't sleep well."

    Section Manager Liang took the order and the report from me, and flipped through them: "You are just being lazy for a while, take a break. It is easy to make mistakes when you are poor at work."

    "Here, how can this work?"

    Mr. Liang looked at the air-conditioning hole in the meeting room, then took off his coat and put it on my shoulders: "Okay, no one will know about the meeting now. You just listen to my arrangement. Take a break first, and I will meet you online."  Patrol."

    I was stunned, and Section Chief Liang was almost out of the meeting room.

    "The ``` class leader, thank you."

    Section Chief Liang walked out of the conference room with a smile.

    I'm really sleepy. I really don't have enough sleep these days because of Caixia's mood and work.

    When I woke up, it was 3:30 in the afternoon. Unbelievably, I had slept for three hours.  He folded the section chief's clothes and left the conference room.

    I saw Section Chief Liang in the cargo area, and he was holding a form to count the quantity by himself.

    "I'm sorry, why didn't you call me after sleeping for so long?" I embarrassedly returned the clothes to him.

    "Your work and schedule are quite busy, so busy that I don't even have time to call you. Are you feeling better now?"

    I took the order and report from him: "It's much better, thank you for your compassion. Leave the rest to me, and you can go about your business."

    "En." Mr. Liang put on his coat with a smile and walked to the office.

    ?The day's work was very easy and ended, because when I picked up my work, the section manager had already done all my work, and even arranged the number of overtime workers.  Suddenly very happy.  It's great to have such a good boss.

    Going back to the downstairs of the dormitory, I heard noises upstairs from a distance, and the girl's voice sounded like Caixia, so I hurried upstairs.

    Caixia, reeking of alcohol, quarreled with the security guards: "Toad Lai wants to eat swan meat, do you deserve it? You want to sleep with me! Go to hell. Get out! Stay away from your death."

    "Drinking wine is amazing! A crazy woman that no one wants."

    "What did you say! What did you say!" Caixia wanted to make a big move.

    Fortunately, I made it in time and rushed to block her: "I'm sorry. She drank in a bad mood, so don't be serious."

    "Crazy woman!" The security guard turned and went downstairs without saying a word.

    "Say it again. Come back if you have the guts! It's a stinking toad." Caixia jumped three feet and wanted to chase after her.  I firmly held her hand and dragged her back to the dormitory.

    Close the door.  He kept pulling her to the bathroom and turned on the shower.  Pour cold water over her head.

    "Ah! Ah! What are you doing? You're so good." Caixia kicked me, but I didn'tJust let her kick you.

    "Are you crazy enough for me? Are you awake?"

    Caixia stopped kicking me and let the cold water flow from her body.

    Seeing her calm down, I turned off the shower and threw it aside.

    "Look at your current appearance! Do you still look like a human being? Are you unhappy? You can't talk about it. You have to be so self-deprecating." I almost yelled at the top of my voice.

    Caixia gasped for a moment, and suddenly smiled wryly: "Being mean? That's right, I'm just being mean to myself. Otherwise, how could I have slept with someone I don't even know?" Caixia lowered her head, her face  Can't tell if it's cold water or tears.

    I was shocked and squatted down slowly.

    "Haoying, let me tell you. When the man took off my clothes, I was drunk but still sober. I was a little scared at first, but the picture of Zhang Xiaoyang and Yanzi lying on the bed suddenly came to my mind. Why? Why?  Zhang Xiaoyang can betray me and sleep with Yanzi, but I can't sleep with others."

    Caixia grabbed her hair tightly with her hands, as if she wanted to tear them off.

    I reached out and hugged her head in my arms: "Why are you so stupid."

    "What am I in Zhang Xiaoyang's heart? And Yanzi, she is our good friend. Why did this happen to me. Haoying ```I regret it, I really regret it, a lot of regrets  ```"

    I didn't speak, and Caixia, who was crying bitterly in her arms, also cried.

    That night, Caixia said to go dancing, and I went with her.  Then I wanted to sing again, so I went with her too.  Then I bought wine and went back to the dormitory, and I got drunk with her too.

    Last night, I was crazy, played and drunk. After dawn, Caixia told me that she wanted to go back to her hometown to see her grandma, and I didn't object.

    Caixia went through emergency resignation procedures on her first day of work after her vacation.

    When I sent Caixia to the station, it was not yet fully dawn, which was the same as Yanzi's jet lag.

    ? Seeing Caixia getting into the car from a distance, I felt desolate. Now I was the only one left among the four former sisters.

    Occasionally, after get off work, I received a strange call from Zhang Xiaoyang.

    He told me that Yanzi seemed to be doing some improper work in a star club in Humen. He accidentally saw it on the way to the branch office with his colleagues.

    On the weekend, after thinking about it for a long time, I still went to the star club Zhang Xiaoyang mentioned. I understand that Zhang Xiaoyang told me that he wanted me to know about Yanzi.  If it's that kind of work, I will definitely try to dissuade her.  Although I don't understand the entanglement between Zhang Xiaoyang and Yanzi, it can be seen that Zhang Xiaoyang still cares about Yanzi.  (Remember the site URL:
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