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270 Repairing the New Tomb

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    Of course, before the wooden coffin was lowered, the live fish that might have lived in the father's soul had already been put into the deep pit together with the crock.  Therefore, after pulling out the binding rope, the coffin bearers began to fill the deep pit with soil.  After it was filled to a certain extent, the coffin bearer placed the custom-made marble tombstone that had been transported a long time ago in front of the wooden coffin.  Then, they continued to fill with soil.

    My father's tombstone was also custom-made by my cousin's contact person. I didn't know until I saw the erected tombstone.  At that moment, I couldn't help but feel my nose sore.  Of course, not because of sadness, but because of emotion.  On the way here, it suddenly occurred to me that the matter of my father's tombstone hadn't been done yet.  At that time, my heart was full of remorse.  Unexpectedly, on the last major event of my father, I would make such a big omission.  It's just that I just remembered it at this time, it was already too late.  I knew that no matter what, I would not have time to put the tombstone on my father when he was buried.  In addition to deep remorse, I am still counting when I will make up the tombstone for my father in the future.  Who ever thought that when I came to the field, I knew that my cousin had already taken care of all the things that I couldn't think of.  My cousin's wholehearted help saved me from one of the great regrets in my life.  You said, how could I not be very moved?

    The deep pit that was originally empty has now been filled with a giant wooden coffin.  Therefore, after backfilling all the excavated soil, the originally flat place has been raised high.  However, this situation is what people like to see.  If, after the burial, this place was as flat as the surrounding farmland, wouldn't it be difficult to find a place to pay homage to the ancestors in the future?  Therefore, anyone who is buried in the ground must have a grave head.  As for the tombstone, it depends on the situation.  In the past, only those with good family conditions could afford tombstones, and most people could leave only a single grave.  However, even if there is no tombstone, according to the surrounding environment, later generations will be able to find the tombs of their ancestors.  In the cemetery where my father was buried, there were only a few tombstones.  However, I have never heard of any family who mistaken the tomb during festivals and worship.

    It is precisely because the tomb head will become the most important symbol for people to recognize in the future, so when building a new tomb, there is still some emphasis.  After the group of coffin bearers had piled up all the soil accumulated during the digging of the grave, they began to carefully trim the somewhat irregular grave mound.  The new tomb pays attention to the tallness.  Therefore, during the trimming, the people who carried the coffin kept shoveling out one after another clods from around the grave.  Although these people were born as peasants, they also know the theory of paradoxical relativity.  Shovel out the surrounding soil, on the one hand, it can be added to the mound to make the mound taller; on the other hand, it will also make the fields around the mound much lower.  Between the tall and the short, it is showing the relativity between the tall and the short.  Against the backdrop of the surrounding low fields, the abruptly protruding mound looks even taller.

    In addition to being tall, you also need to pay attention to beauty.  Therefore, every time a piece of soil is filled, the coffin bearer will use a flat spade to trim this piece neatly.  Soon, the originally uneven surface became smoother.  The beautiful mound, seen from a distance, is a regular conical shape.  Therefore, in addition to leveling the surface of the tomb, the coffin bearers also need to constantly adjust the shape of the new tomb, which looks somewhat irregular.  Close to the grave mound, it is impossible to see the degree of regularity of the shape.  Therefore, one of the eight people had to be selected to stand far away, and then keep visually observing around the grave and remind everyone on the grave to adjust.  It took a lot of effort to finally adjust the new tomb to the level that everyone is satisfied with.

    Immediately afterwards, two of the eight people will go to the river to fetch soil.  You may be wondering, there are open spaces all around, why not use local materials?  Why do you have to run to the river?  This is because the soil by the river is a purely natural place where weeds regenerate.  It is precisely because of the intricate connection between the grass roots and the soil that the soil by the river can freely dig out the shape you want.  Our place is a plain formed by the silt of the Yangtze River, so it is dominated by sandy soil.  As for the sand in the farmland, once the mud blocks of the desired shape are dug out, the fixed-shaped mud blocks will soon be broken due to lack of viscosity.

    Not long after, the two came back.  I saw that they were holding a square-shaped mud block in their hands.  From their cautious appearance, it is not difficult for me to judge that this mud must be of great use.  However, their caution was a bit unnecessary, because under the protection of many grass roots, even if the mud clod wanted to disperse, it would not be an easy task.

    Seeing them coming, the coffin bearer took out the colored paper that had been cut earlier.  In my impression, the colored paper seems to have three colors of "red, yellow and green".  The so-called "cutting" is to fold these colored papers, and then use scissors to cut them into strips with almost the same length and width.??But the top section cannot be cut.  Thus, such strips were connected to the same piece of colored paper.  Then align and overlap the colored papers of these three colors in one place, and then fold them in half horizontally.  In this way, a colorful strip of colored paper is ready.

    When digging out a square-shaped platform-shaped mud block, when you get close, put the small side of the mud block on the grave mound facing downward.  Then, take the colorful strips of colored paper, and press the uncut end of the colored paper under the mud.  So far, the work of repairing the new tomb has been truly completed.  And the four-sided platform-shaped mud blocks and strips of colored paper that have just been added are collectively called grave caps by us.  The strips of colored paper fluttering in the wind seem to have become the brim of a hat.

    From the bright colors of "red, yellow and green", it is not difficult to see that the people here have a mass mentality of celebrating funerals.  Since then, during festivals, when worshiping ancestors, the main thing that descendants have to do is to "replace old graves with new hats".  The so-called "replacing old graves with new caps" is to put new grave caps on old graves that already look very dilapidated.  Under normal circumstances, under the wind, sun, and rain, the grave cap will disappear in a short time.  Therefore, the graves we usually see are bald and dilapidated overgrown with weeds.  But when it comes to the solar terms, especially those dedicated to worshiping ancestors, such as Qingming Festival, dilapidated bald graves will give people a new look after being put on colorful grave caps.  However, what I am a little confused about is whether this feigned celebration is for the deceased ancestors, or for the living descendants?  (Remember the site URL:
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