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258 Father's Good Wine

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    In the quarrel of envy, the father was gradually placed in the correct position bit by bit.  This also indicates that the most important part of putting in the coffin has been completed.  Next, all you have to do is some scattered and trivial things.  Since the coffin is equivalent to the residence of the ancestors after death, the necessary daily necessities must be available.  Therefore, the next affairs are mainly handled by the second uncle and the elders in their octogenarians.

    Put pillows, quilts, clothes and the like in first.  The pillow is naturally placed under the skull, and the quilt is covered on top of the body bones arranged in order.  Of course, it is impossible to bring all the clothes, because the coffin is so big, so it must be screened.  Among my father's previous clothes, I picked out some relatively new ones.  Of course, these clothes must also be representative, that is to say, there must be spring, summer, autumn and winter.  As for where to put these clothes, it is naturally up to the second uncle and the old man in his eighties to judge.  In fact, although the second uncle is not as old as the old man in his eighties, he knows a lot.  Because the second uncle is a helpful character, so he usually does this kind of thing for others when he is at home.  The second uncle knows quite a lot about rules and tricks.

    After placing it, the next thing to consider is some special hobbies of the father during his lifetime.  Such a hobby, my mother still remembers it fresh, so when placing clothes and the like, my mother is already preparing for it.  My father hardly drank plain water during his lifetime.  Without tea, my father's life would lose its color.  Therefore, my mother had already prepared an exquisite tea pot, filled it with tea, and handed it to my second uncle.  Of course, only tea leaves are not enough, so my mother brought over the stainless steel thermos cup that my father usually used, which was covered with tea stains.  At the moment when I replaced the teacup, I saw quite complicated emotions in my mother's eyes.  In the mother's eyes, after death, people will inevitably go to another world.  Prepared tea and teacups for my father, which are indispensable in daily life, which made my mother feel somewhat relieved; but, after all, my father had already gone to another world, and since then he has been separated from his father by yin and yang, and will never see him again, so at that time  Inevitably, deep sadness appeared in the eyes of the mother; the teacup was a common thing of the father, which could have been used to express his deep grief, so at the moment when the teacup was replaced, the mother was full of deep sorrow  The reluctance to give up the mixed emotions of relief, sadness, reluctance, etc. made the mother's expression at that time look a little weird.  Maybe others don't understand why, but as a son, I can understand the complicated mood of my mother at that time.

    Before the mother could recover from the complicated mood, the uncle's loud voice rang out: "Don't forget the wine! The only good thing my brother was alive was wine!"

    Uncle said it right, "wine" was indeed a great hobby of my father during his lifetime.  It is no exaggeration to say that my father cannot do without alcohol every day.  In addition to breakfast, as long as he eats, his father must drink two glasses first.  Therefore, since the day I can remember, I have closely linked my father with alcohol.  The role of the so-called parents is infinite.  Whenever I saw my father¡¯s expression of enjoyment when he was drinking, when I was still young, I subconsciously thought that wine was an extremely delicious thing.  So, when I was very young, I started drinking secretly.  The most impressive thing is that once, my mother asked me to go to the small shop to buy wine for my father.  On the way, I secretly drank a little upside down with the bottle cap.  When I got home, as soon as my mother saw me, she knew what I had done on the road.  However, at that time, I blushed (not because of shame, but because of the effect of alcohol) and desperately denied it.  However, since I was sensible, I have almost never drank alcohol.  China's wine culture has a long history, and until now, the wine table is also an excellent place to win over and dredge relationships.  Therefore, I have lost many, many opportunities in my career as a teetotaler.  It is also true that the father sighed in puzzlement more than once: "Why doesn't my son stop drinking?" When the father sighed, he was still very proud of his drinking capacity.

    Father was in pain at the last moment. Apart from physical manifestations, this pain may have something to do with alcohol.  Because, since the operation, my father can no longer drink alcohol.  In fact, when my father was young, he was not only good at drinking, but also smoking.  When my father was young, he was very addicted to cigarettes, and there was absolutely no day when he missed a pack.  In my father's own words, at that time, all the phlegm he spit at night was black.  My father also knew that smoking was bad for his health, so he made up his mind to quit several times, but all failed.  In the words of my father, it was too painful!  Tears flowed from the nose, and the spirit was low, just like a drug addict.  Every time he failed to quit smoking, his father's addiction to smoking would increase by a few points.  Later, my father even started smoking with a hookah.  In my father's opinion, after the water is filtered, the "smoke" should be less harmful to the body.

    However, the fatherFinally quit smoking.  The main reason for quitting is my sister.  At that time, my older sister was studying in the best high school in our city.  While the father was proud of it, he also placed infinite hopes on his sister.  In the third year of high school, my father wrote a letter to my sister, asking her to study hard so that she could be admitted to a prestigious university in the future.  In her reply letter to her father, her sister said that it is okay to let her study hard, but there is one condition, that is, her father must first quit smoking.  Perhaps, my sister was just a joke at the time, but I didn't want my father to believe it.  In order to stimulate my sister's desire to study, and to let my sister stop all thoughts of not being able to get into a prestigious university, my father resolutely quit smoking.  Before that, my father had quit at least three or four times.  But this time, my father really succeeded in quitting smoking.  Since then, my father has never touched a cigarette again.  I don't smoke, how difficult is it to quit smoking?  However, in my impression, almost none of the colleagues around me can quit smoking successfully.  Quitting smoking definitely requires perseverance!  Therefore, I have to feel the greatness of "fatherly love".  For the future happiness of his daughter, the father finally took out the incomparable courage and perseverance that he did not have before to overcome the addiction to smoking.  If there is no such great "fatherly love", then my father must have been accompanied by cigarettes all his life.

    It is precisely because of quitting cigarettes that my father will drink better.  Whenever my mother expressed a slight intention to ask my father to stop drinking, my father's reaction was very strong.  "The only thing I like in this life is smoking and alcohol. I have quit smoking, and now I am asked to quit drinking? This will make people live!" Therefore, since he quit smoking, his father's preference for alcohol has become more and more serious.  more and more.  (Remember the site URL:
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