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Chapter 17 Anxious Waiting

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    Gu Xuanyi walked out of the conference room relaxed.

    This time, he didn't go to the wrong set, nor did he answer irrelevant questions, and even though he saw the doubt in the eyes of Du Qin from the human resources department, he didn't think it was a big deal.

    He had tried his best, and he didn't think there was anything wrong with his answer, and this time he fully expressed what he thought in his heart, without the usual textbook response.

    It's quite easy to live according to one's own wishes, Gu Xuanyi walked out of the room, thinking to himself.

    Han Yuetong watched Gu Xuanyi leave the conference room, and looked at Du Qin beside him. The other party's face showed no attitude, which made Han Yuetong a little uncertain. Will Gu Xuanyi be admitted?

    And the one who really decides the power of life and death should actually be Sun Jiayu who is sitting on the sidelines.

    Han Yuetong looked in the direction of sales director Sun Jiayu again, and saw that the other party was writing something with a pen on the side of the notebook, and on the other side of Sun Jiayu, sat a handsome man.

    That is a kind of handsomeness that is different from Gu Xuanyi's. The man in front of him has a more refined feeling. There seems to be a kind of elegance that should not be possessed in his gestures, although An Shaoze is also one of the outstanding young people in the rd company today.  As a member, especially after he left for half a year, he has made great progress since he came back.  But Han Yuetong always felt that this man seemed to be different from Gu Xuanyi in one place, as for where, she couldn't say right now.

    I saw An Shaoze approaching Sun Jiayu, and pushed the resume on his hands towards him.

    Sun Jiayu turned his head slightly to look, nodded silently, and stopped talking.

    As the interview progressed, Han Yuetong felt a little sleepy, as if she had focused her attention on Gu Xuanyi just now, but now her eyelids were terribly heavy, as if she had forgotten to blink when she was staring at Gu Xuanyi just now.

    In the lazy afternoon, the mischievous sunshine jumped onto the window sill restlessly, squeezed lightly into the lush green leaves, and peeked at the sleeping cicadas.

    Gu Xuanyi walked out of the rd building. This time, he turned his head to look again. There was nothing wrong with it. It seemed that his standards had been lowered, and even finding the right studio could make him very happy.

    Gu Xuanyi smiled, this time he tried his best, he knew that those who can enter rd company are those who swim in the ocean of knowledge, and he does not have the slightest hardware advantage in front of them, but he  Without low self-esteem, if you lose your self-confidence, how can you have expectations for tomorrow when you are alive?

    The sun was no longer as hot as at noon, Gu Xuanyi took off his thin suit jacket, hung it on his forearm, and walked slowly under the shade of the trees.

    I don't know what happened to that guy Jiang Jingyu, but he was kicked, so he probably won't die. Thinking of this, Gu Xuanyi took out the mobile phone in his pocket and dialed Jiang Jingyu's number.

    "Alive?" Gu Xuanyi's first sentence was straight to the point. He wanted to make sure that his good buddy was still alive.

    "Thanks to you, I'm not dead yet!" Jiang Jingyu responded to Gu Xuanyi on the other end of the phone, his body has been much better, and now he rests his elbows on the table, looking at a pile of documents on the screen, feeling weak  Said.

    "Ask for leave? Didn't go?" Gu Xuanyi asked listening to the lazy voice on the other end of the phone, could it be Jiang Jingyu who just woke up from alcohol.

    "Brother! I've been here all day, and you think I'm like you, so you can wake up whenever you want!" Jiang Jingyu raised his decibels a little bit dissatisfied.

    "By the way, why is it so noisy over there, have you gone out?" The voice on the other end of the phone was a little noisy.

    "Let me tell you, you can't believe it, rd company called me at noon and asked me to go for an interview!" Gu Xuanyi said with some excitement, chatting with his good buddies seemed much more casual.

    "RD Company? Good thing? Have you gone yet?" Jiang Jingyu put down his hands and asked happily into the phone. He was a little surprised that the well-known RD Company would call his buddy who would even go wrong on the set.  .

    "I've gone, I've already come out." Gu Xuanyi sat in the gazebo by the side of the road, watching the traffic with great interest.

    "And then? Can you continue? Do you have to wait for me to ask you sentence by sentence?" Jiang Jingyu said in a bad voice, grabbed a pack of cigarettes from the table, got up and walked to the corridor.

    "Then we just wait for the news, can we still make a decision on the spot?" Gu Xuanyi put the key in his hand on the stone table of the pavilion and stroked carelessly.

    "Hey, let me say, do you have any relatives in your rd company? Otherwise, how can you get into the interview round? I can listen to my friendIt is said that those who can enter rd, at least go to famous universities, this is a threshold!  "Jiang Jingyu was in the corridor, opened the window, and let the outside air rush in all at once.

    "What do you mean, who do you look down on? Besides, where do I come from?" Gu Xuanyi felt dissatisfied when he heard Jiang Jingyu say this, and knocked on the stone table in front of him with the key holder.

    What about prestigious universities?  What's the big deal, I, Gu Xuanyi, just refuse to accept it!

    "Look at you, is that what I said, what's the rush, go drink tonight? Celebrate?" Jiang Jingyu noticed Gu Xuanyi's temper and smiled and said.

    "No, go home, I haven't done a lot of things. Besides, a new life is about to start. I can't accompany you to fall every day. I won't talk nonsense with you. I just call you and ask you. I'm going back."  Gu Xuanyi rejected Jiang Jingyu's drinking session, he wanted to quickly adjust his state, and he didn't want to live in unconsciousness every day.

    "Okay, okay, please let me know if you have any good news!" Jiang Jingyu said on the other end of the phone.

    After hanging up the phone, Gu Xuanyi stood up, patted his pants, and walked towards the subway entrance.

    rd within the company.

    Han Yuetong was cleaning up the water glasses on the conference room table.

    She put all the chairs in the right position, recalling the interview scene just now, among these people, the fact that cannot be escaped is Gu Xuanyi's starting point.

    But she could clearly see just now that the high-level people present were satisfied with Gu Xuanyi's fluent answers and extraordinary manners, and Gu Xuanyi's honest and not exaggerated personal attitude also formed a sharp contrast with the other seven people.

    In Han Yuetong's feelings, she always felt that the other seven young interviewees gave her a different feeling from Gu Xuanyi, how should I say it?  She tapped her fingers lightly on the table.

    Yes, the difference is that those people seem to do everything possible to show themselves in order to seek this job, and Gu Xuanyi seems to want to let everyone know a completely real self, and in the relationship between him and these high-level  During the communication, Gu Xuanyi did not frequently add luster to himself like the others, deliberately looking for opportunities for himself to express himself, on the contrary, Gu Xuanyi had a face-to-face exchange of experience, allowing everyone to speak freely at the same height  .

    She didn't know how the high-level people felt about this feeling, but in her opinion, it was very comfortable and natural, and it was the expression of the true inner feelings.

    Thinking of this, Han Yuetong smiled. She still remembers Gu Xuanyi's confident appearance. She really hopes to know the high-level scores soon. She waited anxiously. Will that man with a good smile show up in rd company tomorrow?  ?  (Remember the site URL:
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